Counselor's Corner
Welcome Back Students!
My name is Emily Reese and I am the new 7-12 counselor. I will be sending out newsletters throughout the year to keep you informed about scholarships, important dates and deadlines, and reminders about what you should be doing to make sure you are preparing yourself for life after high school. I am so excited to meet you all!
2020-2021 Schedules
Your class schedule can be found in Power School. If you need to make changes to your schedule please stop by Mrs. Reese's office anytime August 10th-12th between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm to make adjustments before school begins.
Naviance Updates
Students, please make time to log in and update your information on Naviance before school begins. If you've had a summer job, volunteered, or participated in any summer activities, you should update your resume. It is important to keeps these updated. They will be very useful when applying for employment, scholarships, and college admission.
Junior and Senior Parents: PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN DATE
Please mark your calendars for the evening of September 23rd for a presentation on college financial aid. Important information about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), scholarships, and college information will be shared. More information to follow.
Selective Service
All male US citizens must register for the Selective Service if they are at least 17 years and 3 months. Males must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Complete the registration online.