Piedmont Pulse
Piedmont USD - Week 21 Update >>>
January 8, 2024
Dear PUSD Families,
And, we are back! Happy New Year to our PUSD Families! I hope your winter break was relaxing and filled with friends and family. I am excited to start the new year and look forward to the months ahead in partnership with our Board, staff, families, and community in our effort to offer the finest education possible to our students. I confess, I appreciate a plan of action, particularly related to our budget and high-level priorities, and I wonder if you do too. To this end, below are some highlights of what we can look forward to for the remainder of this school year and beyond.
In partnership,
Jennifer Hawn, Ed.D.
Planning for the Months Ahead
Open enrollment for Piedmont residents starting 1/9. Our goal is to have every resident enroll their children in Piedmont USD schools. Information about tours and information nights linked HERE (scroll down to “Visit Us”). PHS and MHS are hosting tours this week.
Continued development of the PUSD Strategic Plan. We plan to bring the goals (Board Policy 0200 - Goals for the School District) to the Board for a first and second reading at our two regularly scheduled Board meetings in January.
The Governor’s proposed budget is announced by 1/10, which means we will know more about what State funding school districts will receive.
Budget Study Sessions with the goal of right-sizing our budget, including budgeting for compensation increases for staff. Our first budget study session on 1/11 will focus on ideas and recommendations for budget adjustments. Our second budget study session will refine and finalize budget adjustments.
Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) meets on 1/18 at 4PM.
Continued collaboration with our labor unions on coming to a multi-year contract agreement.
Continued development of the PUSD Strategic Plan. We plan to bring the Graduate Profile (Board Policy 0210 - Learning Goals for Students) to the Board for a first and second reading at our two regularly scheduled Board meetings in February. I plan to send out the draft Graduate Profile at the end of January to collect student, staff and family feedback.
LCAP mid-year report presented to the Board of Education. LCAP design for next three years begins (1/31).
Pending weather, Witter Field projected completion.
Anticipated continued collaboration with our labor unions on coming to a multi-year contract agreement.
Superintendent’s Advisory Council (SAC) continues work on two topics: 1. PHS Program Analysis and Recommendations, and 2. Strategies for Increasing Resident Enrollment. Both topics are part of our work to move toward PUSD as a destination district.
Title IX Task Force continues work, including a re-analysis of criteria for evaluating Title IX compliance.
DEIB Goals & Outcomes Reviewed and Finalized
2nd Interim Budget development presented to the Board of Education. Right-sizing the budget to include future compensation increases prioritized.
LCAP development continues, including discussion of this year’s final data and the next three years’ LCAP design.
Superintendent’s Evaluation - Mid-Year Progress Check.
SAC continues work on resident enrollment, along with program analysis of middle and elementary programs, including field trips.
Open enrollment continues, including consideration of interdistrict transfers, pending available space.
Analysis of Tri School facilities for TK program to projected increases to TK program.
LCAP analysis of current year data completed; continued development of design of future LCAP.
District Technology Advisory Committee (DTAC) reconvenes and examines AI implications for teaching and learning.
Develop PUSD Alumni Network page and google form invitation.
Finalize development of future LCAP as an extension of the PUSD Strategic Plan. Presentation to the Board of Education. School Plans (SPSA) aligned to LCAP and finalized for Board approval.
SAC continues work on resident enrollment, along with program analysis of middle and elementary programs.
Open enrollment continues, including consideration of interdistrict transfers, pending available space.
Analysis of Tri School facilities for TK program completed and presented to the Board of Education
Alumni Network invitation goes out.
Science-based Literacy Curriculum presented to the Board for approval, as part of a phasing out of the Lucy Calkins curriculum.
LCAP, School Plans, and PUSD Budget finalized and presented for discussion and then approval in June (two Board meetings for LCAP and Budget).
Graduation on Witter Field
Open Enrollment - Begins January 9th
PUSD Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Opens January 9th
The Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) will open enrollment for the 2024-25 school year on January 9. Enrollment for TK-12 is for current PUSD resident families with new children entering the district, and/or for new Piedmont resident families enrolling their child for the first time. Families will be required to upload proof of residency, birth certificate or passport, immunization records and TB risk assessment. Visit the District’s Enrollment section for more information. Links to enroll for the 2024-25 school year will be activated on the apply page on January 9.
Families with children turning five years of age between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025, are eligible for the District’s TK program for the 2024-25 school year. Visit the District website for more information about the TK program.
Visit the California Department of Education’s website for more information about Kindergarten in California. After reviewing the Enrollment section, if you have questions, please contact one of the school offices:
Beach: Sarah Schaaf - 510-594-2666, sschaaf@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Havens: Melanie Reed - 510-594-2680, mreed@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Wildwood: Christine Petersen/Jennifer Davidhazy - 510-594-2780, wildwoodoffice@piedmont.k12.ca.us
PMS: Caryn Palliser - 510-594-2669, cpalliser@piedmont.k12.ca.us
PHS: Darlene Low - 510-594-2646, dlow@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Families seeking information about inter-district transfers should check the Non-Resident Transfers page.
PUSD News & Notes
Piedmont Pulse Updates - Please note that I will be sending out Piedmont Pulse newsletter every other week from this point forward. The next update will be posted on 1/22/24. Archived Piedmont Pulse Newsletters are linked HERE
PEF - The Giving Campaign - The Giving Campaign officially ended in December; however, you can still give. We are grateful to our community for their support of our outstanding teachers and programs. If you are able to give, go HERE.
Piedmont Portal - For all of the latest school and community events, please visit the Piedmont Portal linked HERE
Donate for Absences - Parents, please remember that if your child needs to be out of school, you can submit payment HERE for the lost revenue. Each day that a student is out of school (for any reason, including illness) means a loss of revenue in the following amounts per day: TK-3rd Grade = $61.32; 4th-6th Grade = $56.39; 7th-8th Grade = $58.06; 9th-12th Grade = $61.20. This is invitational, of course.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (1/15/2024) - The CDE recoginizes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is also a state holiday. No school on Monday, January 15, 2024.
Witter Field Renovation Project Updates - For updates on the Witter Field Renovation Project, please go to our Facilities page on our PUSD website.
Community Pool Construction Update - Safety measures around the Community Pool Project construction site on Magnolia Ave. across from PHS/MHS are currently in effect. Visit the City of Piedmont's website for details.
Work for PUSD - PUSD is seeking candidates for a variety of positions. Visit the District's Edjoin page for a complete list of jobs available and to apply online.
Substitutes Needed - Support students while earning up to $200/day. PUSD seeking substitute teachers for the 2023-24 school year. Visit the District's EdJoin page for more information and to apply.
Follow PUSD - Please read our school newsletters sent out weekly for update to date information. The District Facebook (@piedmontunified), Twitter (@piedmontunified), Instagram (@piedmontusd) and Threads (@piedmontusd@threads) pages are active.
Piedmont Unified School District
Email: communication@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Website: www.piedmont.k12.ca.us
Location: 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-594-2600