Bonsall USD, Community Resource C.
From the office of the Community Liaison, Leonor Rodriguez

Welcome District Office, room # 4.
office phone # 760.631.5200 ext. 802-1000
BUSD Community Resource Center / Centro de Recursos Communitarios
November 11th - Veteran's Day - No School/No Habra Escuela
- November 20th - BUSD Regular Board Meeting
Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: Bonsall Community Center 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA 92003
- November 25th- 29th Thanksgiving Break - No School/No Habra Escuela
Bonsall Unified Resources for new and existing students
If you missed participating on our climate survey, please find your student school site access code and help us provide your feedback.
Please click the following link and enter the access code for your child's school: The questionnaire will be open from October 23-November 1st
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace e introduzca el código de acceso de la escuela de su hijo: El cuestionario estará abierto del 23 de octubre al 1 de noviembre.
Link to Questions: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/bonsallusd/login
Please use the corresponding ACCESS CODE for the Family Survey
Por favor, utilice el CÓDIGO DE ACCESO correspondiente para la Encuesta Familiar
School Name
Access Code
Bonsall Elementary
Vivian Banks Charter
Sullivan Middle
Bonsall High
Bonsall West
Students Grades 3-5: English or in Spanish here.
Students Grades 6-12: English or in Spanish here.
MCCS Information links and family activities
Our Bonsall Community Center is open to the public to cast your vote!
Native Learner Advisory Committee Meeting was a Great Success!
Our Native Learner Advisory Committee Meeting was a great success as more parents and students participated. We continued building opportunities to increase communication, identified growth, and collaborated with all staff members, teachers, and administration.
Nuestra reunión del Comité Consultivo de Estudiantes Nativos fue un gran éxito ya que participaron más padres y estudiantes. Continuamos construyendo oportunidades para incrementar la comunicación, identificamos el crecimiento y colaboramos con todos los miembros del personal, maestros y administración.
Native Learner Advisory Committee
Thursday, November 24, 2024
5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Pala Admin Building
Each school in the Bonsall School District has its own PTA association please contact your son's and daughter's school or call me for more information and guidance on how to become a member of the PTA, Parent Teacher Association
PTA, Parents and Teachers Association/Asociación de Padres y Maestros, conocida por las siglas en ingles como (PTA)
PTA, Parents and Teachers Association/Asociación de Padres y Maestros, conocida por las siglas en ingles como (PTA)
Cada escuela del distrito escolar de Bonsall tiene su propia asociacon de PTA por favor comuniquese a la escuela de su hijo e hija o llameme para mas informacion y guia como puede ser miembro del PTA, Asociación de Padres y Maestros.
We cannot do the work we do without you, the parents and guardians. You are an important piece in your child’s academic success and your child’s first teacher. Now, more than ever, we need to work as community partners to support each and every child. One way to continue with support is by joining each of your child's school site PTA.
No podemos hacer el trabajo que hacemos sin ustedes, los padres y tutores. Usted es una pieza importante en el éxito académico de su hijo y el primer maestro de su hijo. Ahora, más que nunca, necesitamos trabajar como socios comunitarios para apoyar a todos y cada uno de los niños. Una forma de continuar con el apoyo es uniéndose a la PTA de cada escuela de su hijo.Bonsall High School Early College/CTE Coordinator
Please open and review Ms. Eryn's newsletter for important information about early college.
Key Upcoming Dates:
11/6: Pathways to Success meeting with Ms. Eryn at 5 PM Pala Admin Hall 12196 Pala Mission Rd. Pala, CA 92059
11/13: Pathways to Success meeting with Ms. Eryn and Ms. Grisbrink at 5PM Bonsall Community Center 31505 Old River Rd Bonsall, CA 92003 Translation provided
Check Out Our New College & Career Newsletter!
NEW College & Career Center Monthly Newsletter
Topics include: Senior Updates, NEW Student Highlight, Poll of the Month, Early College & What’s new in CTE Land, new programs, supports, and events, as well as important dates to know
Ms. Eryn Barker, M. Ed
Early College/CTE Coordinator
Our Bonsall Unified School Sites
Our Bonsall Unified School District Schools
Bonsall Virtual Academy
Bonsall Virtual Academy Newsletters
Please click and review Mrs. Tina's newsletter for important information about field trips, career days/internship opportunities, and a lot more.
Por favor, haga clic y revise el boletín de la Sra. Tina para obtener información importante sobre excursiones, días de carrera / oportunidades de prácticas, y mucho más.
The latest newsletter from Mrs. Tina Calabrese
Tina Calabrese
760.631.5200 Ext. 1027
Adult Transitional Program had a great Halloween!
BUSD Agricultural Program/ Programa agrícola BUSD
2024-25 School Calendar
Calendario de este nuevo año escolar 2024-2025
BUSD 3rd. Annual Cultural Night Event at SMS
What an incredible evening at Sullivan Middle School! All BHS and SMS students from the Spanish class showcased their project presentations and engaged with their guests and parents about their work. Their Spanish conversations were fantastic and easy to understand, and even Dr. Golly participated in a conversation with them.
It was a warmly welcoming night for all BUSD families and students who attended to support this annual event. I am incredibly proud of everyone involved and deeply grateful to all the teachers, staff members, and administrators for their dedication, hard work, and support.
In addition, we successfully hosted local resources for our families, including Migrant Education, Live Well, and the Fallbrook Regional Health District. These resources made a significant impact on our BUSD families.
¡Qué noche tan increíble en Sullivan Middle School! Todos los estudiantes de BHS y SMS de la clase de español mostraron las presentaciones de sus proyectos e interactuaron con sus invitados y padres sobre su trabajo. Sus conversaciones en español fueron fantásticas y fáciles de entender, e incluso Dr. Golly participó en unas conversación con ellos.
Fue una noche muy acogedora para todas las familias y estudiantes de BUSD que asistieron para apoyar este evento anual. Estoy increíblemente orgullosa de todos los involucrados y profundamente agradecido a todos los maestros, miembros del personal y administradores por su dedicación, trabajo duro y apoyo.
Además, organizamos con éxito recursos locales para nuestras familias, incluyendo Educación Migrante, Vive Bien y el Distrito Regional de Salud de Fallbrook. Estos recursos tuvieron un impacto significativo en nuestras familias BUSD.
Poi Spinning Arts Performance by our Bonsall High Student, Krislynn Pollard
The song she spun to was called Starvation by AURORA.
Bonsall High School, Bonsall Elementary, and Bonsall West Folkloric dancers
Migrant Education, Fallbrook Regional District Health Center and Live Well
Local Resources/Recursos Locales
2024-2025 SDCOE California Indian Education Resource Guide
SDCOE California Indian Education
Check out of new 2024-25 American Indian Education Resource Guide Flipping Book. This online catalog provides an overview of SDCOE American Indian Education projects, networking opportunities, and grants that are supporting in collaboration with tribal leaders and educators. The professional learning (PL) opportunities offered in this catalog are designed specifically to ensure local education agencies (LEAs - school/districts and charter schools) can establish, expand and refine successful American Indian Education learning programs in collaboration with tribal governments, AI/AN students and families, and tribal community members.
California Indian Education for All
The SDCOE and CIEFA invite PK-12 educators, administrators, Title VI committee members, Tribal Education staff, college/university faculty, school board members, and tribal community members to attend events on our 2024-2025 CIEFA calendar. This CIEFA calendar has over 60 trainings, book clubs, institutes, conferences, talking circles, and collaboratives that will be offered for free to SD County and California LEAs, Tribal Education Centers, and tribal communities. All of these offerings are aligned to the Commitment to Ensure American Indian Student and Family Belongingness in Schools: A Community- Responsive Framework to Honor and Enhance Tribal Education Sovereignty https://bit.ly/Tribal-Ed-Sovereignty. Presenters and participants will share resources and programs related to American Indian Education, place-based learning, CA Native American Studies model curriculum, culturally responsive literacy, Native Youth Leadership, Native family and tribal community engagement, and improvement strategies to facilitate Native community leadership and agency in schools. We welcome those who share a commitment for improving belongingness, access, opportunities, and support to allow American Indian students to thrive in school. Access more resources at: https://www.caindianeducationforall.com
We look forward to seeing you for our upcoming
Native Ways of Knowing Book Club
Zoom Meeting Link: https://sdcoe.zoom.us/j/83270767133
Meeting ID: 832 7076 7133
Phone: +16694449171,,83270767133# US
Friends of the Fallbrook Library
124 South Mission Road
Fallbrook, CA
(760) 451-9606
Oceanside Public Library
Civic Center Library
330 N Coast Hwy
Oceanside, CA 92054
(760) 435-5600
Monday - Thursday9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Mission Branch Library
3861-B Mission Ave.
Oceanside, CA 92058
Monday - Thursday9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
24/7/365 Mental Health Care Service for all! ¡Servicio de atención de salud mental 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, 365 días al año para todos!
Servicio de atención de salud mental 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, 365 días al año para todos! Servicio de coordinación de atención de salud mental las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año para los estudiantes, el personal y sus familias del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Bonsall
Obtener ayuda puede ser un proceso desalentador. Deje que nuestros Care Companions™ encuentren la ayuda que necesita para la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más.Bonsall Unified School District partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs regardless of circumstance.
If you or someone you know needs help with mental health and substance use, Care Solace will quickly and confidentially find available providers matched to your needs:
Call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365)
Visit caresolace.com/demo and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Gwen Evans, MA, APCC
760.466.8879 ( Lic. # 14741)
Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
Would like to schedule an appointment with a Health District Community Resource Navigator? ¿Le gustaría programar una cita con el Navegador de recursos comunitarios del distrito regional de salud?
Want to schedule an appointment Katia? Click on the calendar below!
¿Le gustaría programar una cita con la Navegadora Katia de recursos comunitarios del distrito reginonal de salud?
¿Quieres programar una cita con Katia? ¡Haga clic en el calendario a continuación!https://calendly.com/kelizondomarquez/application-assistance-appointment
NEW Partner Events!
Interfaith Mobile Unit
Mobile Community Assistance Program
Mobile Case Managers work with families living in North San Diego County to provide services.
Services Included:
- Food and Hygiene
- Transportation Assistance
- Housing Resources
- Utility Supports
- Financial Literacy
- Identification Assistance
- Employment Assistance & more...
By Appointment ONLY!
To access this service, you need to schedule an appointment with Katia Elizondo Marquez
Events & Webinars for everyone!
Free Certificates Tying Test
MiraCosta College Now Offers Typing Certificates
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, by appointment
Where: 1831 Mission Ave., Oceanside, CA 92058
Register here!
Food Justice Community Action Plan
Food Justice Community Action Plan - Community Roundtable When: Various Dates & Times Where: Various Locations Register here! View the flyer here!
First Responder - Suicide Prevention Training
First Responder - Suicide Prevention Training
When: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 10:00AM - 11:00AM
Where: Online, via Zoom
Register here!
Ciudadania y Educacion Civica
When: Every Tuesday | 5:00PM - 6:00PM (English) Cuando: Todos Los Martes | 6:00PM - 7:00PM (Spanish) Where: San Marcos Elementary Multipurpose Room 1 Tiger Way, San Marcos, CA 92069 For more information, call (760) 659-0109 or email info@unipopular.org.
Ongoing! Ciudadania & Education Civica/Citizenship Test Preparation
Community Health Updates Useful LINKS
Love on Your Back Distributions/Distribuciones de la organization "Amor a tu Espalda"
LOYB Distributions/Distribuciones 2024
Distribuciones en Pala de 11:30-1pm
Community Center 1:30-3 pm
- November 12
- * December 11
- *January 7
- * February 7
- * March 11
- * April 8
- * May 8
"Families must contact Carol Wood at 760-224-1098 or loveonyourback@yahoo.com at least 24 hours before distribution so that we have adequate supplies for each family.
If you or a family you know needs help, please let us know! "
Fallbrook - Food - Pantry
(760) 728-7608
Donate to the Bonsall Educational Foundation which supports BES teachers and students!
Meeting Dates for the 2024-25 school year
Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at the Bonsall Community Center at 5 p.m.
The dates are: September 5, October 3, November 7, January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1.
¡Dona a la Fundación de Bonsall que apoya a los maestros y estudiantes!
Click HERE to donate or to get more information about BEF
Transportation Department/Departamento de Transporte
Penny Rodriguez
(760) 631-5200 ext. 1022 FAX # (760) 631-1481
BUSD Breakfast and Lunch Menu
The monthly breakfast and lunch menu.
El menú mensual de desayuno y almuerzo.
BUSD is hiring! Join our team!
Please see the job postings below! If you have any questions, you can contact Meghann Cate in the Human Resources. 760.631.5200 ext. 1013
Check out all other positions available.
Military Resources
Bonsall Unified Resources for Military Families
- New Student Enrollment
- Student Portal
- Extended Care Program
- After school enrichment classes 6 crickets portal
- Volunteers
- Child Nutrition
- Transportation/Busing
Community Resources for Military Families
Child Care Resources for Military Families
- Child Development Programs, San Diego Metro Fleet and Family Readiness
- MilitaryChildCare.com
- Neighborhood House Association
- YMCA Childcare Resource Service
Children with Special Needs
- Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program - Camp Pendleton
- Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program - Miramar
- Navy Exceptional Family Member Program - San Diego
General Resources for Military Families
- Courage to Call 24/7 Helpline (877) 698-7838
- Department of Defense Educational Activity operates school worldwide for the children of Department of Defense military and civilian families.
- Financial Management for Military Families Financial planning assistance at no expense to Military families
- Fleet & Family Support Centers - San Diego
- FOCUS (Families Over Coming Under Stress) provides resiliency training for Marine and Sailors families facing the challenge of a family member’s deployment.
- Marine & Family Support - Camp Pendleton
- Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Legal Service provides legal support to active duty, reserve, and retired military personnel and their families.
- Marine Corps Community Services Miramar
- Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton School Liaison
- Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, world-wide organization, whose work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition.
- Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission ensures that the children of military families are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and are not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals by inflexible administrative and bureaucratic practices.
- Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents. Their mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children.
- Military One Source is a 24/7/365 information and referral service available via toll-free telephone and Internet access. A personal and family readiness tool, Military One Source extends the existing family support system. Programs provided are especially beneficial to those geographically separated from installation services or those unable to seek assistance during traditional working hours.
- My Military Life is an app that guides families through topics such as going back to school, planning for a deployment or transitioning out of the military, etc.
- Navy San Diego School Liaison
- Operation Bigs - Mentoring program for military families. Phone (619) 218-3335.
- Operation Homefront is non-profit organization providing a hand up to military families in their time of need.
- Plan My Move Installation specific information to help families PCS
- San Diego Armed Services YMCA
- San Diego County Office of Education - Military Students and Family Supports
- San Diego Military Family Collaborative has great resources, information and free events available to military families. Visit their calendar to view upcoming events.
- SAY San Diego (Social Advocates for Youth)
- Semper Connected Camp Pendleton - The Semper Connected toolkit is a compilation of resources for military spouses and family members to use to help create social connections. Marine Corps spouses created the Semper Connected toolkit with support from Marine and Family Programs.
- The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
- Tutor.com for US Military Families provides help from professional tutors anytime you need it, for FREE. Tutors are online 24/7 and eligible military families in the Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force can take advantage of this military family program to get help with more than 16 subjects.
- United Though Reading Military Program
- U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps provides legal assistance on various topics, including pre-deployment services.
Workshops twice a week in the evenings/Talleres de Aprendizaje por las noches!
Leonor Rodriguez, Bonsall USD, Community Liaison
If you ever need to use a laptop to review any of your students' school grades or messages from teachers please do not hesitate to stop by our office at the district office, room # 4.
Please see me if you need the application for LOVE on Your Back, or any other local or state resources, I can help you!
Si alguna vez necesita usar la computadora para revisar grados o mensajes de los maestros porfavor visitenos en nuestra oficina # 4.
Por favor vengan a verme si necesitan la applicacion para LOVE on your Back, o cualquier otro recurso local o estatal, ¡puedo ayudarte!
iHablo español!
Comunicate conmigo.
760.631.5200 ext. 1000
Email: Leonor.Rodriguez@bonsallusd.com
Website: bonsallusd.com
Location: 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 631-5200 ext. 802-1000