Wolverine Weekly
Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4
Principal's Email: urbanski@godwinschools.org
Phone: 616-252-2070 x3008
Principal's Corner
This past week has been a testament to the strength of our school community, with students showing a remarkable focus on integrity. It's been inspiring to see so many of our students making positive choices, even when no one is watching. Their commitment to doing the right thing speaks volumes about the character we are building together at Godwin Heights Middle School.
In addition, we’ve been rewarding students for being in class on time with random attendance rewards! It's wonderful to see so many taking advantage of opportunities like extra interventions during the school day and attending after-school tutoring. Their dedication to growth is truly paying off.
Lastly, I want to celebrate our success on the fields and courts. Our student-athletes are putting in the hard work and showing both resilience and teamwork. Congratulations to all involved!
Thank you for your continued support as we work together to anchor ourselves in achievement and success!
GHMS School Calendar
Monday, Sept 30: Picture Retakes
Monday, Sept 30 - Friday, October 4: Spirit Week
Wednesday, Oct 9: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal)
Thursday, Oct 10: Athletic Team Photos
Thursday, Oct 17: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal), Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, Oct 18: Half Day (11:15 AM Dismissal), Parent Teacher Conferences; End of 1st Marking Period
Wednesday, Oct 30: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal)
Wednesday, Nov 13: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal)
Wednesday, Nov 20: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal)
Wednesday, Nov 27 - Friday, Nov 29: No School
Wednesday, Dec 18: Early Release (1:10 PM Dismissal)
Friday, Dec 20: Half Day (11:15 AM Dismissal); End of 1st Semester
December 23 - January 3: No School
Upcoming Events
TOMORROW: Picture Retake Day 9/30
Don't miss Picture Retake Day on Monday, September 30th! Only students who did not have their picture taken during orientation will be photographed. If your child had their picture taken during orientation but would like retakes, they must bring their original photo booklet or proof of purchase. These photographs are for school records, yearbook, and student ID pictures.
Families can preorder photos online at geskusphoto.com/fallorders using code 273EXHHNVCXKX.
Count Day is on Wednesday, October 2!
This day is very important because our school needs students to be present to receive funding for our programs. The amount of money we get from the state is based on how many students attend on this day, so it’s essential for your scholar to be in school. If your child is sick or can’t come, please call the main office to let us know. Thank you for helping Godwin Heights Middle School succeed!
Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4: SPIRIT WEEK!
In celebration of homecoming at the high school on Friday, October 4, we're planning a fun spirit week with dress-up days Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4!
Here’s the lineup for Spirit Week:
- Monday, September 30: Better Than Jeans Day - dress up for pictures!
- Tuesday, October 1: PJ Day
- Wednesday, October 2: Wacky Wednesday
- Thursday, October 3: Sports/College Gear Day
- Friday, October 4: Godwin Gear Day
Please remember that no face paint is allowed, and all outfits must be school-appropriate and within dress code guidelines:
- Students must be properly groomed and neatly dressed.
- Sunglasses cannot be worn inside classrooms.
- Face coverings must be facemasks or religious garb; ski masks are not allowed.
- Footwear is required in the building.
- Blankets may not be brought or worn at school.
If a student’s appearance is deemed inappropriate or disruptive, corrective action may be taken.
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Coming Up!
Godwin Heights High School and Middle School will host Parent-Teacher Conferences on:
- Thursday, October 17: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- Friday, October 18: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This is a great chance to meet your child’s teachers, discuss their progress, and explore ways to support their success! Conferences are by appointment only and will be scheduled online.
The following letter is being sent home this week with your students' current progress reports:
School News
Marching Band Makes a Grand Entrance!
Last weekend, the Godwin Heights Marching Band debuted at their first competition of the season, earning 1st place with a score of 64.5! With many members new to marching band this year, it was an impressive first run. The students received valuable feedback from the judging panel, which will help them continue to grow and refine their performance.
The band is excited to add more to their show and improve as they prepare for their next competition at Rockford High School on October 12th. Congratulations to the band and their instructors for kicking off the season on such a high note!
STEM Night Recap
On Tuesday, September 24th, our High School Collaboration Center was buzzing with excitement during our 6-12 STEM Night! Students and families had the opportunity to dive into various hands-on STEM activities, including coding, robotics, the Mini Metric Olympics, and crafting creative Hexagon Kaleidocycles.
We are incredibly grateful to our dedicated Secondary Math and Science teachers and advisors who created engaging and educational experiences for all. Thank you for making this event a success and for bringing our Godwin Family together in the spirit of learning and exploration.
September Students of the Month: Honoring Perseverance!
September's Student of the Month theme is "Perseverance." Here are our nominees:
6th Grade
Eva T.
Nominated by Mrs. Hackley for her perseverance in the classroom. Eva actively participates, leads her group, stays on task, and consistently gives her best effort.
7th Grade
Itzel F.
Nominated by Mr. Vormittag for always working hard and coming to class prepared. Itzel is a true role model student!
8th Grade
Ahtsiry V.
Nominated by Mr. Saltzagaber for her strong commitment to her work and grit in overcoming challenges.
Congratulations to these outstanding students! 🎉
Student Council
Congratulations to the following students for applying, interviewing, and being accepted into Student Council:
For 6th grade:
Emily N., Milyn L., Josue B., Thara H., and Emma S.
For 7th grade:
Kamryn J., Ethan B., Dymein F., Scarlett H., and Kairon P.
For 8th grade:
Michael L., Julian P., Nevaeh B., Raylin M., and Israel T.
We look forward to seeing how they lead and represent the students at Godwin Heights Middle School!
September Highlights in Physical Education
September has been a busy month for students in Physical Education! They have been working hard to improve their five health-related fitness components. Students assessed their fitness data, set goals to achieve by the end of the semester, and created plans to reach their health-related fitness objectives.
Additionally, students have been learning the skills, knowledge, and personal social skills needed for football. Currently, they are engaged in flag football after practicing essential skills and understanding the sport. The focus has been on sportsmanship and being a good teammate, promoting positive interactions with both teammates and opponents.
If you would like to stay active on your own, please follow the October monthly fitness calendar!
October is College Awareness Month!
Did you know that college means any education you can get after high school that helps you earn a degree or certificate? There are so many choices out there! The skills you learn here at Godwin Heights Middle School will help you in the future. Keep making learning a priority—it’s the first step to reaching your dreams!
After School Tutoring Information
Tutoring is available right after school until 3:15 PM on regular school days. On Early Release Days, tutoring runs from dismissal until 2:00 PM.
How to Sign Up:
- Students can sign up for tutoring during their advisory period.
- You may call the office to request your student to stay after.
Please note, only students who are signed up will be able to attend tutoring, and if they sign up, they are expected to stay.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Durga at durga@godwinschools.org.
Weekend Food Assistance
At Godwin Heights Middle School, we partner with Hand2Hand to provide weekend food for our students in need. This food includes: granola bars, cereal, milk, yogurt, noodles, canned soup, etc. If you are interested in signing up for this program, please click here to fill out this link and we will add you to our list.
Once on this list, your student should expect to pick up food at the end of every week from Mr. Rodriguez, our KSSN Coordinator. It is imperative that your student pick up food every week of the program (unless absent). We have limited slots and want to ensure that we are utilizing this program to the best of its ability and serving as many families as possible. Thank you!
TRIO Accepting Applications
The TRIO Educational Talent Search program of Grand Valley State University is currently accepting new 6th-12th grade scholars at Godwin Middle School and Godwin High School.
This FREE program assists scholars by providing workshops and individual meetings at their school on college-going topics, career exploration, financial literacy, college visits, study skills, financial aid awareness, assistance with completing financial aid applications, field trips, summer programming and more! The program is grant funded through the United States Department of Education. First priority for admission goes to scholars who meet federal low-income eligibility guidelines and those who would be the first in their family to attend college. Our application form is available in both English and Spanish.
To see eligibility details and to apply, visit: https://www.gvsu.edu/ets/how-to-join-22.htm
How to Report an Absence
If your child will miss school for any reason, please either email our attendance administrative assistant Ms. Perez at dolores.perez@godwinschools.org or dial the school number (616) 252-2070 and press "2" to leave a message on our attendance line. In your message please include your relationship to the student, the student's name, the date(s) they will be absent, and the reason for their absence.
If your child attended an appointment, please have your child bring a note from the doctors office to the middle school office to excuse their absence.
Click here to learn more about our attendance policy. Thanks for helping us keep our awesome students safe & accounted for!
All Things Health & Medicine
Should My Child Stay Home?
As a general rule, your child should not go to school if they have:
- A fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit (F) or 38° Celsius (C) – Your child can return to school after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without antipyretics. Antipyretics are medicines that treat or prevent fever.
- Signs they are weak and tired. This is common with the flu.
- Diarrhea – Having loose poop (stool) more often that isn’t caused by a change in diet.
- Throwing up (vomiting) – More than 2 times in a 24-hour period.
- Coughing that disrupts normal activity.
- Wheezing or get short of breath.
- Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or recent injury.
- Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
- A new rash – Not all rashes mean your child must stay home from school. Check with their doctor or health care provider.
Learn More
Click here to meet our nurse and learn more about health and wellness at Godwin Heights Middle School.
Cherry Health Clinic at Godwin Schools
Godwin students may use this clinic free of cost. Please call 616-965-0435 to make an appointment.
The NEW picture day for athletic team pictures will be Thursday, October 10. It will start with volleyball in the MS Gym at 2:50 PM, followed by MS Soccer and MS Football pictures at the football field. If you have not received an order form, please contact the athletic office.
Athletic Director: Brandon Kimble (616) 252 -2054
Click the link for all athletic information: https://ghathletics.com/
Practice is held Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays from 3 PM - 4:30 PM. All home games will be played at the HS Gym.
Contact the coach if you have questions:
7th Grade - Mia Panella mia.panella@godwinschools.org
8th Grade - Airyanna Munguia airyannamunguia2@gmail.com
Cross Country
Practice is 3 PM -4:15 PM Monday through Friday.
Contact the coach if you have questions:
Coach: Nick Blaskowski
MS Boys Soccer
Practices are from 3:30 PM -5 PM Monday through Thursday, with exceptions for games & weather.
Contact the coach if you have questions:
Coach: Reese Stuart reese.stuart@godwinschools.org
MS Football
Practice started Wednesday, August 21 3-4:30
Contact the coach if you have questions:
Coach: David Drake drake@godwinschools.org
Community Resources
Kent District Library Writing Contest
There are three categories, Youth, Teen, and Adult and each category has three cash prizes of up to $500. You can find more info here.
Godwin Heights Public Schools proudly partners with Feeding America West Michigan which provide mobile food truck pantries to our school district once a month. These distributions are at 4:45 pm in front of the high school on these dates:
Wednesday, October 9
Wednesday, November 13
Tuesday, December 3
If you have your own bags, please bring them!
Shop for Godwin Heights Gear
Contact Us
Front Office Email: susie.yoder@godwinschools.org
Español: dolores.perez@godwinschools.org
Location: 100 Wexford St SE, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2070
Website: https://ms.godwinschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GodwinMiddle