Centennial Eagles News
Week of April 29, 2024
Note from Dr. Carmen Polka (Principal)
Dear Centennial families and guardians,
Wow...last week was a BIG week at Centennial. Ms. Robke and Dr. Carmen Polka received the Thompson School District Impact Award, Ms. Misty was celebrated on Secretary's Day, Yamaha and Tri City Cycle gifted Centennial a bike curriculum for future Kindergarten students, and we wrapped it all up with our incredible PTA Spring Carnival & Silent Auction. Just WOW...our Centennial community is so above the rest! This current week is pretty calm and next week we will have our annual Centennial Staff appreciation week (all week), field day (May 9th), and no school on Friday (May 10th).
PTA Announcement:
Thank you to each and everyone that attended and/or volunteered at our Spring Carnival and that participated in the Silent Auction. Because of YOU we can support our school with these awesome events. Next week is our Staff Appreciation week...stay tuned for details!
Guests (parents/guardians) at Centennial:
- When visiting Centennial, we ask for your courtesy and patience at our front door. Please know that at times we are supporting student needs with a Safety Response Protocol that is called a "hold." A hold is when we ask all students and staff (and anyone visiting Centennial) to "Hold in your room or areas and clear the hall." A "hold" may occur for a few minutes or much longer, depending on circumstances. If a "hold" is in place, we will keep visitors outside if you are at the front door. Thanks for supporting our safety protocols. We love having visitors and guests at Centennial.
- When you are drop items off for your child/student, please know that to avoid disruption to the whole school learning environment, the front office will deliver items to students. We will ask you to the leave the items in the vestibule. We do not call students out of the their classrooms during their day. Thank you for understanding!
- When you visit us at Centennial, we kindly ask that if you are waiting to speak to a staff member or picking up a student, that you wait in the front lobby area near the blue chairs and artwork. Inside the front office area where the silver benches are is for students only. The interior front office area can be very busy with supporting individual student, family, and staff needs (front office, health office, counseling office, Dr. Carmen's office). We appreciate your cooperation in advance to help protect the privacy of each student, staff member, and family!
Weekly, Whole School Attendance: Our goal is 95% positive attendance each week. With each week we meet our goal we will add a ball to our whole-school ping pong jar to earn a whole-school celebration!
Last week our positive attendance was %.
Please help us to meet our 95% goal each week.
Events this week:
30th: Last day to register as a volunteer
1st: Student Council Pickle Sale
1st: 6:30 pm PTA meeting
2nd: PBIS meeting
Events preview next week: Staff Appreciation Week
9th: Field Day & Kona Ice
10th: No School-Staff Work Day
11th: PTA Gardening Event at Centennial
Kind regards,
Carmen Polka, Ed.D.
Newsletter Stats
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Field Day is coming....Thursday, April 9th
Hello all...stay tuned. The Field Day schedule is coming AND we will need some great volunteers! The information will be sent out as soon as it is finalized. In the mean time, our incredible PTA has arranged for Kona Ice to be here for our students on field day. Please read below for details!
Centennial Grad Walk Class of 2024
We can't wait to celebrate you!
Community Input Needed: Your voice is important!
This survey link is for the possible 2024 bond. The survey will only take 12 minutes and answers will remain anonymous and confidential. Please contact info@tsd.org if you have any questions about the survey.
Summer Child Care
Check out what is available to YOU!
Centennial Family/Guardian Handbook: Student Dress Code
Our weather is getting warmer. Please review our student dress code. We want to ensure student dress is not disruptive to our learning environments.
Centennial Elementary School follows the Thompson School District Student Dress Code policy JICA .
A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality education program. District- wide standards on student attire are intended to ensure that all students are treated
equitably and benefit from a safe learning environment. The Board of Education recognizes that
students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal appearance and the
responsibility for the dress and appearance of students generally rests with the student and their
guardians. However, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially
disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of an overall safe and equitable
school environment for all students. Students are expected to dress appropriately for all school
activities. The following general guidelines will be in effect:
Shoes, sandals, or boots must be worn in the buildings in order to avoid injury and
disease.Students must wear tops (shirts) and bottoms (pants, sweat pants, shorts, skirts, dresses,
leggings).Traditionally known private parts of the body must be covered with non-transparent
material. This guideline applies to when children are moving throughout the day. All body parts are covered. Sunglasses, bandanas and/or hats may only be worn inside the building with
permission from an administrator.The following will not be allowed: Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair
coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisements,
symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that:refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons
are of a sexual nature
by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior
are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous
threaten the safety or welfare of any person
promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct
are racist in nature or include derogatory comments or slurs against groups of people
otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process
Hats, caps, and other headwear may be worn for specific classroom/school incentives and reward designated days.
Any student deemed in violation of the dress code shall be required to change into appropriate
clothing or make arrangements to have appropriate clothing brought to school. In this case, there shall be no further penalty.
Dandelions Rising: Empowering BIPOC Youth
Dandelions Rising is a unique program designed to guide 7-18-year-old Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Children of Color in understanding their identity and navigating their communities as gendered and racialized beings.
Spring Series Details:
The spring series will take place monthly at the Cultural Enrichment Center (Fort Collins) from 4:30-6:30 pm on the following dates:
Sunday, March 24
Sunday, April 7
Sunday, May 19
Please contact admin@bipocalliance.org or admin@bipocalliance.org with questions. Thank you!
Annual Family Check-In
The Annual Family Check-In is required for ALL current students in Thompson School District. Families are required to have a parent or guardian in the student’s current primary household review and sign permission forms and update (if needed) the student’s household information, emergency contacts, and health information.
Annual Family Check-In is located in the Parent Portal Account. For assistance, please contact Portal@TSD.org.
Thompson School District 2024-2025 Early Childhood wants YOU
Are you interested in your child being ready for kindergarten? The Thompson School District's Integrated Early Childhood Program provides quality preschool experiences for three and four year olds at 15 different sites around the Loveland and Berthoud area. If your child will be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2024, your child may be eligible to participate in the Thompson School District's Early Childhood Program. We ask all interested families to complete our Preschool Interest Form available on our preschool website. If you have any questions about our program, please call 970-613-5052.
Spiritwear....Link is OPEN for orders!
Our Spirit wear is ready and the PTA added a new design this year too! Check it out.
Centennial Showcase
Our Centennial Collections Case is a popular way to share the exciting world of collecting with others. Collecting can involve a high degree of categorizing, cataloging, evaluating, analyzing and even hunting. We are respectful, responsible and fairminded with this display - AND I remind all who participate that this is AT YOUR OWN RISK; as bringing in our personal treasures is inherently risky. Be certain to obtain household permission, and select only items that you are willing to subject to this risk. This opportunity is for the entire CES community. Check it out!
This past weeks showcase: Savannah's rock collection!
See Mrs. Westerfield in Rm A-13 or email mary.westerfield@tsd.org
TSD is Hiring
This is LONG but super IMPORTANT to READ!
- Kindergarten (parents may need to exit car to help the child exit the car safely)
- 4th and 5th Grade Students drop off in Hug & Go and walk in front of the building to exterior doors where we have supervision (do not go behind the building near the cottages)
- If you have students in multiple grades, please default and follow the youngest students drop-off area (UPDATE for CLARIFICATION: all 1st-5th students enter through their exterior classroom doors)
- All students exit on the curb
- May go right or left out of the parking lot (going right may be busy with West Hug & Go traffic-heads up)
- If parking, please use the cross walk areas within the East parking lot as we have staff/volunteers designated to help students/families cross safely
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving areas
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
West Hug & Go:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Students drop off in West Hug & Go and go straight to their classroom exterior door
- All students exit on the curb, parents may not exit the vehicle
- May only turn right out of the parking lot
- If parking or walking near the church, please use the Outdoor Classroom/Garden path to get to your classroom door(s)
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving and walking areas
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
Other traffic notes:
- Parking spaces in the front of the school (even if vacant) are for staff only-this is due to safety issues.
- Students may not be dropped off in the front of the school. ALL students need to be dropped off from a vehicle in the East or West Hug & Go areas.
- U-turns in front of the school-PLEASE do not do this. It is super unsafe for our humans.
- Kindergarten parents, please park in the parking lot when picking up your students if you plan to exit your car.
- 4th and 5th Grade families, you can use this side OR the church parking lot to meet your students, whichever works best for your family.
- May go right or left out of the parking lot (going right may be busy with dismissal)
- If parking, please use the cross walk areas within the East parking lot as we have staff/volunteers designated to help students/families cross safely.
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving areas.
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
West Side Pick-Up:
- This area is NOT available during pick-up. It will be coned off.
- If parking near or at the church, please have your child walk through the Outdoor Classroom/Garden path to get to you.
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving and walking areas.
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Side of the building). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
Other traffic notes:
- Parking spaces in the front of the school (even if vacant) are for staff only-this is due to safety issues.
- Students may not be picked up in the front of the school.
- U-turns in front of the school-PLEASE do not do this. It is super unsafe for our humans.
● 3:05 pm: Kindergarten pick up is located on the East side of the building where drop off
is located.
● 3:10pm: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students may be picked up at the classroom door on foot, not in a vehicle.
● 3:08 pm: 4th and 5th grade students may be picked up in vehicles in the EAST pick up
area. (They begin walking at 3:07 pm).
Learning & Every Day Highlights
Important Dates
Please plan non-illness related student absences in alignment with days we are not in session.
Every Friday is Spirit day...please wear your red, white, or blue OR any of your Centennial shirts!
School Year 2023-2024:
2nd - SAC & PTA Meeting
8th - 25th CMAS Testing Window for 3rd-5th Grade
11th - 4:00 - 8:00 pm Applebee's Restaurant Night
15th - 17th 3:15 - 5:30 pm Spring Book Fair & Art Show AND Open House for Kindergarten/New CES Families
16th - Volunteer Appreciation Event
19th - No School
19th - Thompson School District Lego Robotics Competition
23rd - 6:00 - 7:30 pm District Accountability Meeting at the Thompson School District Administration Building
26th - 5:00-7:00 pm PTA Carnival
26th - 28th PTA Silent Auction
1st - PTA Meeting (in-person; Budget Meeting & Officer voting)
8th -9th After school Talent Show Auditions
9th - Field Day
10th - No School: Teacher Work Day
11th: Garden Day at Centennial to help get our Garden's growing (stay tuned for the time)
15th - Chipotle Restaurant Night
16th - 1:00 - 3:00 pm Talent Show
21st - 9:00 am - 12:30 pm 1st Grade to the Park
22nd - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm 4th Grade to the Park
22nd - 2:15 pm Class of 2024 Graduation Walk at Centennial
24th - 10:15 am -11:00 am 5th Grade Continuation Ceremony
24th - Last Day of School (Half-Day) release at 11:10 am
*Scroll down for information about fundraisers.
*The dates listed here will continue to be updated as needed.
Health Office Information
If your student requires medication at school, please see the attached forms/links for parents/guardians and the provider to fill out and sign. Once the Action Plan or permission for medication form is completed the health office can accept your student's medication.
As a reminder, forms are good for one year. Medication needs to be in original pharmacy labeled packaging and is unexpired. Action plans do not need additional medication forms. If your student needs medication outside of the action plan (i.e. ibuprofen, tylenol, benadryl only, ect.) see TSD permission for medication. Please reach out to the health office with any questions or concerns.
YMCA Before and After School Care
Please use this website to register for the YMCA: ymcanoco.org. You can also reach out via email to: centennial@ymcanoco.org.
Counseling Corner with Ms. Carrera
Here is a Social Emotional Learning website for resources for parents. https://sites.google.com/thompsonschools.org/selforelementaryfamilies/home
Pets and Tobacco Products are Prohibited
In keeping our campus safe. Please remember the following:
- All pets, of any kind, are not allowed on school grounds before, during, or after school. We love furry friends, however, to ensure that all students are in a safe environment, please refrain from bringing your family pets to school, especially during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
- Please also remember that all tobacco products including cigarettes and vaping mechanisms are prohibited on school grounds. We appreciate your cooperation.
Safe 2 Tell
Safety Alerts
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
Students are allowed to get seconds at the salad bar only. There are no main or milk seconds available.
Families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at www.myschoolapps.com.
Meal Benefit Applications-Do I need to fill it out?
All families are still asked to fill out an application. Why? The Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program is funded in partnership with federal nutrition programs that rely on income information to support meals for all students. Other state and federal grants are awarded based on free and reduced meal eligibility rates.
Additionally, families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at www.myschoolapps.com.
Applications need to be completed annually (after mid-July) for the new school year. The information provided on the application is confidential and is not shared without your consent.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu's
Join us and become an AUTHORIZED Centennial Volunteer
All volunteers in the Thompson School District must be registered before they are authorized to volunteer at the schools.
This is includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:
Assisting in your child’s classroom
Chaperoning your child’s field trips
Volunteering at PTA events
Register by going to: tsd.org/get-involved/volunteer
and click on the “Register” button
Tip: Consider registering your spouse at the same time as yourself!
FYI: If you registered last year, you do NOT need to reregister!
Once you register, the district will provide Centennial your personalized volunteer badge. When you arrive at the school to volunteer just find your badge at the front office desk and log in to the volunteer system. This helps us keep track of all the wonderful volunteer hours provided by our Centennial families!
Volunteering things to remember: (these can be reviewed in full in the Volunteer Handbook found on the Thompson School District website - www.thompsonschools.org ):
• Please wear your name badge so it is visible at all times
• Please remain neutral in your speech and actions with respect to religion and politics
• If you overhear any information about a student or family you may NOT repeat it
• You may not discuss any information that may be considered confidential. For example, while in a volunteer situation you witness an event with a child you know, but that is not your own child. Contacting that students family is a breach of confidentiality. If you suspect a breach in confidentiality of student information it should be reported immediately to the principal.
Emergency Procedures:
In each classroom is a poster of what to do in case of a specific emergency or threat. Please review these and know where to go and who to report to if there is a drill or emergency.
Registration closes for the school year at the end of April.
PTA Corner
Welcome to Centennial...we are your CES PTA board.
Kim Siegel - President
Erin Batlle - Vice President
Amy Estergard - Treasurer
Nicole Brinkman - Secretary
contact us: info.centennialpta@gmail.com or call (970) 342-9773
Go to this link for all things PTA!
*Join PTA! Memberships are only $7 annually. You can become a member by clicking on this link: https://copta-02645590.memberhub.com/store/items/878986. We sponsor many of the events that help make Centennial such an incredible school for our children. PTA also supports the fundraising efforts throughout the school year that help to provide funding for technology, safety needs, family nights, classroom needs, etc... The PTA organization is a major player in advocating for our students and staff, at the local, state and national levels. Your involvement is the key to helping ensure we have another successful year at Centennial!
*Box Tops is also using a new program this year. Please visit: https://www.boxtops4education.com/ for more information. According to their website: "No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online."
Fundraisers to benefit Centennial students!
King Sooper's Cards
King Sooper's has developed a new Community Rewards program. This means you will no longer need to purchase or re-fill the gift cards associated with our organization. You will simply register using the information below to link your regular King Sooper's rewards card to Centennial Elementary.
To Use the NEW King Sooper's or City Market Community Rewards Program:
Please visit the appropriate link below..
- For King Sooper's Stores - go to http://www.kingsoopers.com
- For City Market Stores - go to http://www.citymarket.com
(*Customers must have a registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card account to link to your organization.
*If a member does not yet have a King Sooper's or City Market rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any King Sooper's or City Market)
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after you have registered your rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Thank you!
Centennial PTA
Like us on Facebook to stay in the loop with school and PTA news and events!
"PTA at Centennial Elementary” or search using @CESLovelandPTA.
Family Resources
Local Resources
Vinyard church food hampers (Loveland near HNS) - https://www.lovelandvineyard.org/featured-events/food-pantry/
- Open Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 – 12:00 noon or by special appointment. Recipients are asked to fill out a brief application. In addition to nonperishable foods, we typically have available eggs, produce, bread, frozen meat, diapers and personal hygiene products. *No documentation is required.
Also keep in mind:
Vindeket Foods (Fort Collins) - https://www.vindeketfoods.org/
- A non-profit that rescues food. Works with grocery stores, restaurants and farms to reduce food waste. It is a no-cost food market open to everyone (donations welcome but not required).
Other Helpful Resources
If you need financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help, this site can help connect you to support. You can access the site anonymously as well.
I.T.S. has created a new Affordable Internet Access page to share with families and our TSD community.