Coyote Tales
November 14, 2024
Corron Mission Statement
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, November 20
Elementary Early Release at 2:35 pm
Report cards available on HAC
November 25-29 - NO SCHOOL (Non Attendance Days & Thanksgiving Break)
Wednesday, December 4
Picture Retake Day
Corron Bookfair Appreciation
Thank you to all the students and families who supported our bookfair in September! The orders and paperwork have been finalized, and the Corron LRC will receive over $3,000 in new books for the library!
We could not have done it without the support of our Corron community and our volunteers:
Aditi Barsode, Laura Beleski, Joe Beleski, Colleen Bird, Trina Biundo, Rosa Byrd, Molly Colsant, Erin DeLee, Inelia Girton, Amy Grzeskiewicz, Laura Hajik, Danelle Harpling, Sarah Kant, Rebecca Lentz, Tonia Panzarino, Christa Paynter, Michelle Petrone, Katie Raimondi, Samantha Siano, Megan Stewart, Jacie Tietz, Laura Weaver, and Weisong Zhao.
Thank you! We hope you and your families have been enjoying the books!
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Chris Skoglund
LRC Director/Media Specialist
Corron's STEM News
From the Health Office
Cold and flu season is upon us! Preventative measures remain the most effective
way to reduce the spread of influenza and other viral illnesses.
Students who present to the Health Office with a fever and/or feeling poorly are sent home. To prevent widespread illness in school, we recommend that your child stay
home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines:
CONSIDER KEEPING YOUR CHILD AT HOME for an extra day of rest and
observation if they have any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep or COVID)
Mild stomach ache
DEFINITELY KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME for treatment and observation if they
have any of these symptoms:
Fever (a temperature of 100 degrees F or greater)
Vomiting (even once)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue
Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
TO HELP PREVENT THE FLU AND OTHER COLDS, teach your children good
hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw
it away and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are ill
Colds and viruses are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has
a fever should remain at home until fever free and for a minimum of 24 hours without medication. A
child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for 24 hours before
returning to school. Keeping your ill child at home will minimize the spread of
infections and viruses in the classroom!
Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Whooping Cough Information
There has been an increase in whooping cough cases in the community. There are no cases at Corron Elementary at this time. Unvaccinated children are at higher risk for whooping cough. More information about whooping cough can be found at the link below.
Jim Wheeler's Toys for Kids campaign
November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, where we take this opportunity to raise awareness around students experiencing homelessness. Each year, hundreds of thousands of families face the challenges of homelessness, including families and students in D303. Students who experience homelessness are at a greater risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. Since its declaration in 2007, this month has highlighted the experiences of those affected and inspired action to combat this critical issue. By educating ourselves and our local community on ways to support these individuals, we can contribute to the effort to end homelessness. Thank you to our dedicated staff for the hard work you do every day to support D303 students and families experiencing homelessness; your compassion makes a significant difference in their lives.
Coyote Howl - PTO News
GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
View upcoming programs and access support resources.
D303 - Who to Contact
About us:
Website: http://corron.d303.org
Location: 455 Thornwood Way, South Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corron-Elementary-1421025901489291/
Twitter: @CorronD303