Woods Creek Chronicle
September 10, 2024
Sept. 11: WC PTO Lou Malnati’s Dine Out Day 11am -10pm.
Sept. 12: Parent Night: Session 1: 6:00 p.m; Session 2: 7:00 p.m.
Sept. 25: Early Release Day 2:00 p.m. student dismissal
Sept. 26: WC PTO meeting: 7:00 p.m., library
- District 47 calendar for the 2024-2025 school year
- Please check our school website for additional information: wds.d47.org
Parent Night, Thursday, September 12
- Woods Creek will host a Parent Night on Thursday, September 12 for parents to learn more about your student's classroom and to meet the teacher. This is an evening for parents only. Session times are 6:00-6:45 p.m and 7:00-7:45 p.m. Please attend one session per Woods Creek student.
- Our EL teachers, Mrs. Patel and Mrs. Hunt, will be hosting Parent Night presentations, as well. Please attend one session in addition to your child’s classroom session if you have a student eligible for EL services. Sessions times are 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
- Our EC (Extended Curriculum) teacher, Mrs. Kate Walsh, will be hosting an informational session in room 14 from 5:30 pm-6:00 pm. The intended audience is parents/guardians of students in the 4th and 5th grade EC Program.
Cubs Prime Packing Days-Volunteers Needed
Cubs Prime is our school based store supporting our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) program. Students select items from a set menu each month which are packaged and then delivered to the classrooms. We are in need of volunteers for Cubs Prime Packing on several days for approximately one hour. If you would like to volunteer to pack bags, please sign up on the form linked here.
Fall FastBridge Assessments
All students will take reading and math FastBridge assessments during the week of September 9. Kindergarten and 1st grade students are assessed directly with a certified staff member, while 2nd-5th grade students will take their assessments on their Chromebooks. The results of the Fall FastBridge assessments will be uploaded to ParentVue in November along with 1st trimester progress reports.
WC PTO Dine Out Day at Lou Malnati’s
Dine Out at Lou’ Malnati’s on Sept 11 to support the Woods Creek PTO. Use code GPFUND24 or mention the fundraiser when dining in or ordering by phone. Click here for flyer.
PTO Student Directory
Due to D47 policy, the school and teachers are unable to provide classmate contact information to other families. Therefore, the Woods Creek PTO is putting together a student directory for those parents interested in participating. The Woods Creek PTO Directory provides an opportunity for families to communicate with each other. If you would like to participate in this *voluntary* directory, please complete the PTO Student Directory Form by Friday, September 13.
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Woods Creek PTO
Please email the WC PTO at woodscreekpto@gmail.com with any questions.
Woods Creek Staff is happy to be back with students!
Mrs. Harvey & Mrs. Swihart
Dr. Marks & Mr. Brogan
Mrs. Fox & Mrs. Schwab
Mrs. Trivellini, Miss Dziadkowiec
& Mrs. Delzell
Mrs. Merlin, Mrs. Frieden & Mrs. Seibert
Miss Wulf, Mrs. Rygiel, Mrs. Sites & Mrs. Thomas
Nominate an outstanding D47 Educator for an ISBE Teacher of the Year Award
Take five minutes to join the Illinois State Board of Education in recognizing the incredible people involved in Illinois schools -- from teachers, to principals, to coaches, to counselors, to paraprofessionals, to school board members, and many more. ISBE will use submissions for the Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards, RISE Awards, and other educator recognition opportunities. Click here for the nomination form. Deadline is Oct 15.