Raider Update
February 18, 2024

Message from the Superintendent
Greetings Raider Families and Staff,
Finally, a little Minnesota weather, but the outlook this week looks like it will be short-lived. All of the students and parents who took advantage of the opportunity for sledding at the middle school reminded me of how much we’re missing our typical Minnesota winter activities.
As time continues to march on, please take a minute to review the 23-24 district calendar and the district events calendar. Also included in today’s update is an overview of the READ Act, including a parent opportunity to review materials, a review of guest speakers within our schools, and an upcoming opportunity for conversation with school board members.
READ ACT - The MN READ ACT was passed and signed into law on May 24, 2023. Since then, all Minnesota Schools have been working to ensure there is a plan to ensure professional development is in place for all teachers and support staff responsible for teaching and or supporting literacy. In addition, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) in collaboration with the University of Minnesota, Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) approved five curricular options as noted below:
Curriculum Approved for Reimbursement
*Comprehensive Curricula
EL Education, Open Up Resources, 2017
*Foundational Curricula
Magnetic Reading K-2, Curriculum Associates, copyright 2023
UFLI Foundations- K-2, copyright 2022
University of MN Functional Phonics+Morphology K-5, copyright August 2023
*Knowledge Building Curricula
Wit & Wisdom-Great Minds, copyright 2023
In Hastings, our teaching staff have participated in presentations from the two options, EL Open Up, and Wit and Wisdom, which would be paired with UFLI Foundations. As the options continue to be reviewed, the materials will also be available for parent review. Materials will be available for review during conferences at each of our elementary schools and the middle school: February 28, 29, and March 1, 2024. If you would like additional information on the READ ACT, the full legislation is included for your review, Minnesota Session Law, Chapter 55, Article 3, READ Act.
Guest Speakers within our Schools:
Throughout the school year, the district is presented with opportunities to enrich the educational experience for our students. Typically the addition of guest speakers falls into three categories:
- 1. Required Observance: In Minnesota Schools, if a district chooses to have school in session, one hour of the day must be devoted to the observance of the day. While not required, these are days that may lead to guest speakers. Most recently we welcomed speakers to our Veterans Day program at the high school. Days that require a one-hour program include:
- Martin Luther King’s birthday
- Washington’s birthday
- Lincoln’s birthday
- Veterans' Day
- Indigenous Peoples Day
- 2. Curriculum Nexus: Guest speakers may be included to complement and enhance specific elements of our curriculum.
- 3. Climate and Culture: Buildings may determine that a guest speaker would be relevant due to addressing unique issues in the building and or to foster a positive and inclusive school environment.
Recently, guest author Adib Khorram presented at our high school. Unfortunately, during the author’s presentation, a student used a discriminatory word that was heard by most adults and students in attendance. On behalf of the district, we work to foster an environment that is safe and welcoming for all. Please be assured that this matter is being addressed.
Furthermore, concerns have been expressed regarding comments during the presentation and the inability for students to opt out of the experience.
Due to the recent experience and In alignment with the district’s commitment to continuous improvement, we are reviewing our protocols for all guest speakers throughout the district.
Coffee and Conversation - Wednesday, March 20th - HS Lecture Hall at 6PM
The Hastings School Board recently created a community collaboration committee. The goal of the committee is to engage with the community. This first event will kick off with an update of current events and initiatives followed by an opportunity to engage with the superintendent and school board members. Mark your calendars. The goal of the committee is to offer quarterly opportunities.
Dr. Tamara Champa
(651) 480-7001
ISD 200 Staff Spotlight
Kate Schumacher: Paraprofessional LEAP Program at Pinecrest
Hastings Public Schools' Special Education Services involve collaboration among students, families, and the community. A dedicated team of professionals supports students requiring these services by offering resources and guidance to equip them as lifelong learners and enable them to reach their full potential. The staff working with students in the district, spanning from infancy to 21 years old, are among the district's most caring, patient, and diligent employees.
Kate Schumacher became part of the paraprofessionals team at Pinecrest Elementary's LEAP program just two years ago. She specifically works with children requiring specialized services. Kate decided to work in Hastings as her three children are enrolled in Hastings Public Schools. Despite the challenges, she finds the work incredibly fulfilling. Ms. Schumacher expresses, "Assisting children with special needs is truly rewarding; although demanding, contributing to their progress is an honor."
Our educators do incredible work inspiring our students. When asked about who inspires her, her answer was an easy one. “My students, 100%. They continue to amaze me every single day,” she says.
Although our schools do an amazing job, if Kate could change one thing, she wishes there was a bigger purchasing budget! I’m sure, like anything else in life, additional funds would create more opportunities for these classrooms.
When Ms. Schumacher isn’t helping our kids be their best, she enjoys watching theater productions, singing, and being creative in the kitchen.
Thank you, Ms. Schumacher, and all the incredible para-professionals of ISD200. Your work supporting our teachers and students is valued and greatly impacts our kids' success.
Reminder - No School February 19 & March 1
- Tilden Community Center 651-480-7670
- Kennedy Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7221
- McAuliffe Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7390
- Pinecrest Elementary (K-4) 651-480-7280
- Hastings Middle School (5-8) 651-480-7060
- Hastings High School (9-12) 651-480-7470
- Hastings Alternative Learning Center 651-480-7690
*If you need any assistance in translating the Raider Update, contact us at kgorr@isd200.org.