Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, September 6, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
Wow! Thank you to all who came out last evening for our annual back to School Night! I appreciated hearing the feedback from families as we worked through a different format. I know it was a little different experience without the kids but I overwhelmingly heard that families felt like they received better information than ever and could concentrate on hearing the different messages communicated. I am including the link here to watch the video presentation that Mrs. Fabie and I recorded for last evening. If you were not able to attend, please feel free to watch to gain some more information about our school and the year ahead!
Have a fabulous weekend! Spending time with my mom and dad last weekend was good for the soul as they are gaining strength back from this terrible cancer. I am now ready to focus on the yard and outdoor projects to coincide with the changing weather now. It seems like we don't get much of an intermediate weather pattern anymore! Hope your weekend is terrific!
Matt Miller, Ed. D.
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Our reading team and interventionist began our classroom "sweeps" for foundational skills. Sweeps are an efficient way for us to work with every single child in the school to preliminarily assess their basic reading and math skills. These skills are then cross-referenced with a cut score system to see where our biggest instructional needs are. Sweeps are a key part of our teachers meeting the needs of each child as we begin our instructional blocks of time during the day. Your child's results will be shared with you during our first round of parent-teacher conferences.
Thanks to all who participated in Kindergarten's "Red" Day on Wednesday. We will do it again next week when we celebrate "Blue" Day!
Back to School Night was a huge success and our teachers were super excited to share how their classrooms function and that will follow during the year to come!
The school practiced a severe weather drill on Friday for the first time. As always, the kids did an amazing job practicing for this type of weather event.
Coming next week…
Our first PTO Meeting of the year is set for Tuesday at 10:30AM here at Roundtown. Come one, come all! We are excited to partner with our PTO for another year of awesome activities and fun! please read on to view a special message from our new PTO President, Khelsea Borror! Listed below are some ways you can help our PTO earn dollars so they may continue providing additional opportunities for all of our students.
Kindergarten will host "Blue" Day on Wednesday so wear something blue!
Wednesday is also Patriot Day as we remember those we lost during 9/11. All of our schools will honor the day with a moment of silence in the morning. It's blue day in Kindergarten so feel free to add red and white as well for Patriot Day!
Our first all-school Community Meeting is set for Friday morning. During these meetings, Dr. Miller brings the whole school together to celebrate being Roundtown PROUD and recognizing great work from the student body. For our first meeting, we will honor our new kindergarten friends and officially welcome them to the fold by gifting them their new Roundtown PROUD t-shirt. All students in grades 1-2-3 are invited to wear their PROUD shirt as well!
Clifford, the "Big Red Dog" will visit first graders on Friday as well to talk about the importance of the library and encouragement for our public library system! Welcome back Clifford!
The District’s new Volunteer Registration Portal is now live and parents/guardians/families may register to volunteer for this school year.
The District utilizes a new volunteer registration process within School Gate Guardian, our current visitor management system, to streamline the registration process and efficiently track, maintain, and check in volunteers throughout the school year. With this online registration process, there is no longer a requirement to complete paper packets or drop off paperwork at the District Office.
Prospective volunteers can check their status in the portal after uploading necessary clearances and will receive an email notification when they are approved. Please note that returning volunteers will be required to upload their active clearances within the portal to place them on file in the new system. Please allow up to one week for processing.
Volunteers will receive a self-expiring printed volunteer sticker during each visit upon check-in at the office.
For more information, please refer to our Volunteer page on the District Website
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please use the survey below to indicate your interest and specifically identify particular events you would be interested in.
•Looking for some after-school activities for your child? Our district website regularly updates its site with community flyers and information on outside-of-school activities for our students. Click here to view.
•Looking for some special words to say to your child rather than, "How was school?" Read on!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
9/11 - Patriot Day/Kindergarten's Blue Day-Wear something blue!
9/13 - Roundtown Community Meeting
9/13 - Clifford visits Grade 1