Happy New Year - Welcome to 2025!
Sawtooth Elementary
Noell Bautista, Principal
Shannon Youngman, Assistant Principal
1771 Stadium Blvd.Twin Falls, ID 83301
208-733-5729 (fax)
Email: bautistano@tfsd.org
Website: sa.tfsd.org
State of the School - Sawtooth
Mrs. Bautista, Sawtooth Principal
Attendance Goal: 95%
January attendance: 93.6%
December attendance: 94%
Parents/Guardians, if your student is absent for any reason, that absence needs to be verified. You can verify the absence by calling the office at 208-733-8454. You can email your student's teacher or send them a message on Class Dojo. In addition, you can send a written note with your student the next day.
Policy 3041 states, "Unexcused absences are those absences from school without the knowledge and approval of a student’s parent/guardian, and/or school approved activity absences. In order for an absence to be excused, oral or written communication from the student’s parent/guardian must be received within forty-eight (48) hours of the last day of the absence, except for school approved activity absences."
If your student is missing school for an appointment (doctor, therapy, dentist, etc), please be sure to turn a medical note into the office.
Funday Monday continues to be one of our attendance incentives. Students may attend if they have no unverified absences, and no more than 3 tardies in the previous month. Activities for Funday Monday vary but include art, dance parties, and BINGO. It is a great time for students and staff to celebrate our attendance efforts.
Funday Monday K-2 1/13/2025
Funday Monday 3-5 1/20/2025
We are coming to the end of our 100 day attendance challenge. All students who have attended school for the first 100 days and fill out a 100 days drawing ticket, will have their name put in for a prize drawing. We look forward to celebrating our student attendance efforts at the start of next month!
Breakfast & School Hours
BREAKFAST BEGINS AT 7:30 AM. - SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:00 AM. Students need to arrive no later than 7:45 for breakfast so they are not tardy to class.
Parent Pick-up & Drop-Off
- Before school, do not park in the red zone in both of the semi-circle drop off areas at the school. This red zone is only for quick pull up/drop off of students.
- Only use the right lane closest to the playground, leaving plenty of room to go around other cars.
- If you need to park, please do so outside the red zone or in the designated parking lot.
- After school when picking up students in the semi-circle, only park in the right lane closest to the playground, leaving plenty of room to go around other cars.
- If you need to park and leave your car, please do so in the designated parking lots.
- Students must be accompanied by an adult when crossing any road to enter their car.
January Dates:
Jan. 7.....Back to school
Jan. 7.....Report cards will be emailed home
Jan. 8....3:00 Saber Singers
Jan. 8....3:15 Chess Club
Jan. 9....9:15 PTO Meeting
Jan. 13....FunDay Monday (K-2)
Jan. 13.....2:00 Dismissal
Jan, 15....3:00 Saber Singers
Jan. 15....3:15 Chess Club
Jan. 20....FunDay Monday (3-5)
Jan. 20.....2:00 Dismissal
Jan. 22.....3:00 Saber Singers
Jan. 22....3:15 Chess Club
Jan. 27.....2:00 Dismissal
Jan. 29.....3:00 Saber Singers
Jan. 29....3:15 Chess Club
During the winter months when students wear boots to school, please still send TENNIS SHOES IN THEIR BACKPACK ON PE DAYS.
Roaring Readers - Reading Challenge
The Reading Reader Program for 2025 is now underway! Earn admission to Roaring Springs by reading every night at home! Students K-4th grade must recreationally read 600 minutes, students in 5th grade 800 minutes. Log your minutes on the Roaring Reader Reading Log now! Or, use the log coming home from you classroom teacher soon. Reading Logs are due to the classroom teacher by Monday, March 31st!
Second Semester at a Glance - Looking ahead...
Feb. 6....STEAM Night
Feb 10....2:00 Release
Feb 17 & 18....No School
Feb 24.....2:00 Release
March 3...2:00 Release
March 6....Science Fair
March 10...2:00 Release
March 14...Early dismissal at 12:45 pm
March 17...2:00 Release
March 17-20...Parent/teacher conferences
March 20...No school/conferences all day
March 21...No school/no conferences
March 24-28...Spring Break
April...ISATs start for 3, 4, 5
April 10....Title Math Night
May 22......Last Day of School