Monday Notes
September 2, 202

Happy Labor Day and welcome to September! How quickly the fall is approaching and with that the beginning of concerts, auditions, programs, and marching contests. We hope your classes are going well and your students are making the progress you are expecting.
Congrats NMMEA!
If you haven't participated yet, it isn't too late! Click here and submit your personalized email. Very easy and very quick!
Advocacy Challenge
Simple and quick advocacy steps go a long way in elevating your program in your school and district. It is easy to support a program that is part of the team! This week's advocacy challenge:
- If you don’t normally do so, pick a day this week to eat in the staff lounge.
NAfME Learning Academy
The NAfME Academy® is a robust, online, on-demand catalog in the NAfME Learning Center with 150+ recorded webinars covering a wide range of content areas in music education. Access is free for current members of NAfME. What a great way to stay current or learn new things!
Audition Registration
What time is it? It is time to register students for All-State Auditions! Thank you to those of you who have registered already and a few quick reminders to those of you who haven't:
- Remember that your membership must be current.
- Do not register students who attend schools without a music program or homeschool students. These students' parents should contact Neil Swapp to register for an audition.
- Get a PO prior to registering students!
- Audition and registration dates.
- Audition Town Hall (September 30th - 6:00 pm)
Choral Learning Tracks
Make sure to order learning tracks for your choir students. Information is posted online as well as below.