Elementary Weekly Announcements
What's Happening This Week
- March 10- 3rd Grade Zoo Field Trip
- March 11- 1st Grade Field Trip
- March 13- 2nd Grade Field Trip
- March 14- Texas Day and Early Dismissal @ 11AM
**There will be no Classic Snack Shop or After School Program on Friday**
Reminder, Updates & Info
We don't want to miss anyone's Birthday 🎂
7th-Everett Knight
9th-Caroline Eaves
11th-Caroline Williams
13th-Blythe Blanchard
14th-Spencer Roden
19th-Joseph Truax
21st-Jefferson Waddell
23rd-Conrad Eaves
29th-Leyla Kaman
30th-Kane Graham
👔 Uniforms Changes for 2025-2026 School Year👔
Parents, Guardians, and Students,
The updated dress code policy, which will take effect at the start of the 2025-2026 school year, is available. These changes have been carefully considered to maintain our school's values while ensuring practicality and comfort for our students.
The updated dress code policy includes:
• A simplified dress code for both elementary and secondary
• Chapel Dress uniform is no longer required and is now aligned with the daily uniform.
• As a senior privilege, seniors may wear Friday-approved attire every day of the week.
Uniform Items can be purchased at:
• The Monogram Shop (uniforms) 745 Lindbergh Dr., Beaumont, TX 409-840-9454
Gives back 3% of purchases to our school
Some items will be in stock, while others will need to be ordered, so everyone is encouraged to purchase in June.
• Khaki pants or shorts may be purchased at other locations in the "khaki" color
• BSN Online Sideline Store (for Spirit, P.E., and Sportswear)
Returns 10% of purchases to our school
The complete dress code policy for 2025-2026 is attached for your reference. We kindly ask that you review these guidelines before the new school year begins. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in maintaining our school's standards.
Legacy Administration
A Quick Note from Nurse Kayla 📢
⛪ Chapel Information
Chapel Song Leaders for March
March 12 - Pre-K
March 19 -No School
March 26 - 5th Grade
Get your picture hung on our ABC Scripture Wall...
Student Highlight Section:
Fun Corner...
Let's play BIBLE TRIVIA...The first student to tell Mrs.Quen the correct answer will get a small prize...
-What town was Jesus from?-
The votes are in...
Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post #1806
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post #1806 of Beaumont would like to invite and encourage K-5th graders to participate in the "Illustrating America Contest." If you would like to participate, please contact Mrs. Duhon at mduhon@legacychristianacademy.org for more information and to receive your entry form. The deadline is March 24th.
Is your 5th grader interested in playing soccer for LCA?
Please join the MS Soccer GroupMe if your son/ daughter plans to play for the 2025 season. MS Soccer is open to 5th - 8th graders. The GroupMe will be the best way for Coaches to communicate to parents and students regarding practices and games.
Reminders - up to date athletic physicals and medical histories must be on file with the Athletic office prior to practices. Blank forms can be found on our Legacy website and should be emailed to Mrs. Short athletics@legacychristianacademy.org
Athletic fees are to be paid directly to the business office.
Tennis Anyone?? *5th Gr Only*
Please join our GroupMe for Middle School Tennis!
This will be the fastest and most efficient way to communicate with Coach Jones.
You can also find practice schedules and tournament information on our Legacy App.
Don't forget, all participants need to have an updated physical and TAPPS medical history on file with the Athletic Office.
Athletic fees should be paid directly to the Business Office.
Thank you,
Misty Short
Athletic Admin
Missing Anything? Visit the Lost and Found located in the Rec...
Moments on Campus...
Phone: (409)924-0500 Prompt 6
Email: athletics@legacychristianacademy.org
Athletic Director - Jeromie Grammer
ELEM Carpool, Lunch, & Tardies
Carpool Drop Off is from 7:30 AM - 7:50 AM. To keep everyone safe and prevent traffic on Hwy-105, please create a second car line that feeds into the first.
Tardies are given starting at 7:55 AM. Students must be escorted to the office by their adult.
Lunch is from 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM. If you eat lunch with your child, please sit at a separate table with your child and family members, with no extra friends. This will secure space to help our families enjoy their time together.
School is dismissed at 3:20 PM, and Carpool Pickup ends at 3:40 PM.
Doors will open for carpool at 3:20 PM. If you need assistance before that time, please ring the doorbell. Parents, if you choose to walk to the front door to retrieve your child during Pickup, please use the sidewalk ramp (to the left of the Rec doors). Please be safe and do not walk through the car line traffic. If necessary, please create a third line that feeds into the second. We aim to keep traffic off of Highway 105 while creating a safe system for you to pick up your students.
Legacy Christian Academy - Elementary Campus
In Our Office!
Elementary Principal - Kim DennisAdministrative Assistant - Quen Taft-Coles
Receptionist - Sandy Sellers
School Nurse - Kayla Eaves
Email: qtaft@legacychristianacademy.org
Website: https://www.legacychristianacademy.org/
Location: 8200 Texas 105, Beaumont, TX, USA
Phone: 409-924-0500