CAASPP 22/23
3rd-5th Grade State Testing
Dear Parents,
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders are preparing to begin the California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP) in the following weeks. All 3rd-5th Graders will be participating in state testing beginning May 1 through May 12 (with makeups scheduled through May 19). Fifth Grade students will test through May 19 due to the Science assessment (makeups through May 28). Please avoid making appointments during the testing weeks as it is extremely important your child is at school during this time.
Please note: Each grade level and classroom teacher will develop individual schedules during the testing window and may communicate specific dates and times to their families.
What is CAASPP?
CAASPP is the California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance. Students take the assessment in the Spring and begin receiving score reports in the Summer. CAASPP is an assessment intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress along the grade level standards and ensure that all students leave high school ready for college and career.
CAASPP is an assessment that is completed entirely online and includes computer adaptive tests and performance tasks in English–Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. All 3rd and 4th grade students are expected to complete assessments in English-Language Arts and Math. All 5th grade students are expected to complete assessments in English-Language Arts, Math, and Science.
CAASPP scores are not factored into students’ overall grades, but the scores do give us valuable feedback about how students are performing academically from year to year. This information is further factored into our Dashboard data which drives the LCAP services that we receive.
What can we do at home to prepare for CAASPP?
Please make sure that your child gets to bed early each night and gets plenty of rest.
Have your child eat a good breakfast each morning before coming to school.
Please be sure your child comes to school on time. Once a test has started, late arrivals will not be allowed in the classroom to take the test. They will have to make up the test at another time.
Please make sure your child brings their charged iPad.
Avoid removing your child from school during the testing periods for appointments. Studies indicate that students will perform better in their regular classroom setting. Make-up settings seem to produce inferior results.