Avoca West News - January 21, 2025

Screen Sanity Parent Night -- TOMORROW! Don't Miss Out!
Have you registered for our Screen Sanity Parent Night yet? Join Mrs. Hutchison for a presentation of this highly acclaimed program, designed to help caregivers navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW TO RSVP!
Looking and Planning Ahead 👀
Summer School Registration Opens Soon
We are excited to announce our continued partnership with Wilmette District 39 to offer summer enrichment opportunities for Avoca students. Online registration for the upcoming Summer Enrichment Programs (SEP) will open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. The registration link will be accessible on the Wilmette District 39 website starting then. Registration will close on Friday, March 21, 2025. The brochure detailing class offerings will be available online for review starting January 27, 2025. Please refer to our summer school letter for more details.
2025-2026 PreK Enrollment Open
To register for Avoca Community Preschool, students must be at least 3 years old by the start of the school year and toilet trained. Class sizes are limited; once full, students will be placed on a waitlist. Please submit forms as soon as possible to secure a spot in the AM or PM class.
- AM Class: Monday–Thursday, 8:50–11:10 a.m. (recommended for 3-year-olds)
- PM Class: Monday–Friday, 12:25–2:45 p.m. (recommended for 4-year-olds)
Complete the 2025–26 Preschool Enrollment form, available on the Avoca 37 website or at the main offices, and return it with the $100 non-refundable fee to Dawn Scaramuzza in Student Services. For questions, contact Dawn at scaramuzzad@avoca37.org or 847-728-4142.
ACEs Debate Club at Marie Murphy
You’ll learn to think fast and speak well! Learn research, writing, and oral argumentation. Programs for beginning and experienced debaters, 5th thru 8th grade! All programs consist of weekly class sessions held at Marie Murphy for 60 minutes. These sessions are mixed levels for students of all experience levels. Students have the opportunity to compete at an end of program tournament against local area schools.
Club dates/times: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm, 1/22/25 - 3/12/25
Location(s): TBD
Cost: $280
Follow this link to the ACEs Debate website for registration www.acesdebateclub.com/register/
FAN (Family Action Network)
The Way of Play: Using Little Moments of Big Connection to Raise Calm and Confident Kids
Zoom Event Registration Link: www.bit.ly/BWVFANSponsor
VIP After-Hours Event:
- This private FAN After-Hours event will be hosted by Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT, and Carly Andrews and will begin immediately after the main webinar concludes.
- Link to Register for after-hours: www.bit.ly/BWVAH
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 07:00 PM
SUMMER CAMP GALILEO - Hosted at Avoca West
News You Can Use - From Avoca's Parent-Teacher Council (PTC)
Mark Your Calendars!
January 22nd - 6-7:30pm - Screen Sanity Parent Night at Avoca West
January 31st -- Report Cards (& Assessment Data) Home with Students
February 9th -- AW & MM Orchestras perform at the Northwestern Basketball Game (see above!)
February 14th -- 💕 NO SCHOOL - New Trier Township Institute Day 💕
February 17th -- NO SCHOOL - President's Day
February 27th -- Art in Action Day at Avoca West!
Follow Us for Daily Smile-Makers!
Questions? Comments?
Website: https://www.avoca37.org/schools/avoca_west
Location: 235 Beech Drive, Glenview, IL, United States
Phone: 847-724-6800
Twitter: @AvocaWest37