Ridgeview Junior High
January 24, 2025 Vol. 28

Happy Friday Ridgeview families! Here are your weekly updates.
The Annual Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration is sponsored by the district to celebrate the great things our students are doing in our schools, as well as one individual for their contributions to the community at large. Last evening, Ridgeview was proud to nominate 8th graders Kami McDuffie and Edmund McAllister to receive the MLK Rise Up Award. Our very own PTO President, Kelly Martin, was this year’s recipient of the Community Service Award. We’d also like to acknowledge the following students for either speaking or performing during the event: 7th grader Carter Pearson (speaker), 8th grader Joshua Chukwu (speaker), and 8th grader Bernita Fianko (performer). You all made Ridgeview PROUD last evening! Great job and congratulations again!!
Art students from all grade levels in Pickerington Local Schools will have their art displayed in an exhibit at the Pickerington Library starting on Jan 21st through March 8th. We encourage our families to stop through to view original artwork from our students. We’re very proud of the work they’ve done and can’t wait to see the show! There will also be a reception to kick off the art show from 6:00-7:30 pm on the 21st. All are welcome to attend.
The Global Scholars application is now open to all junior high and high school students. Click here to read more about the program, as well as complete the required application if interested. Information is further down in the newsletter as well for families.
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up soon! Feb 5th will be our first evening. Feb 18th will be the last evening. Teachers will be sending out notifications to families soon (if they haven’t already) for sign-ups. We encourage all families to sign-up for at least one of the sessions, as these will be the last conference dates of this school year.
ELA and math iReady diagnostic make-ups will continue through the end of next week (Jan 31st) for students who need to start and/or finish one or more parts. Once the testing window closes, teachers will have data chats with students to go over their results, as well as talk about goals from now until the End of the Year assessment. The two Pawtimes (one 7th/one 8th) with the highest percentage of growth and no rush flags will earn a Pawtime party compliments of the building administration. Good luck to all students! We’re off to a great start.
Lastly, our annual 7th grade field trip to Central HS to see the Black History Month Variety Show is coming up on Feb 12th. All 7th grade students need to have their annual Infinite Campus Update completed in order to attend. We currently have 63 families who still need to complete it. Click here to review the specific details. You can also view the details further down in the newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact our secretary, Lisa Holley, in our main office.
Take care everyone and we’ll see everyone next week! GO TIGERS!
Important Dates:
Wed Feb 5 - Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thur/Fri Feb 6 & 7 - No School Staff PD Days
Sheila A. Evans, Principal
Ridgeview Junior High School
Building News
Friendly Reminders
Early Dismissal Information
District Policy states that only guardians listed on Infinite Campus are permitted to pick up their student. If your student needs to be picked up early by someone who is NOT their guardian, a guardian must call the office to let us know who will be picking up their child. The other adult must present a valid ID to office staff for the student to be released to them.
Personal Communication Devices:
Pick-up times for Personal Communication Devices will be Mon - Fri in the main office from 8:00 am - 1:45 pm and again from 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm as long as school is in session. The main office closes at 3:00 pm daily.
We’re collecting more devices daily. If your student has a device confiscated and it doesn’t belong to them, the person that it belongs to AS WELL AS the student who had it taken from will be added to our spreadsheet for a confiscated device. Please make a note of this.
Order Your Yearbooks, Now!
To find our school, type in job number:
13607 OR Pickerington Ridgeview Jr HS
Click on the pictures below to apply!
Become a Substitute
The application process begins at the Fairfield County Educational Service Center website.
Spirit Shop - Winter Edition
**If you're paying with Venmo, there will be a fee - $1 for $20 and $1.75 for $40 or more. Please add the extra in your payment.**
Payments of cash and/or check will be accepted in the office with Ms Tiffany.
Email: tiffany_dalton@plsd.us with any questions!
Rachel Ross
School Nurse
Contact the Clinic
Mindy Stillwell
Health Care Assistant
IMMUNIZATION REMINDER: In order to start school, all immunizations must be up to date.
Click HERE for complete guidelines.
School-Based Health Clinic
Pediatric Associates has an office located at Tussing Elementary that is available to all PLSD students and the community of Pickerington. The clinic offers the following services: helping with sore throat, headaches, earache, bad cough, strep test, immunizations, blood work, physicals, well check-ups, sports physicals, medication, asthma, etc.
The clinic is open on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 - 3:00 and closed from 1:00 - 2:00 for lunch. Walk-ins are welcome or to schedule an appointment call 614-864-3222.
Emergency Resources
Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741741
Nationwide Children's Youth Hotline: 1-614-722-1800
Teen Hotline: 1-614-294-3300
Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
Safe Schools Tip Line: Call or text 1-844-723-3764
Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or 1-614-221-5445
Sheriff Department: 1-740-652-7900
Ridgeview's Counseling Team
Student Counselor (A-Ga)
Student Counselor (Ge-N)
Student Counselor (O-Z)
Fundraiser Opportunity
Battle Pups Fundraiser
Families, last week Student Council launched a penny war fundraiser, however, the snow days kept it from successfully launching. We just learned that the district is also participating in the Schools Helping Schools Challenge from the Battle Pups organization to help raise money to provide Battle Pups for those in need. That organization provided Ridgeview with around 1,000 Battle Pups when we experienced a tragedy a few years ago. You can't imagine the impact that had on students and staff alike. Given these factors, we decided to shift our focus of the fundraiser to raising money for Battle Pups.
Starting next week we will feature two different battle pups each day. Students will vote for their favorite pup by making donations. The pup winner of that day will challenge a new pup the next day. Each time a student donates, they get entered into a drawing. At the end of the week, someone will win the winning pup! So let's have some friendly fun competition by sending your change/dollars for this worthy cause. The challenge starts Monday Jan. 27-Friday Jan. 31. May the best pup win! (see attached flyer)
Note: Any money collected this week will be put toward the Battle Pups fundraiser.
Global Scholars
Scheduling for 25-26 is approaching!
The application for the incoming cohort of Global Scholars is 25-26 is now open!
We had a waitlist for the 24-25 incoming cohort, so don't wait to apply!
This application is for the new incoming group -
(if you are already a part of Global Scholars, you need not re-apply.)
If you'd like to read more about the Global Scholars Program, visit
Or check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0wnC7Z6Jxo
Here is the link for the Global Scholars 25-26 application.
If you have questions, reach out to Dr. Marie Hurt, marie_hurt@plsd.us
Winter Sports are in session!
Please be sure that your student is registered on Final Forms.
Lacrosse team is on the hunt for players!
Ridgeview Girls and Boys lacrosse teams are looking for players to join the teams this spring!
Please register in Final Forms.
If you have any questions about lacrosse email centralgirlslax@gmail.com.
Athletic Event Ticket Pricing
Students: $5 Adults: $7
Cash/Card is accepted at the gate. If you pay online, there will be additional fees.
Click here to purchase tickets: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/Page/126
You may purchase a Tiger Club Pass ($50/student) or a Central Club Pass ($100/adult) that is good for all regular home games for every sport.
To purchase Club Passes, use the same link as above and select Central. Once there, you will select Purchase Yearly Passes.
**Students are now required to show their student ID card to attend athletic events. If your student does not have an ID card yet, you can show the attendant your Infinite Campus information from your phone until your ID arrives**
Boys & Girls Basketball
Practice is every day after school Mon - Fri, that there is no meet.
October 29 - January 16
Practice Schedule:
5:30 - 6:30 am
Garver YMCA
6767 Refugee Rd
Winter Sports Information
Be sure to register your student in Final Forms so that you get all of the up to date information regarding games and practices.
Happy, Happy, Happy Friday!
Like the week before it has been a cold, cold, did we say cold and very interesting week - but we made it through.
PTO will be hosting Parent Teacher Conference dinner on February 5th and we need your support. Below you will find a link for the Sign-up Genius (also posted on our Facebook page) where you can sign up to send a donation, cook up a dish, or purchase items listed on the sign-up. Any support you are able to provide is appreciated as our teachers and staff work hard every day to provide for our students, this is a fantastic way to give back to them. Thank you in advance.
Parents, we have a special fundraiser coming up for Valentine's Day to send your sweetheart (your little sweetheart of course) a special treat. We will offer candy grams (suckers and airheads), heart shaped, chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, white chocolate cookies and cupcakes. This is a pre-sale option only and all items purchased will be handed out during lunch on the 14th. How this works you ask - using our cashless payment options Venmo or Cash App provide us with your child's first and last name, grade, lunch period and item you would like to send your kiddo. On both Venmo and Cash App there is a Memo option this is where you will enter the details - if you have any issues entering in the details in the memo, please email the details to kelly.martin_rvjhpto@hotmail.com and I will be sure to add the information to our spreadsheet. As for the cost (please see below) also check out our Facebook page and Google link for details next week.
Cupcakes: $2.50
Cookies: $1.50
Candy Grams: $1.50 (3 suckers or 3 airheads)
Each item you send will come in a special container or bag, heart sticker and heart name tag!!
Students will have the option to purchase suckers/airheads only throughout the week during PAW Time (cash only) starting February 6th up until Valentine's Day the 14th.
Just a few reminders, as shared last week we are looking to do a Teen Dance in February (just waiting on dates to confirm availability). Our hopes are that we can get this on the books as of the 14th, but will have more details after our PTO meeting next week. We are also planning some restaurant fundraisers in the next couple of weeks. Once dates have been confirmed all communication will be sent out via the Friday Newsletter, Talking Points and Facebook (we hope you are able to come out and support us).
If you are interested in joining PTO we would love to have you - we are scheduling a virtual meeting the week of January 27th, more details to come with the official date and time (as we are looking to have Mrs. Sheila Evans present and waiting to confirm her availability).
If you have any questions at all we are always here to support you - Kelly Martin - kelly.martin_rvjhpto@hotmail.com and Qiana Ellis - qsmith6@hotmail.com.
A WARM up is coming our way, have a fantastic weekend!
Kelly & Qiana
PLSD District News
Notice of Language Assistance Plan
PLSD 2024-2025 District Calendar - click here
Districtwide Activities Calendar
Upcoming events and important dates are listed in the Districtwide Google Events Calendar, which is synced with individual building, program and athletic team calendars. Once inside the district wide calendar, to display the events of a particular building, team, program or activity, you will need to check the specific corresponding color-coded box(es) from the list on the left-hand side.
Pickerington Schools partners with the City of Pickerington and Yodel to bring you the Pickerington Community Calendar!
Visit this link to view all Pickerington Schools activities included on the calendar and don’t forget to “favorite” our Pickerington Schools schedule! Once favorited, Pickerington Schools' events will be front and center on your calendar, enabling you to see what’s coming up.
Community News
HELP Make Our Schools Safer
The Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Public Safety have launched the SaferOH tip line that will accept both calls and texts 24 hours a day.
This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety—whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.
Every tip can remain anonymous. School safety analysts may ask for additional information, but the caller can remain secret or leave his or her contact information for later follow-up.
Calls or texts to 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) are answered by analysts in the Ohio Homeland Security’s Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) Unit. When action is needed, the TAP Unit immediately forwards information to Pickerington Schools, local law enforcement agencies, and others, if necessary.
Ridgeview Values
Principal: Sheila Evans
Assistant Principal 7th Grade: Henry Lee
Assistant Principal 8th Grade: Kevin Smith
Dean of Students: Sydney Dillard
Building Secretary/Athletics: Tiffany Dalton
Building Secretary/Registrar: Lisa Holley
Attendance: Pat Petrini
Office Assistant: Madelyn Gomez
Counselors: Kris Owen: A-Ga, Erica Reynolds: Ge-N, Meghan Wade: O-Z
Nurse: Rachel Ross/Mindy Stillwell
Safety/Security: Jon (JT) Haynes
School Resource Officer (SRO): Mathew Swaney, Jeremy Collier
Ridgeview Junior High School
Email: Sheila_Evans@plsd.us
Website: pickerington.k12.oh.us
Location: 130 Hill Road South, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-548-1700
Twitter: @RidgeviewPLSD