PTO Corner
December 10, 2023
December Spirit Days
The school has scheduled some winter spirit days throughout December! Remember that all spirit day attire is optional and should be school appropriate. Students can wear Gator gear too! The calendar is attached and dates are listed.
12/13 - Trading Places: Dress like your teacher or student
12/14 - Workout Day: Wear workout or sports related clothes
12/18 - Cartoon Character T-Shirts: Wear a shirt featuring a cartoon or animal character
12/19 - Shapes and Dots: Wear patterns
12/20 - Good Vibes: Wear a positive message shirt, bracelet, pin, etc!
12/21 - Winter Wonderland: Dress to celebrate the winter!
The school clinic is in need of spare pants to give to students that may need a quick change of clothes!
Boys sizes 5-12
Girls sizes 10-12
As your children are outgrowing their clothes and you have pants in good condition please consider sending them to the school!
Donations can be sent to school in a bag labeled “clinic”. Thank you!
Testing Treat Tuesday
We will be rewarding students for their hard work on their recent NWEA testing with a popsicle treat on Tuesday, December 12th. Please read the attached nutrition information. If you do not want your child to have the Fla-Vor-Ice Popsicle, you may select an alternate treat or opt out altogether by completing the online form here.
We are looking for a couple of volunteers to sign up during their child's lunch period to assist in handing out popsicles. Click here to sign up!
Movie Night
We had so much fun amping up and hosting movie nights this past week! We would like to extend an extra special THANK YOU to our amazing Movie Night team: Kyla Wagner, Alisha Ware, Molly Belling, and Stephanie Wolfe. These ladies put it many hours and sprinkled in a lot of fun in order to make this event happen for our students- we appreciate you! We would also like to thank all of the parent and teacher volunteers who signed up to help us pull off this event. We could not have done it without you all.
Book Vending Machine
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."- Margaret Fuller. This past week we were SO excited to finally unveil the much anticipated Book Vending Machine! Some of our Gators of the Month were able to join Principal Thomas, Gator-Ade, and PTO Presidents to be the first to get a book from the vending machine.
Our Staff Appreciation team treated GES staff with tasty muffins this past week!
Thank you to all of our Fall Festival Sponsors!
There are many ways to get involved in the PTO this school year! This link will be updated throughout the year as more opportunities become available.
Our opportunities with the greatest need are listed below:
Cafe Helpers
Testing Treat Tuesday
Winter Celebrations
Kroger Community Rewards
Step 1: Register your Kroger Plus Card at:
Step 2: Sign into your Kroger account and link your card to GES’s organization number which is GU130.
Step 3: Shop online or in store using your Kroger rewards card/number and earn rewards for yourself and GES!