Pre-K Newsletter
March 7, 2025
Dear Pre-K Families,
This weekend we are issuing a special challenge! The top grade level will get to water balloon attack the Booster team! Check out mybooster.com for details. Thank you for your continued support so far!
And if you're looking for the easiest way to ask for a donation, upload a photo of your student to MYBOOSTER.COM to create a fun video starring your student WITH YouTube Trick-Shot Stars 🏀 Dude Perfect! 🏀 Share this on Facebook or via email or text to easily ask for a donation. Thank you again for supporting our class and school!
Ms. Cottingham and Ms. Dalton
Our Weekly Focus
Theme: Crawling Critters
Weekly Focus: Amazing Critters
Learned all about the letter Xx
Read books about insects that crawl
Wrote about bugs that can crawl
Conducted experiments to show the colors of the rainbow
Listened to a story about Amelia Earhart and discussed how she showed courage
Discussed things we would like to find at the end of a rainbow
Learned about symbols used in simple addition problems and practiced reading number sentences
Added ladybug larvae into our ladybug habitats
Letter Challenge
Message from Mrs. Lewis about Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year
Interested in Bear Creek's lottery-based Kindergarten Dual Language Program?
Now is the time to complete your priority registration for this program using the Enroll Austin online registration system. Priority registration ends February 4, 2025. Applicants will be notified of lottery results by March 14. To register for the Kinder dual language lottery, you will choose the 2nd registration option, "Your student would like to apply to another school or to a different application-based program". Next you will choose Bear Creek Kinder Dual Language. If you do not get a spot in the lottery, you can try again for kinder dual language when general registration opens April 1 or register for non-dual language Kinder.
Returning to Bear Creek for the 2025-2026 School year?
Please help with staffing our campus appropriately for the upcoming school year by registering by February 4th! Knowing our staffing needs early in the hiring season gives us access to the best of the best pool of applicants we are able to hire for your children. Returning families do not need to upload registration documents unless something has changed.
Link to register: https://www.austinisd.org/enroll
Dates to Remember
March 5th - Kickoff for Bear Creek Fun Run Fundraiser
March 13th - Bear Creek Fun Run Event (pre-k runs at 8:30)
March 14th - NO SCHOOL
March 17th - 24th - NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
March 24th - 28th- AISD Pride Week
March 28th - Pre-K wears YELLOW to school
March 31st - NO SCHOOL, Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta Holiday / Eid al-Fitr
Classroom Wish Lists
These wish-lists are constantly being updated. Thank you in advance for donating to our classrooms!
Ms. Cottingham's Class: Donate Here
Mrs. Dalton's Class: Donate Here