Panther Press
September 2021
Upcoming Events
3 Professional Learning - No School
6 No School
10 Donuts with Dad 7:30 - 8:00 am
22 School Picture Day
24-28 PL Book Fair
24 PLCC K-6 Outdoor Movie Night 7:00 pm
28 Step It Up Fundraiser Kickoff
28 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
Calendar Change: The 5th & 6th Music Program will be held December 20, 2021 at the Westside Middle School at 6:00 pm.
You can link to the on-line calendar at:
Parent-Teacher Communication Meetings
Parent-Teacher Communication Meetings will be held October 13th & 14th. Teachers will communicate with parents via a Webex meeting or in-person. A sign up genius will be sent later this month.
GO Warriors!
While we welcome all students at our Westside High Football Games, we want to ensure families and students know the rules, to ensure the safety of all involved.
- All elementary students attending the game will need to attend the game with a parent and sit with a parent.
- No footballs or other balls allowed in the stadium.
- Middle school students will sit in the bleachers in the SE corner of the end zone. Middle school students will buy a ticket at main gate and enter from the student game. We are asking middle school students to show ID at the game.
- Middle school students will use the upper concession stand and portable restrooms in the South east corner of the stadium.
Students who do not follow these rules will be asked to leave. Thank you for your help to make sure our game atmosphere is positive for all who attend!
EY News
Megan Thompson
Westside Community Schools
EY CoordinatorLoveland, Prairie Lane, Westbrook
Westside Community Schools continues the implementation of MTSS, which stands
for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. MTSS in Westside assures that we regularly
monitor student skills and follow-up with providing students what they need to be
successful in learning. Beginning in August and September this means that we first
screen all students to determine their current skill levels and plan our instruction to
meet their needs.
What is MTSS? MTSS is a framework for providing instruction and support to
promote the academic and behavioral success of all children. Individual children’s
progress and skills are measured, and these results are used to make decisions about
further instruction and intervention. The MTSS process is flexible and allows for a
continuum of supports designed to meet the needs of individual students. This
support may be provided in a large or small group by the classroom teacher or other
support staff, either within or outside the classroom.
What does this mean for my child? A key component of the MTSS process is that
all children receive high quality instruction in their classroom. Universal screenings
are brief tests used to measure the progress of all students and are given three times
per year. As a result of the screenings, students may be identified as needing some
degree of supplemental intervention in addition to the instruction they are receiving
in their classroom. If your child is identified as needing intervention you will be
notified. Please contact your child’s building principal with questions.
Nebraska Reading Improvement Act: The Nebraska Reading Improvement Act
went into effect at the start of the 2019-2020 school year. The goal is that all
Nebraska students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of third grade.
This is accomplished by ensuring all students have access to high-quality instruction
and for struggling readers to receive targeted support (intervention). Our current
MTSS framework in Westside Community Schools already allows for us to meet
these state requirements. Also, the more students continue to read, review math
facts, and write/journal each day at home, in addition to their instruction from
school, the more secure their skills may become.
Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible!