The Falcon Zone Flyer
August 3rd, 2023

August 19, 2024
Hello Falcon Zone ~
Thank you to all who took some time to eat at Slim Chicken on Friday, benefitting the Community Closet and Pantry. Our next Dine to Donate event will be on August 21st at Texas Roadhouse!
Today we launched our beginning of the year Falcon Zone Satisfaction Survey. It is a short survey (4 rating scales) and gives us the opportunity to hear your voice about what is going well and what needs some work. Please take a minute to complete the survey for your child's school linked below!
We are excited to move to a Zone Wide SAC (School Accountability Committee) this school year! All schools will meet at Woodmen Hills Elementary School on Sept. 5th. Dinner will be served starting at 5 followed by a short session with Zone Leadership at 5:30. Each building will then breakout into their individual SAC sessions. We are excited for this opportunity to connect with all of our schools at once.
To read more and RSVP, please see link below!
In Partnership
~Cari Muresan
FZ Community Liaison
Empowering Moments
From Superintendent Smith...
When the Falcon community all comes together to support our students, it is an incredible sight. This past weekend, students, parents, families, and community members came to Falcon High School to support our Seniors in one of their final year events. The FHS Senior Class of 2025 painted their parking spaces this weekend and we had one of the largest turnouts we have ever seen. It was awesome to watch all of the parents, siblings, family members, and even neighbors helping to paint along with their Seniors. Although, ah-hem, some of the Seniors tended to just supervise as others worked on their space for them...I guess we can work on inspiring a little more Grit before they graduate :-)
Thank you to all that turned out. I look forward to continued events throughout the year where we can celebrate and honor the FHS Class of 2025 and the legacy they are working to leave behind. I also look forward to the continued opportunities where all of our Falcon Community can come together to support our students and our schools. Let's make the 24-25 year the best one yet as one Falcon Community!
Falcon Zone Staff Recognition
In the Falcon Zone we pride ourselves on having the most incredible staff! We want to give our community a chance to recognize those people that make a difference in our schools and for our students every day! Please let us know who is making a positive impact for your student. Let us know who has gone above and beyond to enhance your experience in our zone. Let us know who is doing an outstanding job!
Every staff member that is recognized will receive a note of recognition and a shoutout in our community newsletter. Staff members include not only teachers but secretaries, administrators, custodial & kitchen staff, paras, etc.
We want to know who is making a difference! Thank you for taking the time to fill out this quick form!
We 💚 Our Falcon Zone Staff
Thank you to everyone that took the time to recognize some of our amazing staff members. Below are the recognitions gathered from last week!
Jan Frazier (FES) - Mrs Frazier always greets the children every morning with a smile and encouraging words. She utilizes every tool known to man to help her students thrive. Her passion and kindness shows with how much her students love and respect her. She actively holds a prize box for the kids so they can purchase toys with their PBIS point tokens. Giving the children an opportunity to see their hard work in the class pay off. I truly can't express what a wonderful teacher she is. We're thankful our son has had her as a teacher.
Mr. Yager (FHS) - I hear the same thing about Travis Yager from so many students: He changes so many students for the better; he has saved a lot of students’ lives.
Mr. Hamilton (FHS) - Jared Hamilton, better known as this month’s teacher of the month at Falcon High School, cares about other people. He listens to what we say, then thinks about it. What a rare pleasure talking to him is!
Jared is always working to improve as a teacher, but he’s humble. He doesn’t realize how many students are learning a TON from him and how much his students like and respect him.Mr. Stunkard (FHS) - Nate Stunkard impresses me every time we talk. Nate is serious about being a good teacher. He’s professional, always thinking about how he can do his job better. I love this attitude.
Cathy Johnson (FMS) - Cathy has worked tirelessly to organize and distribute Chromebooks to every single Falcon Middle School student. We appreciate all of her hard work so much!
Catherine has done an outstanding job distributing Chromebooks to our 8th grade students. It was a quick process so we could still have instructional time in class. She is organized and super friendly with the students and staff.
Upcoming Falcon Zone Events
8/21 - Dine to Donate - Benefiting FZ Community Closet & Pantry, Texas Roadhouse @ 5
8/23 - WHES PTA STEM Night @ 5:30
8/26 - FES PTA Meeting @ 4
8/27 - D49 DAAC @ 6
8/28 - D49 Board Work Session & BRES PTA Skate City Night @ 6
8/29 - FZ Community Closet and Pantry Open @ 3:45-4:45
8/30 - D49 Professional Development Day - NO STUDENTS
9/2 - Labor Day - NO STUDENTS