Lil Dogie News
September 13, 2024
“History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
David McCullough, American historian (1933- )
What's Happening?
Week of September 16-20, 2024
1:10 -3rd, 4th, 5th
1:15- Kinder, 1st, 2nd
Calendars and schedules are available on Dojo, FB, and website. You can also contact the office for paper copies.
Upcoming Dates
October 14-18 Homecoming
October 15-Picture Retakes
October 17-Homecoming Parade
October 22-24-Parent Teacher Conferences
October 25-NO SCHOOL
November 1- NO SCHOOL
December 9- 3-5 Concert
December 10-K-2 Concert
December 23-January 6-NO SCHOOL
March 18-20- Parent Teacher Conferences
March 21- NO SCHOOL
March 28-NO SCHOOL
April 18, 21-NO SCHOOL
April 28- 3-5 Concert
April 29- K-2 Concert
May 12 - Band Concert
May 22- 3-5 Track Day
May 23-Last Day of School, K-2 Fun Day
Calendar Change
The WCSD #1 Board of Trustees approved some minor changes to the district calendar.
1) October 18th will be an early release for students and staff. The Homecoming parade will be Thursday. The football game is Saturday.
2) December 20th will be an early release for students and staff.
Shout Out
Thank you to Rehab Solutions and The Lodge for donating school supplies!
Living History Day
On Thursday students and staff enjoyed a performance from national award-winning Western music entertainers, The Kirkhams. Students enjoyed music and storytelling about the old west. The program was sponsored by the Weston County Museum District.
Double AAces
Double AAces has started! This is the after school program that runs Monday-Thursday. For more information and to register your child go to their website:
Important Reminders
*Make sure your contact information is up to date.
*If you have not signed up for Class Dojo, you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. This is our main source of communication between school and parents/guardians.
*Make sure your child's items are labeled. We do have a lost and found right in the front doors. If you are missing something, come check it out!
*Please do not drop your child off at school before 8:00. Supervision is not available.
*Confirm after school plans in the morning. Messages should be limited. This helps our dismissal process be more efficient and minimizes stress for students.
Joke of the Week
How do you count cows?
With a cow-culator!
Submitted by Tryton O.
Jokes are a great way to help build vocabulary. If your child has a joke to share, have them write it down and bring it to the office. It might get chosen to share on the morning announcements!
Thank you for letting us be a part of your child's educational journey. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or ideas please contact me. I am here to help and value your input.