Friday Focus Newsletter
304th Issue - October 11, 2024
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Mr. Mike Shukis
Dear Friends,
As this new school year is in full swing, we are reminded that with every new beginning it holds great promise for our school community. With every new school year, we know we must begin the year in prayer, and center that prayer on our belief in Jesus Christ. I pray that during every school year Marian Central can be a place of peace for all. For this to happen I know how important it is for as many of us as possible serve as an instrument of Christ’s peace. Let our school community remain steadfast in prayer as we ask that Marian Central Catholic High School students continue to grow in faith and knowledge.
Thank you for supporting a Catholic education that seeks to teach and form the whole child and as always, Marian Central will continue to strive to partner with parents in the faith formation and education of our students. We are honored to serve the students and families of Marian Central Catholic High School.
Saint Mother Teresa once said that “works of love are always works of peace. Whenever you share love with others, you’ll notice the peace that comes to you and them. When there is peace, there is God – that is how God touches our lives and shows His love for us by pouring peace and joy into our hearts”.
Lead me from death to life,
From falsehood to truth.
Lead me from despair to hope,
From fear to truth.
Lead me from hate to love,
From war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts.
Our world our universe
Peace peace peace.
Mike Shukis
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on
Thursday, October 24th from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, October 25th from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Teachers will be available for 10-minute individual conferences. Parents can schedule conferences beginning Friday October 11th at 8:00 am through Friday, October 18th at noon. Please click here for additional information and instructions for creating an account.
Please click below for direct access to the scheduling portal:
Stock up on your Canes Gear! - On Target, our Spirit Wear provider, will be on site Thursday, October 24th during conference times.
Tuition - Monthly Payments Due
If you pay your tuition monthly, payments are due by Tuesday, October 15th. Payments can be dropped off in the office or made online by clicking here. The office is closed on Monday, October 14th for Columbus Day. Thank you.
Empowering God's Children
Bishop Malloy has approved the Virtus Teaching Safety - Empowering God's Children program for the 2024-25 school year. We will be presenting this training during Theology classes during the week of October 16-18. This program offers a comprehensive approach to keeping our children safe. Lessons are taught at an age appropriate level and repeat over a 3-year cycle.
Please click here for an overview of the program and the Parent Guide. If you decide that you would rather have this discussion on your own with your student, please complete the opt out form and submit this to your student's Theology teacher by Wednesday, October 16th. Your student will then be removed from the classroom during this lesson.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to protect our children. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Warren at frwarren@marian.com.
This will be a shortened school day and buses will arrive for pickup at noon.
Testing will begin promptly at 8:00am and students should arrive in their Marian uniforms. ACT Testing for juniors will be completed at approximately 11:45am and PreACT Testing for freshmen and sophomores will be completed at approximately 11:00am. Specific testing information is provided below:
PREACT 8/9 & PREACT - freshmen will be taking the PreACT 8/9 and sophomores will be taking the PreACT. These are paper-and-pencil tests that provide valuable practice for the ACT test. They include multiple choice questions in English, reading, math and science. The score reports reveal current knowledge in each area as well as critical areas for improvement. In addition, there is a career interest inventory as part of the test that provides information about career possibilities and career suggestions.
- What students should bring to the PreACT Tests: 3 sharpened, No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils), a watch for pacing (no phones), an approved calculator (ACT's calculator policy), students are allowed to bring a drink and snack for the break (if desired).
- ALL other items should be left at home, including cell phones and smartwatches.
ACT- juniors will be taking the ACT Test. Prior to testing, juniors will perform test prep activities and will register for a MyACT account during their Advisory class. The test consists of 4 sections 1. English (45 min), 2. Mathematics (60 min), 3. Reading (35 min) and 4. Science (35 min) with a break in between. Students will not be taking the optional Writing section of the exam. The scores for this exam WILL BE college-reportable for students who wish to submit their scores to any of the colleges and/or universities that they plan to apply to senior year. More information for students can be found here: ACT Information for Students.
Information for Examinees - Testing Solutions
Plan your future. Prepare for college and career. Let ACT help you achieve success.
- What students should bring to the ACT: their Marian student ID, No. 2 pencils (sharpened with good erasers - no mechanical pencils), a permitted calculator, a non-smart watch (optional) to pace yourself (5 minutes remaining will be announced for each test section), a snack for the break (if desired) - no food or drink will be allowed in the testing room.
- What students should NOT bring to the ACT: any electronic device other than a permitted calculator (this includes a cell phone, smart watch, fitness band, media player, iPad, headphones, and camera-any device with recording, WiFi internet communication, or calculator capabilities), textbooks, dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids, highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape, reading material.
All testing results/scores will be distributed to and reviewed with students as soon as they're available. If you have any questions about testing, please contact Mrs. Hilton, Guidance Director, at khilton@marian.com or 815-338-4220, ext. 121.
Medical Documentation Deadlines Drawing Near
Class of 2025
If you have not submitted proof of your student’s second meningococcal shot, please do so as soon as possible. We need all documentation in the office no later than October 15, 2024, to meet requirements set by the State of Illinois.
Class of 2028
We need current State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination forms and birth certificates no later than October 15, 2024. We will also need a Proof of School Dental Examination Form no later than May 15, 2025.
Sweater Season Begins October 28th
As we enter the fall/winter seasons, Marian Central students will enter "Sweater Season".
“Sweater Season” begins October 28, 2024, and ends as we leave for Spring Break on March 21, 2025. During this season, students are expected to wear school uniform sweaters OR red fleece quarter-zip jackets and uniform slacks. Shorts and polos are not permitted during this season.
Yearbook Photos - Tuesday, October 29th
Yearbook photos for freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be taken on Tuesday, october 29th during the school day. Uniforms are worn for these photos (sweater season). Ordering information is coming soon!
Seniors who missed Senior Portrait Day - please plan to take your picture on October 29th. Mrs. DiSilvio will let you know what time.
College Visits Next Week
All juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Wednesday 10/16
Michigan Technological University-4th Period
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign-10th Period
Thursday 10/17
Northern Michigan University-1st Period
University of Maine-4th Period
Oklahoma State University-8th Period
Michigan State University-10th Period
Friday 10/18
UW-Parkside-1st Period
September/October Calendar
Monday, October 14th - Columbus Day; No School; Office Closed
Tuesday, October 15th - Testing Day; Early Dismissal for grades 9,10,11; No school for grade 12
Thursday, October 24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; No School