Parent-Teacher Conferences-Fall '24
Structure Update From Caruso Middle School
Dear Caruso Families:
Parent-teacher conferences are occuring Thursday, 10/24 from 12:30 - 8:00 pm in person, Friday, 10/25 from 8:00 - 9:00 am in person, and Friday, 10/25 from 9:30 - 11:00 am virtually.
We want to share information regarding the structure of parent-teacher conferences this fall. Historically, Caruso has had blocks of time for which parents could sign up to meet with their team of core teachers (i.e. 7 Blue or 8 White) and then 5-minute individual conferences for encore teachers. This year, many students in 7th and 8th grade have a math teacher who is on the other team, making the structure we have previously used unsuitable because several families have math teachers on the other grade-level team. *This will not effect 6th Grade - they will be teamed with all core teachers including Math.
As such, we want to share an update with how conferences will be structured as we prepare to open up sign ups on Thursday, 9/26 at 1:00 pm. Please see the structure and instructions for signing up below.
Caruso Admin Team
Structure of Parent Teacher Conferences at Caruso
6th Grade Core: Sign-up with your core team leader (see below for list). You will meet with all core teachers: social studies, science, math, and ELA.
7th/8th Grade Social Studies, Science, and ELA: You will book a 20-minute block of time similar to how you have in the past with the whole core team (see below for list). You will see the name of the team and the team leader's name when you select your slot. Information on teams, the teachers on each team, and team leaders can be found below. This will guarantee that you get three of your four core classes back-to-back-to-back in five-minute conference segments. All core teachers will be in the same location so you can rotate from one to the next.
7th/8th Math: There will be individual 5-minute slots for each math teacher (see below for list). You will select your child's math teacher and book an individual conference. All math teachers will be in the LC.
6th, 7th, 8th Encore and World Language Classes: There will be 5-minute individual conferences with Encore teachers that you can book (see below for list).
Directions to Schedule PTC Wizard — Opening Thursday, 9/26 at 1:00 pm
1. You can set up your account today using the Parent Login Link below in order to ensure the smooth selection of conferences on Thursday, September 26th at 1:00 pm. If you have already created an account from last spring, it is worth logging in to make sure you still remember your password and can get in okay!
2. Only one parent/guardian needs to create an account. You can use your email address or manually create an account.
Parent Login Link - https://app.ptcwizard.com/ptc1706041106
2. The PTC Wizard Scheduler will go live for sign up on Thursday, September 26th at 1:00 pm.
3. Once you login to PTC Wizard with your Username and Password, you will be sent to a new screen. There you will be asked to give your consent to receive emails from PTC Wizard. This will allow you to receive a confirmation email after you sign up for conferences.
4. Welcome to PTC Wizard Tutorial
To Schedule Conferences: Click “Add/Edit Meetings” for CMS Fall Conferences. Click here for a Video Demo.
In the new screen, you will see the Teachers Icon in the top left corner of the screen. Click Teachers.
Click the boxes of ALL of the teachers that you want to schedule a conference with.
Click Continue.
Click on an available time for each teacher (the teachers you clicked on will be listed on top of each column)
Choose one meeting time for each teacher, and then click Continue.
You can view your schedule by clicking Agenda in the top right corner.
5. After completing your schedule, PTC Wizard will provide you with a full conference schedule that you can print, email yourself, or add to your Google Calendar.
Contact Principal Mr. Schwarz with any questions: mschwarz@dps109.org
Caruso Middle School
Email: cmsoffice@dps109.org
Website: https://www.dps109.org/Page/9
Location: 1801 Montgomery Road, Deerfield, IL, USA