Howell Happenings
August 2024
Principal Posts: News from Mrs. Alexander
- Our Howell Happenings, this monthly school newsletter, will be sent on the first Monday of the month. Teacher newsletters will be sent weekly. We will send information about the school calendar and events through the monthly school newsletter, teacher newsletters, Dojo, ParentLink emails and phone calls, and social media. You can always access the district calendar on the TUSD Website.
- Monday Folders will be sent home each Monday. It contains communications from the school and your child's teacher. Be sure to read its contents, fill out forms, etc., and return it. If your child misplaces his/her Monday Folder, a new one can be purchased in the office for $1.
- Our Technology Survey is going home in your child's Monday Folder on Monday, August 5. Beginning next month, I will only send hard copies of the newsletter if you indicate on your Technology Survey that you need a hard copy.
- Our Student Handbook will be sent home after we receive the Technology Surveys. It is quite a few pages long, so in an effort to save paper and the environment, we will be sending it electronically to everyone who has the ability to receive it electronically.
- Also going home in your child's Monday Folder is a Howell Specific Permission Form. Please return it ASAP, too.
- As most of you already know, breakfast and lunch are free to all students. If your child is eating breakfast at school, it is served 7:50-8:20. You can access the school menu on the TUSD website.
- Please remember that teachers are not available until 8:15. If you need to see a teacher in the morning, please enter through the front doors. Remember, it’s always best to make an appointment!
- We are always in need of volunteers. There are so many opportunities to be involved, such as working in your child's classroom, helping to monitor in the cafeteria or on playground, shelving books in the library, making copies or laminating materials, and the list goes on and on. If you're able to volunteer in any capacity, we would really appreciate it! You can reach out directly to your child's teacher for volunteering in the classroom, and you can reach out to Mrs. Marcia, our School Community Liaison, for all other volunteer opportunities And remember, all volunteers, including parents, must apply every school year and be approved to volunteer for any event, teacher, field trip, etc. The Steps to apply are:
- On the TUSD Careers Website, enter "Volunteer Application" in the keyword search.
- Select the Volunteers 2024-2025 School Year Job Posting.
- Click on the Blue Tab to "Apply Online."
- From the job listings page, select "Apply for this Position."
- If you don't have an account, will you need to create one.
- Login to your account and complete the Volunteer Application.
- I have attached our Master Calendar. Please mark your home calendar with the many events we hold throughout the school year. I will also list them monthly in this newsletter. I am only including the hard copies for August and September with this newsletter. For those of you who indicate on your Technology Survey that you need hard copies, I will send the rest of the calendar at a later date.
- Our fabulous preschool has openings for the 2024-2025 school year! If you or someone you know has a child that is or will be three years old before August 31, 2024, you can apply here. Feel free to call or office at 520-232-7200 or call the Community Schools Dept. directly at 225-1191 or 225-1176 or 225-1177 with any questions.
- Flag football for 4th and 5th graders starts next week. Practices will be held from 4:15-5:30 on Mondays and Thursdays with games being on Tuesdays and Fridays (we will practice on those days until games start). Coach Smith and Coach Williams have been recruiting, so your student may have already come home with the packet. I have attached the packet, but I am not sending hard copies with this newsletter. If you need a hard copy, please stop by the office. Students cannot start practice without a physical.
Counselor Connection: News from Ms. Bednar
Greetings Student & Families! I’m happy to be starting my 15th year in TUSD! It’s been wonderful to see familiar faces, and I’m excited about getting to know all our students new to Howell, as well. My name is Ilsa Bednar, and I am the School Counselor at Howell.
Throughout the year, I deliver regular counseling lessons (to K-5 classes) on everything from social emotional topics to career awareness. Also, I support students in small groups or individually if they are dealing with a problem or are going through a tough time. Like some of our other staff, I have a calm corner in my room which allows students space and time just to relax and regroup – if their emotions have gotten the best of them.
Please know that my door is open, and I’m available to talk if you feel at that your child might need some extra support. Since I do have a regular schedule throughout the day, it’s best to e-mail. You can also call the office, 520-232-7200, and leave a message so we can set up a time to talk.
On a final note, this summer my wellness goal was to improve my habits around sleeping. Getting proper sleep is such an important way to stay healthy (improves mood, helps with ability to focus & learn, can help with decision making and other physical health). So, I’m including a few tips from the Sleep Foundation.
1. Create a Routine: Children are creatures of habit. A consistent bedtime routine lets your child's body and mind know that it’s time to prepare for sleep.
2. Set a Bedtime: A set sleep schedule helps your child to doze off with regularity.
3. Implement a Screen Curfew: The blue light from mobile devices, including TV’s, stimulates the brain and makes it harder to wind down. Ideally, electronic devices should not be used within one hour of bedtime.
4. Get Exercise: Physical activity is proven to help people of all ages fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
5. Your Child’s Room: Reduce sound distractions; and keep the bedroom as dark as possible (a small nightlight is okay).
While I’m sure many of you already do most of these things, getting back into the school routine can take some time. Please make sure to allow everyone a little grace as we all make this transition together.
Community Corner: News from Mrs. Marcia
Welcome back Howell Hawks! I hope everyone had a fun and restful summer break.
For those of you who don’t know me or what my position is here, my name is Marcia Behrends (the kids call me Mrs. Marcia), and I am the School Community Liaison in room 3. I am here to support families in any way I can, such as backpacks, shoes, food banks, and clothing banks, just to name a few. Please feel free to reach out to me via email or call me directly, 520-232-7218. You can also reach out to your child’s teacher if you need anything. I’m happy to help!
Kindness Squad: News from Mrs. Robles & Mrs. Marcia
Preschool Parent Information Meeting
Monday, Aug 5, 2024, 02:00 PM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
First Day for Preschool
Have a wonderful day, Preschoolers!
Monday, Aug 12, 2024, 08:30 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Professional Learning Day
No School! Our teachers will be participating in district-wide trainings.
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024, 08:30 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Open House
Join us any time between 5:30 and 6:30 to tour your child's classroom and see the great things that have happened so far this school year. We'll also hold a Hello Hawks: Welcome to all of our new families in the library during the Open House. So, if you're new to Howell, please be sure to stop by the library to meet support staff and learn more about Howell.
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 05:30 PM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Hello Hawks: Welcome New Families
This event is embedded in our Open House. If you're new to Howell, please be sure to stop by the library during Open House!
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 05:30 PM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Get Fit Friday
We can't think of a better way to start the day than playing games! Come join us on the playground for some fun with your student(s)! Thank you to our Student Health Advisory Committee for organizing our Get Fit Fridays.
Friday, Aug 30, 2024, 08:00 AM
Howell Elementary School, North Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ, USA
Labor Day
Happy Labor Day! No School!