Weekly Update
A Back to School Newsletter Template 2023-2024

December 5, 2024
From the Desk of Mr. Thomas
Dear BHMS Families
As the fall season progresses, temperatures are continuing to drop significantly. We kindly ask that you ensure your students are dressed appropriately to stay warm during the colder days.
Additionally, if your child comes home without their coat or other belongings, please remind them to check the lost and found. We accumulate numerous clothing items daily, and we’d love to reunite them with their owners.
Lastly, we kindly ask that you avoid idling your car in the drop-off lane. This causes congestion and puts a strain on the morning drop-off process. Your cooperation helps ensure a smoother and more efficient experience for everyone.
Thank you for your attention to these matters!
Warm regards,
Derrick Thomas, Principal
Annual School Climate Survey
Please take our school’s climate survey and make your opinion count! This survey expires March 31, 2025. Survey participation is critical because the data will be used to calculate School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. City Schools of Decatur appreciates the contributions of parents, students, and staff! Click to complete
BHMS Students Earn REACH Scholarships
Congratulations to the CSD 2024 REACH Scholars from Beacon Hill Middle School: Londyn Battle, Jayda Burton, Jayla Callender, and Marionna Crayton!
On Friday, November 15, CSD's REACH scholars signed their commitment letters during a ceremony held at Beacon Hill, attended by Superintendent Dr. Gyimah Whitaker, Board of Education members, State Representative Mary Margaret Oliver, school and district leaders, and family members of the students. A special thanks to the Decatur Education Foundation (DEF) for sponsoring these awards!
The REACH Georgia Scholarship Program provides academic and social support for rising eighth graders students with financial needs who have demonstrated positive academic, attendance, and behavioral efforts. REACH Scholars are paired with a mentor to support them through high school graduation and receive a $10,000 scholarship when they enroll in a Georgia college or university.
News and Highlights
Athletic News!
Click to discover the latest BHMS and DHS sports events and news!
Grade Level News!
Young Ladies of Excellence Exceed Goals in “Sandwiches for Hope” Event
In a heartwarming display of community spirit, Decatur High School and Beacon Hill Middle School’s Young Ladies of Excellence (YLOE) joined forces on Saturday, November 23rd, for the “Sandwiches for Hope” community service event. Partnering with the Operation Need to Feed Organization, the young ladies set out with a goal of packing 350 sack lunches for the homeless community—a goal they not only met but exceeded, packing an astounding 470 lunches.
The event was a testament to the power of collaboration and compassion. Parents, students, and community members worked side by side with unwavering enthusiasm, demonstrating a shared commitment to making a meaningful impact. The energy, dedication, and teamwork of all involved created an atmosphere of generosity and unity, embodying the true spirit of the holiday season.
We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire community for your donations and support, which made this effort possible. Your contributions helped us go above and beyond, meeting the immediate needs of the homeless community while inspiring our young leaders to recognize the joy of giving back.
The “Sandwiches for Hope” event serves as a shining example of what we can achieve together and reminds us of the importance of collective action in building a stronger, more compassionate community. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting the mission of YLOE!
District STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math Assessments:
K-12 students will take the STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math Assessments during the winter assessment screening period of December 2-6 and December 9-13. CSD measures results from this winter assessment screening period against results from the previous fall screening period to track growth and adjust instruction to best meet students' individual needs. These assessments are crucial for ensuring your child's continued success.
Families may use these directions to opt-in to receive the results of the STAR assessments upon completion. For questions, please contact Sarah Coleman our testing coordinator scoleman@csdecatur.net
BHMS will be STAR testing all students the mornings of:
- Wednesday December 4th - Reading
- Friday December 6th - Math
Immunization Assessment Reminder
CSD's School Health Team is preparing for DeDalb Public Health's immunization assessment on Friday, December 6, for all Kindergarten, seventh, and 11th-grade students.
Please ensure your child's immunization records are up-to-date and submitted to the school clinic by Thursday, December 5. If your child is missing any required immunizations, please schedule an appointment with your child's healthcare provider or visit Dekalb Public Health, 445 Winn Way, Decatur, GA 30030.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our students healthy and compliant with Georgia's immunization laws. If you plan to submit an Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunizations (Form #2208), please remember that it must be notarized. Please contact the nurse at your child's school for questions or assistance with immunization records.
This term International Perspectives classes have explored how children grow up around the world, nutrition, our interconnected food system, and foodways around the world. Please consider taking this journey with us by purchasing items made by students in our class. Our final unit provides an opportunity to extend our culinary practice while learning about employability skills and applying the IB Design Cycle to create cookies, preserves and seasonings for our community.
Please consider looking over the items we hope to make for you at this link. Orders and payment are due Thursday, December 5th and can be brought by students to Ms. Johnson or dropped off in the front office Attn: Ms. Johnson. Payment can be made in cash or check made out to BHMS with International Perspectives in the notes and is due when the order is placed.
Orders will be sent home via students on Wednesday, December 18th through their 7th period class.
Proceeds promote our culinary and garden program. If you would like more than one item in a section please use the "other" line.
Questions? Email Ms. Johnson.
BHMS Jr. Beta Book Drive for Hagar's House
BHMS Jr. Beta is excited to announce a book drive to benefit Hagar's House, a local shelter serving families in our community. We're collecting gently used books for children of all ages from November 14 to December 6. Please drop off your donations in the boxes at the front of the school. Thank you for your generosity! Questions? Email Ms. Gary.
Preorder your yearbook!
Support 3D Printing!
Is your middle schooler losing steam with reading as the semester ends? You’re not alone! Keep them motivated by setting fun, bite-sized reading goals and tracking progress on a countdown calendar.
Swap out traditional books for comics or audiobooks to make it exciting.
Even better, read together as a family, it’s a great way to connect and model enthusiasm for reading.
And remember to celebrate their efforts with small rewards or praise to show that progress matters more than perfection!
The Decatur PREP Project is made possible through partnerships with the Decatur Education Foundation Teacher Innovation Grant, the BHMS PTA, and supporters like you.
PTA News
Support the PTA During Donate-a-Thon Week!
The Beacon Hill Middle School PTA is dedicated to enriching our school community by supporting students, teachers and staff in meaningful ways. From improving walking safety around our school to sponsoring DEI initiatives, hosting family engagement events, funding $10,000 in teacher grants and stocking the PBIS store, the PTA makes a difference every day.
During our week-long Donate-a-Thon, we’re asking for your help to fund these incredible programs. Every contribution directly supports initiatives like teacher wellness, student rewards and creative learning opportunities. Together, we can keep Beacon Hill a supportive, connected and thriving community for all.
Donate today: https://givebutter.com/bhms2024. We appreciate your support.
Make your donation go further! One of our amazing BHMS sponsors…the Isani Family…generously has offered to match all donations up to $5,000. Also, as a registered nonprofit organization, the BHMS PTA is eligible for many employers’ Corporate Matching Gift programs. We encourage you to review this sample list and see if your company provides a matching program so your contribution can grow. Learn more here.
Restorative Care Day for Teachers and Staff
In partnership with our fabulous counselors (Ms. Passin, Ms. Hudson and Ms. Minor), the PTA is helping to host a Restorative Care Day on Wednesday, December 11. We’ll set up a hot drink bar, along with a variety of snacks and treats, as well as activities in which teachers and staff can participate to relax and recharge throughout the day. Please sign up here to help make this event a success.
Spirit Night at Jason’s Deli
The BHMS PTA is pleased to partner with Jason’s Deli (1605 Church Street, Decatur) for an evening of delicious food. On Friday, December 13 from 5 pm to 9 pm, Jason’s Deli will donate 20% of pre-tax food sales back to us. Order online using code FUND20, or present this flyer in person. Bon appetite!
Shopping With a Purpose
Looking to do some holiday shopping and want to help support our school? Visit the BHMS Spirit Wear Store to dress the Bulldogs in your pack! Proceeds help fund PTA-organized events to benefit our students, teachers and staff. ALSO, how would you like to save 20% on stationery and custom gifts by Minted and help BHMS earn 15% of each purchase? Use this special code at checkout: FUNDRAISEBEACONHILL.
Community New
Decatur Farm to School Committee
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project for spring? Are you full of fantastic ideas for incorporating farm-to-school principles into a teaching unit? Need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2024/25. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before December 13, 2024.
BHMS Social Media and Contact Information
You can find more information on the following:
Social Media pages:
- CSDBeaconhllmiddleschool Facebook page
- BeaconhillPTA Facebook page
- CSDbeaconhill Instagram page
- Beaconhllmiddleart Instagram page