"Cause We Need To Talk "
January 14, 2025
Happy New Year!
Negotiations Are Ongoing..... Fighting The Good Fight!
Nevertheless, we welcome 2025 and all of the prosperity, joy, love and peace that it has to offer.
The school year is pretty close to half way over as we approach the end of the second semester, which ends on January 24th. You all have a lot going on and so do we trying to tackle negotiations, which are still underway.
As the union continues to negotiate with the House Administration for a new contract over the next few weeks, we decided to ask for some feedback from you to insure that your voice is heard and we can gage how you feel. Please respond to the short series of questions that will follow this introduction. We would really like to hear from each and every one of our 1150 members.
Are you a dues paying member of ASASP
Which PGCPS Job Classification Unit do you belong to?
If budget cuts became necessary which would you rather occur
RIF Definition......See 3.13 for further explanation
3.13 Reduction in Force A. Definition: Reduction-in-Force (RIF): The involuntary removal of a unit member from Unit II based upon budget consideration, reorganization, or a decrease of the number of authorized positions within a given job classification.
If it were up to U, choose the least acceptable % increase
Don't Fall Victim!
Conducting BOY and MOY
The conferences must be conducted according to the guidelines and completed within the allotted time frame, otherwise they are null and void. You must contact the union if you are violated. Don't take it, your peers aren't! Contact us at jeffery.parker@pgcps.org, david.dzidzienyo@asasp.org or carlene.murray@asasp.org. Don't be scared, reach out!
Not Without My Permission..... Don't Record Me!
A Violation Is A Violation! If you are doing this, you could face litigation in Maryland!
Recording Someone Without Their Knowledge and/or Permission Is Against Maryland Law. Using A.I. to record conferences of meetings could be seen as an intimidation factor. Don't Be Bullied!
Enough Is Enough..... Stress Kills!
Stand Up or The Stress Will Lay You Down.
Folks stressing you to have X number of observations completed by X date is for the birds, especially when the weather and lack of salt kept schools closed for an extra week after the holidays. You would have been written up if you didn't have salt or enough contractors to clear lots.
Principals out of their buildings 3, 4, 5 times or more for what? Where is the proof that all of this foolishness is improving the system? or is this just a way to keep people at the top looking busy.
Formals, Informals, SGM's, Departmental Learning Walks, Mid-year conferences and last minute requests and requirements before you come to the meetings, etc.....What's really going on?
What are the Supervisors, Associates and I.D.'s doing but giving orders, directives and seeing to it that the worker bees are frantic, scrambling and fighting with each other over too many, unnecessary duties and requirements and mandates. Stand Together or Fall for Anything!
The clips and links used here are clearly for educational and entertainment of readers and are not owned by me or ASASP.
ASASP 2025..... A New Union and A New Beginning!
Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel
The Board of Directors
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Fifteen (15) Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Ms. Felicia Colbert - Treasurer
Ms. Kristy Miller - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. JeVivvien Ray - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Ms. Tisa Morgan - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Ms. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Ms. Summer Carter - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from our National Affiliate AFSA