Congratulations Graduates!
May 17th, 2024
The Graduating Class of 2024
Keystone High School Academic Awards
Third and Fourth Year Academic Awards
First and Second Year Academic Awards
Academic Awards Day Photos
Out and About in May
Special Olympics
KES Field Day
Learning about construction safety procedures
All smiles before the kindergarten concert!
Seniors read to kindergarten students
Field trip fun
KHS girls attend the first ROX county-wide event!
Math and manufacturing go hand-in-hand!
May Cafetrivia winners - Emalie Angle and Caleb Pennell
Softball seniors
Tug of war!
Our Special Olympics competitors and peer buddies!
Prom 2024
A Message from KES
We have been experiencing longer car rider lines in the morning. In an effort to get everyone in on time, staff may be asking you to let your students out further back in the line, as we will be utilizing our back Kindergarten door as an entrance. A couple things about this process:
- We will have staff members at the back door to monitor.
- Staff has been notified to only let students out on the curb/sidewalk side of the drop off line, and will not be crossing students over from the other lane.
I know it is an interesting time for us to add a wrinkle into our system, but it is something we have to do moving forward on days that the line is extremely long. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, May 18:
Keystone Kabaret 6pm
Tuesday, May 21:
Board of Education Meeting 6pm
Thursday, May 23:
Senior Breakfast 7:30am
Sixth Grade Awards 9:15am
Seventh Grade Awards 1pm
Friday, May 24:
Kindergarten Graduation 9:15am
Fifth Grade Graduation 2pmKHS Graduation 7pm
Last Day of School!!
A Fond Farewell from Superintendent Dan White
Keystone Family,
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that I was offered, and have accepted, the superintendent position for Revere Local Schools. As this was a difficult decision I feel it is the best decision for me and my family at this time. I am completing my 11th (total) year as a Wildcat. We have shared 1/3 of my career together facing daunting challenges and celebrating tremendous victories. Keystone will always be in my heart. I am so thankful for all we have accomplished together as it has been a total team effort.
Thank you for always making Keystone a great place to learn and work. Thank you.