Youth Services News
January 4, 2021
Newsletters are archived on the OLIS website.
Creating Accessible Virtual Programs for Children with Disabilities and their Families
Registration is full, but the waitlist is open.
The Children's Sensory Story Time Support Group Presents
Creating Accessible Virtual Programs for Children with Disabilities and their Families
January 13, 1pm- 3pm
According to the CDC, 1 in 6 children experience disability. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children with disabilities and their families are disconnected from their communities now more than ever before. How then can libraries connect with these families and deliver more accessible virtual library experiences that support and welcome all abilities? In this presentation, Renee Grassi will share tips and strategies for planning, implementing and evaluating virtual storytimes and other virtual programming to make them more inclusive for all.
NERCTL Grant Opportunity: Jordan Miller Storytelling Mini-Grant
New England libraries are invited to apply for a mini-grant of $500 to bring storytelling to their library.
The mission of the Jordan Miller Fund is to bring storytelling to New England libraries.
The application is easy. Just fill out the short google form HERE and click submit! The application is due by January 14. The winner will be notified on February 11, and also announced at the NERTCL virtual unconference in March.
All New England public libraries are welcome to apply, but preference will be given this year to libraries outside Massachusetts. (Next year preference will be given to Massachusetts libraries.) The mini-grant can be spent any time between March 1, 2021 and Oct 31, 2021. This means the winning library could use the funds for a Summer Reading Kickoff event. Please keep in mind that depending on the course of the pandemic your program may need to be virtual, or may need to be outside with social distancing measures in place. Questions? Contact Pam McCuen at
Mock Newbery Voting
Be the Connection Cohort: Libraries, Teens, and Connected Learning
Connected Learning (CL) happens when a peer or adult can connect a teen's interests and skills to real world opportunities. Libraries can easily nurture these interests through programming, and are well-positioned to connect teens to future career possibilities through community relationships. In fact, most libraries are already doing this--they just don't realize it!
Join us February 2 - March 2 for this five week cohort as we discuss what connected learning is, review some best practices for working with teens, and explore how you can utilize connected learning with intention at your library. This learning opportunity will be a mix of asynchronous and synchronous work. Each week participants will complete CL modules before meeting for a facilitated virtual discussion.
Additional details and registration on the OLIS calendar at:
New Ideas for Virtual Library Programs for Young Children Webinar
Presented by Tommaso Lansa
February 26, 10:00am & 1:30pm
Explore step-by-step new solutions for virtual storytime and grow your skills by designing virtual programs that address sensory learning, movement, and imagination combined with STEM and early literacy.
Following the 90 minute presentation, Tommaso Lansa will lead a Q&A session for participants to follow-up on topics covered, share their challenges with virtual storytime, and discuss solutions and best practices.
This webinar is limited to 20 participants each session and two sessions will be offered on February 26; please register for only one session. This webinar will be recorded and made available upon request after February 26.
Roundtable Meetings Scheduled
Youth services library staff serving children are invited to discuss current topics of interest and network with colleagues. In preparation for this discussion, please submit topics for discussion by emailing the RIYAC listserv or by submitting this form:
Unless otherwise noted, CSRT meetings will not be recorded. Notes will be available after meetings and will be linked on the CSRT LibGuide.
January 26, February 25, March 22, April 21, May 18, June 14
3pm - 4pm
Young Adult Roundtable
Youth services library staff serving tweens and teens are invited to discuss current topics of interest and network with colleagues. In preparation for this discussion, please submit topics for discussion by emailing the RIYAC listserv or by submitting this form:
Unless otherwise noted, YART meetings will not be recorded. Notes will be available after meetings and will be linked on the YART LibGuide.
January 12, February 4, March 10, April 6, May 6, June 2
10:30am - 11:30
Did You Know? Udemy
The AskRI databases have a wealth of resources perfect for supporting virtual programming and distance learning.
To learn more about AskRI resources, check out the recording of the December 4 webinar:
At Our Libraries
Warwick Public Library's Coordinator of Children's Services, Ellen O'Brien, shared last month's Christmas in the Garden. Ellen notes, "We wanted to create a place for families to come participate in a holiday activity that is safe, they can wear masks, and social distance." The walk featured Christmas trivia, lights, and a clever Seussian makeover for the library's quahogger statue.Thanks to the WAR team for showing how to think creatively about library spaces!
Have something cool happening at your library? Email to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or share directly with YS colleagues by emailing the RIYAC listserv.
RICBA Voting Coming Soon
BCALA and ALSC Social Justice Reading List
From ALSC:
"Community, Connecting, Cultivating & Constructing Conversations Through Literacy
This list was a collaborative effort between the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) and the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). Titles on this list were compiled by members of BCALA and members of ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee. ALSC's Board of Directors endorses BCALA's statement condemning increased violence and racism toward Black Americans and people of color and stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, BCALA, and those working to dismantling racial capitalism and white supremacy in all of its forms."
Embeding EDI Into Early Literacy Programming
Professional Learning Network: Children's Literature Presents
Winter Speaker Series
This virtual event is free and open to Librarians and Museum Educators
Featuring presentations by award winning author Jewell Parker Rhodes, children's book author Gloria Repress-Churchwell, David Feinstein from The Eric Carle Museum of Picturebook Art, and ALSC Institute presenter and Illinois librarian Sophie Kenney.
More information can be found on our group page:
Click on each presentation title to a link to our registration
1/8/2021 Embedding EDI Into Early Literacy Programming with Sophie Kenney
2/19/2021 Exploring Race and Representation in Picture Books with David Feinstein
3/5/2021 Resilient Chester! Microaggressions, Allies, and Civility with Gloria Repress-Churchwell
3/19/2021 Diversity's Rainbow with author Jewell Parker Rhodes
This Winter Speaker Series is presented by the Professional Learning Network (PLN.) PLN is an online community which facilitates discussions, idea sharing and learning opportunities. This is the second occurrence in our event series.
Membership to PLN is FREE. There are no license/membership affiliate requirements.
This work is hosted by Reading Success by 4th Grade and the Springfield City Library .
About PLN :
We strive to be a vibrant and connected network for librarians and museum educators who seek to learn and share about children’s literature.
Our Mission:
- Continue the conversation of diversity in children’s literature.
- Learn how to create an effective and welcoming space of dialogue, inclusion, safety, and equity for children and families.
- Discuss what we can do as librarians and educators to stop the perpetuation of racial inequities.
Who Can Join:
- You work in a museum or library (school, public,private).
- You are passionate about social issues in children's literature.
- Your work focus is on birth-12 year old children/literature.
Youth Services Virtual Office Hours
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri