PCHS Pirate News
February 2024

January 10, 2025
From the Principal
Pirate Families,
I hope this message finds you well and that you had a restful and joyful holiday season (and extended winter break…). As we prepare to kick off the second semester, I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your students’ success.
The start of a new semester is a perfect opportunity for our students to refocus, set goals, and build on the momentum from the first half of the school year. Whether it’s striving for academic growth, getting involved in extracurricular activities, or simply strengthening connections with peers and teachers, we encourage all students to make the most of the opportunities ahead.
Here are a few important updates and reminders as we begin the semester:
- Semester Start: Classes have resumed. Students should check their schedules on PowerSchool for any updates. Please look in this newsletter for more information on how to change a course in your student’s schedule. The deadline for changes has changed to January 14 by 3:00 PM.
- Parent-Teacher Communication: If you have questions about your student’s progress or new courses, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teachers. Open communication is key to your student’s success.
- Attendance Matters: Consistent attendance is crucial for academic success. If your student needs to miss school, please notify the attendance office promptly. This will help your student in being academically successful and not run the risk of losing credit.
- Upcoming Events: Keep an eye on our website and weekly updates for details about exciting events happening this semester.
At PCHS, we are committed to providing a supportive environment where every student can thrive. Together, let’s make this semester one filled with learning, growth, and achievement.
Thank you for being a vital part of our school community. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Here’s to a fantastic second semester!
- Dr. Kiel Giese
Principal, Platte County High School
Throughout the Halls of PCHS
📆 Calendar
Jan. 14: Deadline to Change Classes for 2nd Semester
Jan. 14: Sophomore Meeting with Jostens, 11:00
Jan 16 & 17: Diversity Fair, during PLT
Jan. 20: NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr. Day
Jan. 22: Future Freshman & All HS Expo Night
Jan. 23: Class Ring Order Day, during lunch shifts
Jan. 23: Family Class Ring Order Night, 4:00-5:00, Main Hall
Feb. 13: Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3-hour Early Dismissal
Feb. 14: PLD Day - No School
Schedule for January 13-17
Due to the Inclement Weather Days this week we will follow a regular schedule - Hours 1-7 from Jan. 13-17. Modified Block will begin the following week.
Course Change Requests - Deadline Extended
Forms Are Now Due January 14
Students still wanting to request a schedule change for second semester will be able to submit their form to the office no later than Tuesday, January 14.
PCHS Future Freshman Session & All High School Expo Night
January 22, 2025
PCHS is hosting an Expo for 8-11th grade families in conjunction with their 8th grade student/parent night on January 22.
- Clubs, Activities, and Electives Expo: 5:30-8pm, in the cafeteria
- New Course and Weighted Course Information Session: 6pm, in the auditorium
- 8th Grade Student/Parent Information Session: 6:30pm, in the auditorium
The purpose of the night is to meet teachers and learn about academics and curriculum offerings at the high school as well as attend our electives expo where families can learn more about elective courses, clubs, and activities.
FUTURE FRESHMEN: We encourage both the student (current 8th graders) and parent(s) to attend, so that all can receive the information about courses offered at Platte County High School. This will greatly assist you and your student in the planning process and in course selection for the 2025-26 school year. If you would like more information, please contact your student's counselor: Kim Schank or Whitney Edman, Platte City Middle School Counselors, or Amanda Griffin, Platte Purchase Middle School Counselor.
Importance of Daily Attendance
Regular attendance not only benefits academic performance but also helps students build essential life skills, such as responsibility, time management, and resilience. When students are present in class, they have more opportunities to engage with their peers, participate in class discussions, and seek help from teachers when needed.
We understand that there are times when absences are unavoidable due to illness or family emergencies. In those instances, we encourage you to communicate with us so that we can support your student’s continued learning.
Let’s work together to ensure that every student at Platte County High School has the opportunity to thrive. By prioritizing regular attendance, we can help our students achieve their full potential.
If your student missed 11 or more classes or days during first semester, they may not be eligible for credit in that course. Please submit the necessary paperwork (i.e. doctor’s notes) as soon as possible to ensure this does not happen
Spring College and Career Readiness Day
March 11, 2025
We will update you with more detailed information as we get closer to March 11, 2025.
Course Selections for the 25-26 School Year
ICAP/Course Selection
School Counselors have met with Juniors to discuss the modification of their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) in determining course choices for next year. As the ICAP serves as a document for course selection, please review your child's ICAP to approve and support their course selections for the 25-26 school year.
We encourage you to have a conversation with your child and individuals that may assist them in making an informed decision. If you have not seen your child's ICAP, please ask them to show you their ICAP, located in their Google classroom. Official course enrollment is set to begin soon. Once courses are entered into our scheduling system, changes can only be made if they align with the PCHS course change policy.
Save the Date - Free ACT Bootcamps
Sign up to attend
- Thursday, February 6, 8-noon
- Wednesday, April 2, 8-noon
More details along with sign-ups will be provided soon.
Senior Spot
"All Things Class of 2025"!
This is the spot for Senior Information and Dates.
- SENIOR NAME VERIFICATION form - Parents, please complete this form so we know how you want your graduate's name printed on their diploma.
- Class of 2025 IMPORTANT DATES
- Jan. 13 - Start sending pictures for senior slideshow (1 baby, 1 current)
Scan and send the pictures to pchssenior2025@gmail.com - Feb. 7 - Deadline for name verification on diplomas.
- Mar. 13 - Pick up Grad Announcements and Cap/Gown
- Apr 4 - Deadline for sending in pictures for slideshow
- Apr. 15: Senior Class Meeting, during PLT
- Apr. 26 - Prom
Post-Secondary Advisor News
The 2025-2026 FAFSA form is now open!
We encourage all of our seniors who plan to go to college or trade school to complete the FAFSA form. The FAFSA determines a student's eligibility for federal student aid, such as grants and loans, but is also a requirement to use the Missouri A+ scholarship! The FAFSA should be completed through the studentaid.gov website, and the Missouri priority deadline is Feb 1st!
Scholarship Opportunities
Senior Scholarships:
Scholarships for senior students can be found on our Local Scholarship page! New scholarships open every day, so we encourage students to check back often for new opportunities. Students and families with questions, or community groups wishing to offer a scholarship can reach out to Ms. Mikyla Murphy at murphy.mikyla@pcr3schools.org
Junior Scholarship Opportunity:
Traditional 11th Grade Scholarship through Great Jobs KC (formerly KC Scholars)
Ewing Marion Kauffman believed that nothing should stand in the way of anyone who wants to get a college degree. We agree and make it our mission to help remove the barriers that keep low- and moderate-income students from achieving their dreams of going to college. One of the programs that allows us to help make this a reality for thousands of Kansas City students is our Traditional Scholarship for 11th graders. This scholarship provides for up to $50,000 paid directly to the college. The 2025 scholarship application window is January 9th through February 28th. Students must have at least a 2.5 GPA or a 16 on the ACT. Students must also demonstrate financial need and community involvement. More information on the eligibility requirements, and the application can be found here.
Freshman Scholarship Opportunities:
My Missouri "MyMO" Scholarship Promise
The first scholarship opportunity I wanted to pass along that you may be eligible for is called the My Missouri “MyMO” Scholarship Promise Program. MyMO is a scholarship promise program intended to place 9th grade students from low-income backgrounds on a successful path to prepare, save and plan for college. To qualify, students and families will complete a Federal Student Aid Estimator to show exceptional financial need as well as open a MOST 529 College Savings account. Attached is the flyer with information including eligibility requirements and how to apply. The application is now open and will close March 1, 2025.
Informational zoom sessions will be held January through March for families to learn more about MyMO and get help with applying. Register for an evening session on zoom to learn more.
College Savings Match- Great Jobs KC (formerly KC Scholars)
I also wanted to share information on the College Savings Match Program, through Great Jobs KC, formerly known as KC Scholars. The Great Jobs KC – KC Scholars Scholarship Match and Incentive program provides eligible students with a 1:1 match and incentives up to $1,400 to use toward college. It is a one-time scholarship match. Match and incentive participants must enroll in college full-time following high school graduation to receive Great Jobs KC 529 matching grant funds. The application window for this program is from January 9th until February 28th. More information about the eligibility requirements, and the application can be found here.
More Scholarships to Check out
Message from Platte County Prevention Coalition
5 Urgent Reasons to Keep Kids Marijuana-Free
Whether you know it as marijuana, THC, cannabis, or weed, one fact is clear: No amount of marijuana use is safe for youth. Because young people’s brains are still developing into their mid-20s, they are much more vulnerable to the harmful effects of marijuana. Not only is today’s marijuana stronger than ever before, but it's more addictive than ever before. Marijuana use harms teen mental health and school performance, and makes driving even more dangerous for our kids. Here are 5 urgent reasons to keep our kids marjuana-free: Marijuana today is stronger than ever before. The average potency of THC is marijuana flower in 1995 was just 3.96% compared to 15.34% in 2021. That’s an almost 400% increase in just the last 25 years! Marijuana, like other drugs, can be addictive. About 1 in 10 people who use marijuana will become addicted, but if they start before age 18, the risk of addiction rises to 1 in 6. Marijuana use harms teen mental health. Depression and anxiety are more common in teen marijuana users than in their non-using peers. Marijuana use negatively impacts school performance. Students who use marijuana tend to get lower grades and are more likely to drop out of high school compared to their peers who don’t use. The effects of marijuana use can include things like difficulty thinking, worsened problem-solving, memory and learning issues, and difficulty maintaining attention. All important skills for succeeding in school. Marijuana use makes driving dangerous. Marijuana negatively affects the skills needed for safe driving - especially for inexperienced teen drivers - like alertness, concentration, judgment, coordination, and reaction time. Marijuana use is thought to roughly double a driver’s chances of being in a crash.
We can prevent youth marijuana use by caring about their developing brains, connecting,
communicating, and paying careful attention to our kids and teens. To protect young minds, visit ParentUpKC.com/drug-topics/Marijuana for free tips and resources to help prevent youth marijuana use.
Have You Opted In to Receive Text Notifications from PCR-3?
School Messenger is our automated phone calling and text notification system. We use this system to notify parents quickly for sudden changes in schedules due to emergencies, school cancellations, or just important school announcements.
If you aren't receiving the District's text reminders and notifications and would like to opt in to receive these, simply text "YES" to 67587. Standard text messaging rates apply.
PCHS Pirate Store is ONLINE!
Exciting News!
The PCHS Pirate Store Website is Live!
You can now shop the PCHS student-run spirit store online. Orders will be filled Monday through Friday when school is in session. Check it out and support our students today!
Bullying and Safety Reporting
Safety is our District's top priority. PCR-3 has a system of safety and security measures in place, including trained security staff (now at every building following the passage of the Prop C Waiver/Levy Transfer), secure entryways, ongoing monitoring, and partnership with local law enforcement.
We remind parents, staff, and students that school safety is the responsibility of the entire school community. Please follow the principle of "see something, say something." If anyone (student, parent, staff member, community member) sees or hears anything of concern, please contact the District office at (816) 858-5420 so that those concerns can be investigated. You and your child can also easily report tips on bullying, harassment, or any safety issue you're concerned about through our online Safe Schools Alert system. Every tip is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. Tips may also be submitted anonymously. Each building's website has the Safe Schools icon located within the “quick links” bar on the homepage.
Food Services - New Meal Payment Site
We are now using LINQ CONNECT for meal payment and account management.
Please create a new account - with student's ID - and you will be able to add money to their balance, as well as control limits, block a la carte, and transfer funds between your students when you need to.
👍🏼 Good To Know!
- High School doors are open from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. School begins at 7:30 am.
- No outside food or drink delivered or dropped off for the students. (see the handbook)
- Please CALL AHEAD if your student needs to be dismissed. This gives us time to prepare a pass so the teacher knows they need to leave class and check out at the welcome center or Paxton Center. It takes a longer time to reach classes that are outside (Band, PE, etc.)
***PLEASE NOTE: Students have been forgetting to check out with the Admin. Assistant when they have been called out. They MUST check out properly before leaving.
PCHS Athletics/Activities
Pirate Activities information:
See the flyer below for information about tickets, schedules, registering online and uploading the student's physical, etc.
🎟Digital Tickets 📱
All tickets for PCR-3 athletic events are now digital. Fans will purchase tickets online through GoFan or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Prices remain the same; a regular season game is $5 for adults and $3 for students. PCHS students and fans aged 55 and older are admitted free with a valid ID. Click here for a link to purchase all sports passes and individual tickets.
PCHS Clubs & Organizations
Click here for clubs and organizations offered at PCHS.
Daily Announcements
The Announcements button below is linked to our live document that is updated as soon as new events come up. Please check often so you do not miss anything!
👉Students can save this in their Google Drive and access it at least weekly.
Pirates ROCK Got Character Students
Pirates ROCK Character Trait: INDIVIDUALITY (January)
Pirates ROCK (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
January's #PiratesROCK trait is INDIVIDUALITY: setting yourself apart from others
Join PTSA and support students and staff!
Meetings are every second Wednesday, 6:00 pm, at Mid-Continent Library.
- President - Jennifer Ball - ptsapchs@gmail.com
- VP - Melanie Doll - ddoll1@att.net
- Treasurer - Jill Talbot - jrtalbot23@gmail.com
- & Robin Herron - herron.robin@pcr3schools.org
The Board of the Platte County High School Booster Club
- President: Heather Duncan farm2epa@gmail.com
- Vice President: Kim Macias-Lewis kimmacias@hotmail.com
- Treasurers: Kate Harmon harmons42@yahoo.com and
Robin Herron herron.robin@pcr3schools.org - Secretary: Keri Dillingham kerilucas@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.pchsboosterclub.com/ (Links to everything there!)
Twitter: @PirateBoosterPC
Signup Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
Treasure Chest Support
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building*).
*NEW Location
Thank you to our Pirates R.O.C.K. Stars!
Michelle Howren, Associate Principal
Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pchshalls/