Literacy Connections
Literacy Links & Resources
November 15, 2015
As I've fielded questions around unpacking and launching the new units, a common thread has emerged. To teach students how to read and write nonfiction at the level Common Core standards are demanding, we as teachers will need to deepen our own understanding of how the different structures work. I'm certainly learning right along side you.
This edition of Literacy Connections is loaded with resources for supporting the reading nonfiction units. I've scoured the internet for timely articles, titles, and videos that will hopefully build on our background knowledge of nonfiction text structures and reading strategies. Warning...there are a LOT of links included! While I always hope that these newsletters will be resources that you revisit often, that hope is especially true for this issue. Please star it...read it..return to it often as you're navigating the new nonfiction units.
Happy Reading!
The Kitchen Sink
Text Features vs. Text Structures
K-2 non-fiction units continue to focus on using text features (titles, captions, bolded words, etc) to read and understand texts. In 3rd grade this focus begins to shift to identifying/understanding text structures (problem/solution, compare/contrast, chronological, etc) as a way of understanding "how a text will go" to help a reader know how to organize note taking/thinking. A focus on text structures continues to be built upon in 4th and 5th grade.
Mary Lee Hahn, 5th grade teacher in Dublin, OH shared a very helpful blog post with mentor texts for the different structures. While her examples are for 5th grade, the examples are helpful for teachers at ALL grade levels looking to deepen their understanding of the differences between these structures. Click here to read her post.
Anchor Charts to Support NF Reading & Writing
Teaching NF with Passion
K-2 Connections
Infusing Informational Text Across the Day
Classroom Displays for Nonfiction Learning from Choice Literacy
3-5 Connections
A Non-Fiction Triumvirate
triumvirate (n.): an association or group of three
Author Melissa Stewart has provide a great overview (with mentor text suggestions) of non-fiction categories, writing styles, and text structures that are helpful not just for sharing with student but also for helping you build your own background knowledge around nonfiction text. Click here to read more.
Helpful Hints from Mike Ochs via Twitter Chats
Resources for Quality NF Articles for Middle Grade Classrooms
Newsela Elementary
The Book Buzz
All book summaries are from Goodreads.com
Grade 1
Celebrated author-illustrator Robin Page leads a step-by-step, question-and-answer-style journey through the world of chickens. Along the way you’ll explore different breeds, discover different types of coops, and learn everything there is to know about chicken reproduction and hatching.
Gorgeous, playful, and filled with facts, this engaging nonfiction picture book shines new light on a very familiar fowl!
Grade 2
Whirl. Swirl. Watch it curl by. Steam is steam unless...it cools high.
This spare, poetic picture book follows a group of kids as they move through all the different phases of the water cycle. From rain to fog to snow to mist, talented author Miranda Paul and the always remarkable Jason Chin (Redwoods, Coral Reefs, Island, Gravity) combine to create a beautiful and informative journey in this innovative nonfiction picture book that will leave you thirsty for more.
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
But most intriguing of all, octopuses—classed as mollusks, like clams—are remarkably intelligent with quirky personalities. This book, an inquiry into the mind of an intelligent invertebrate, is also a foray into our own unexplored planet. These thinking, feeling creatures can help readers experience and understand our world (and perhaps even life itself) in a new way.
Susan Dee K-5 Literacy Strategist
Email: dees@rsu5.org
Location: Freeport, ME, United States
Phone: 207-865-4561
Twitter: @literacydocent