D93 Family Update
August 24, 2023
Superintendent's Message
Our Commitment to Professional Learning
We believe that the best way to continue to improve student learning is by engaging in professional learning. We believe it is the responsibility of every adult in D93 to continue their professional growth and development so that we can achieve our promise of designing success for every student.
The week before school is always one of the most intense weeks of professional learning for our teachers. Thanks to state funding dedicated solely for professional learning and federal funding to address pandemic learning loss, we were able to host our second PLC at Work Institute in D93. It was an incredible experience for all 800 of our certified teachers, principals, counselors, school psychologists, social workers, and speech language therapists to learn how we can work together to ensure high levels of learning for every students. This is the work that we engage in during Monday collaboration time and the support we provide to students who need extra time and help.
I am so grateful for the foresight of our legislature to provide the funding to our District to make this possible. If you didn't catch the KIDK news coverage of this event, you can click the link below to see how our teachers spent this week.
Weekly Schedule
Important Dates
Health Services
In compliance with Idaho Code 33-, schools are required to notify families each year of the health services that are provided at the school. Here is a link to the notification for this school year: d93.org/healthservices. If there are additional services that will be provided this year, we will notify our families in our Weekly Family Update.
School Board News
Upcoming Meetings
Monday, August 28, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. - Town Hall Meeting / D93 Live
Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 11:30 a.m.- Special Meeting/Executive Session at the PLC Building located at 3442 E. Iona Rd.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 - 6:00 p.m. Executive Session, 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting - District Board Room - 3497 N Ammon Rd.
A reminder that on August 29th, D93 voters will have the opportunity to vote on a $34.5 million to build a new elementary school northwest of the city of Iona and to fund repairs for school roofs. This elementary school will be the largest elementary constructed in D93 to help address the growth that we continue to experience. The elementary school will also help to provide more dedicated learning space for our students with profound disabilities.
Due to newly passed laws, we will not be sending text reminders about the election on Tuesday, so please add a reminder to your phones when you read this update.
If approved, this bond will cost taxpayers $35 a year for every $100,000 of their property's taxable value. The bond will be repaid over the next 17 years.
Based on the passage of HB 292, we anticipate that D93 taxpayers will pay a total of $249 per $100,000 of taxable value each year to support schools. This includes these voter approved levies:
- $98 for supplemental levy
- $46 for facilities levy
- $108 for bond levies
If the levy is not approved, we anticipate that D93 taxpayers would pay a total of $213 per $100,000 of taxable value to support schools.
School Board Town Hall Meeting
D93 Board of Trustees will be hosting a Live Town Hall inside the Little Theater at Bonneville High School on Monday, August 28th at 7:00 pm to answer any questions our residents may have about the bond or our plans to address the growth in our community.
The community is encouraged to attend. We will also be streaming the event live on our Facebook page.
Disclosure Language:
- The interest rate anticipated on the proposed bond issue is 3.55% per annum
- The total amount estimated to be repaid over the life of the bonds, based on the anticipated interest rate is, $37,479,392, consisting of $34,500,000 in principal and $11,896,871 of interest, less $8,917,479 in estimated bond levy equalization payments.
- The term of the bonds will not exceed seventeen (17) years from the date of issuance.
- The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed bond levy is a tax of $35 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.
- As of August 29, 2023, the total existing bonded indebtedness of the District, including interest accrued is $100, 034,384.
Voting Information
Early Voting will be available 2 to 4 weeks prior to an election at the Bonneville County Elections Office and ends the Friday prior to the election date. The Bonneville County Elections Office is now located at 497 N. Capital Ave. (map)
Office hours are Monday through Friday 8AM - 5PM excluding holidays.
You can help students in D93 with Purposity
As we begin the new school year, we are working hard to ensure all of our students have the resources they need. And you can help! We have identified the most urgent student needs and uploaded them to Purposity - an app that allows our community to meet these needs with just a few clicks. Items include everything from new shoes to school supplies.
What do you need to do? Simply sign up at purposity.com/@bjsd93, follow our page, and meet a need with just a few clicks today. Thank you for your support!
EIRMC Employees Donate School Supplies to Hillview Elementary
Employees at EIRMC collected school supplies to distribute to Hillview. They delivered the supplies on Monday. Dr. Saffle and her staff helped unload two carloads of boxes that will help students and teachers in D93. Thank you, EIRMC!
D93 Get Help Line
Students, parents, and employees can reach out for help with bullying, harassment, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, threats, or to report weapons at school by going to d93.org/gethelp or sending the text @gethelp to 855-528-0074.
Thank you to our community partners at EIRMC for supporting our D93 Family Update.