Land O' Lakes High Gator Gazette
September 2024 Newsletter
Principal Message
Welcome to our new students, their families, and staff members! We are excited to have you join our school community and look forward to the unique contributions you will bring to the Gator Nation. I am pleased to share that we have had an excellent start to the school year! Our students have shown great behavior, making the beginning of this academic year truly special. I want to extend my appreciation to our students for their cooperation with the new security expectations and device policy. Your positive attitude and willingness to adapt have made a significant difference in creating a safe and productive learning environment.
I repeat the same message to students at the beginning of each year, especially the freshmen. Make sure that they earn every credit (3 each semester), maintain a solid 2.0 GPA, and get involved at the school. Data shows that 9th-grade students who meet these expectations have a higher probability of graduating high school than their peers who fall behind in year one. Please remain involved from the very beginning of your student’s tenure at LOLHS; it will have a direct impact on their success in school.
A special thank you to the PTA for sponsoring a delightful lunch for our staff. Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated and help foster a strong sense of community.
As we move forward this month, we are eagerly anticipating our Homecoming celebration. It promises to be a memorable event filled with school spirit and camaraderie.
Ric Mellin - Principal
Excused Absence Reporting
CLICK HERE for the reporting link. This is located on the school's website.
School Buses
Pasco County School District school buses are equipped with GPS technology that will let parents know precisely when their child’s bus will arrive at the bus stop and help our Transportation Department efficiently manage our bus fleet. Click here to learn about Where's the Bus.
Please continue to direct all questions or concerns directly to the transportation department. The phone number is (813) 320-2562, Monday - Friday: 6:30 am - 5:30pm.
🎉 Homecoming 2024 🎉
Student Council would like to invite our school community to celebrate the annual Homecoming festivities! Homecoming 2024 will commence Monday September 16th and run through Saturday, September 21st, 2024.
Spirit Day Dress-Up Themes:
(Dress code still applies)
Monday, 9/16 - Adam Sandler Day
Tuesday, 9/17 - White Lies/Red Flags
Wednesday, 9/18 - Twin Day
Thursday, 9/19 - Salad Dressing Day
Freshman - Ranch
Sophomores - Oil/Vinegar
Juniors - Italian
Seniors - 1000 Island
Friday, 9/20 - Blue and Gold Spirt Day! (Pep Rally and Homecoming Game!)
Homecoming Dance Information:
Celebrate the end of Homecoming week will end On Cloud 9!
Date: Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Cost: $45
Ticket Sales: Wednesday, September 11th - Thursday, September 19th
Sold all days on Rycor
Sold Tuesdays/Thursdays In Person - During all lunches, in the commons
Students must be on-on track to attend. Tickets are NOT sold at the door.
Homecoming Court:
Homecoming Court voting will take place online from September 9th through September 13th.
Student Services
School Counselors: Every student at Land O’ Lakes High School has a school counselor assigned to them (by grade level or IB). School counselors are here to support each student with their academic and social emotional needs. We connect students and parents with resources both on and off campus and work collaboratively with the Student Services team to develop interventions and supports to enhance student success.
- IB 9th- 12th: Jillian Baker (jibaker@pasco.k12.fl.us)
- 9th Grade: Cameron Moody (cmoody@pasco.k12.fl.us)
- 10th Grade: LeeAnn Joustra (ljoustra@pasco.k12.fl.us)
- 11th Grade: Amy Pinsky (apinsky@pasco.k12.fl.us)
- 12th Grade: Kristi Garcia (kgarcia@pasco.k12.fl.us)
School Social Worker: Jen Gobeli is a licensed clinical social worker serving students at Land O’ Lakes High School. She is a valuable member of the Student Services team who helps to identify and problem-solve individual student concerns and systemic issues. She is available to provide resources to students and families regarding mental health services, crisis intervention, attendance/engagement strategies, and services within the community. Ms. Gobeli can be reached at jgobeli@pasco.k12.fl.us.
School Psychologist: School psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students; consult with teachers, families, and other student services team members to support in the areas of academic, behavioral, and social emotional well-being for all students. You can reach our School Psychologist, Nicole Hart, at nhart@pasco.k12.fl.us.
School Health Services: School health services consists of the school nurse RN and the clinic assistants. We are here to support students with injuries or illness while at school with parental consent. The school nurse role in the academic setting is to develop individualized healthcare plans for students with chronic health conditions to support their academic success. The school nurse provides for physical and emotional safety of the school community by monitoring immunizations, ensuring appropriate exclusion for infectious illnesses, develop emergency management plan for medical emergencies on campus, health screenings as needed with parental consent, staff training for health conditions in the school setting, and participation in school based teams to support student health and promote academic success. Our school nurse, Wendy Sutyak, can be reached at wsutyak@pasco.k12.fl.us.
College and Career Specialist: Mrs. Colon, our College and Career Specialist, supports students with planning for life after high school. She is available to assist with career exploration, college applications, SAT/ACT resources, military information, scholarships and financial aid. You can reach Mrs. Colon at sfraneco@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Services Affected by the Parental Bill of Rights
The passage of laws referred to as the Parental Bill of Rights affects the ability of Student Services members to work with students. When parents/guardians select “no” to consent for health services, or if parents/guardians do not complete the Parental Bill of Rights questionnaire in the myStudent portal, student services members are not able to have conversations with students outside of academic guidance from a school counselor. With consent from parents/guardians, students may seek support for a variety of topics including, but not limited to peer and/or teacher conflict, test anxiety, managing stress and overwhelming emotions, time management, health questions, and future planning.
Parents/guardians can change or update their consent at any time by resubmitting the consent form on myStudent. Please reach out to your student's administrator if you have any questions.
Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a time to remember the lives lost to suicide, acknowledge the millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the many individuals, families and communities that have been impacted by suicide. It’s also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope (SAMHSA.gov).
Here at LOLHS, we are recognizing Suicide Prevention Month by ensuring that students know who to reach out to if they are struggling or have friends who need support. In addition, on September 10th, students will have the opportunity to write encouraging words on the Wall of Hope during their lunches, and this banner will be posted throughout September.
Our Student Services team is here to support students through difficult times. Students and families in crisis can also find support via text, phone, or chat here: https://988lifeline.org.
Yearbook and School Pictures
Yearbook and School Picture Information
School picture day for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. If your student will not be at school that day, there will be a picture make up day on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Any student who misses both days would have to contact Gigante to get their photo taken before the end of the first semester to make the yearbook.
Senior photos must be taken at the Gigante Productions studio in order to make the yearbook. There is a $29 sitting fee that includes items for the formal pose and a casual pose in clothing that meets the school's dress code. There is no obligation to buy these photos, but you will be able to choose both a formal and casual photo for the yearbook as both pictures are included in our book. The deadline for senior pictures to make the yearbook is December 7, 2024. Make your appointments now before they fill up. https://www.giganteproductions.com/senior-sessions
Yearbooks are on sale through RYCOR for the pre-sale price of $65 until October 31, 2024. They will then go up in price to $75. Then, prices will go up one more time on March 1, 2025 for the last chance sale. Buy yours early to get the best price. You can also purchase a yearbook through the Walsworth Yearbook website and can order plastic book covers and book stamping or itags for your student. See www.yearbookforever.com to order.
If you are interested in purchasing a senior tribute ad for your graduating senior, they will be on RYCOR as well, but you must also fill out the order form with instructions on RYCOR, or it can be found on our website under the yearbook tab, and email it to llabarba@pasco.k12.fl.us to finalize your purchase. THESE PAGES ARE SELLING FAST THIS YEAR! THEY WILL SELL OUT SINCE SPACE IN THE BOOK IS LIMITED.
Swamp Talk News Show
Stay informed by subscribing to our Swamp Talk news show on YouTube. New episodes drop each Wednesday and Friday with additional special content as well. Our first episode of the new school year was on Friday, August 23, 2024. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@LOLHSSwampTalk/featured
Culinary Academy News
The Academy of Culinary Arts is proud to be hosting an open house for their students and parents on Tuesday, September 10 from 6-7:30pm in the culinary dining room.
myStudent App
The myStudent App is available from the Google Play and Apple App Stores.
- The myStudent App can be found by searching myStudent Pasco in each respective store.
- Parents logging in can check grades, attendance, complete forms etc.
School Library
Senior Spotlight
Do you have a student in the Class of 2025 that deserves to be recognized? Have they won an award or been recognized for an outstanding achievement recently? Are they actively serving their community and deserve to be highlighted? If so, please let me know so they can be recognized for their accomplishments. Use this form to make a submission. Questions, please reach out to Heather Wall, hwall@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Student Drop Off
- Students can be dropped off at the school as early as 6:15am.
- Vehicles must remain in the right lane for drop off. Do not use the left lane.
- The only authorized drop-off area is at the front of the school.
- Do not enter the student parking lots or the district complex.
- Do not attempt to make a u-turn on Gator Lane to avoid traffic.
- Observe the 15 MPH speed limit.
- School buses always have the right of way. Allow them to proceed past vehicles.
- Watch for pedestrians and staff that are helping with traffic.
New School Safety Requirements
CS/CS/HB 1473 went into effect this school year. This school safety law mandates that all gates or other access points restricting entry to or exit from a school campus must remain closed and locked when students are on campus. These gates or access points cannot be open or unlocked, regardless of whether it is during normal school hours.
On our campus, this includes the gate leading to the athletic facilities at the back of our school. Student athletes have been instructed by their coaches on how to access the area and where to be dropped off and picked up. Please adhere to these expectations.
Competitive Cheer
Competition Team tryouts will be Sep 30 and Oct 2 from 3:00-7:00. OPEN TO ANYONE!
Preseason practices to learn materials for tryouts will be Sep 23 and Sep 25 from 3:00-7:00pm. Must be approved on athletic clearance and signed up through the link on our insta bio (@lolhs_cheerleading).
Girl's Soccer
Girls soccer preseason conditioning will start on Tuesday, September 10. If you did not attend the informational meeting, please contact Coach King at vak.radar@verizon.net or vking@pasco.k12.fl.us. Prior to participation, there are forms to submit to athletic clearance and additional information needed from all athletes.
Athletic Ticketing
Land O’ Lakes High School is using GoFan as our ticket provider for all athletic contests during the 2024-25 school year. GoFan is a digital ticketing solution where you will get an electronic ticket in your email or in the GoFan app. The recommend way to purchase tickets and use the tickets is by downloading the GoFan app from the app store on your device. You can also purchase tickets on GoFan.co.
When you use your digital ticket, it is important that you do not redeem your ticket prior to getting to the gate. At the gate a ticket taker will redeem the ticket for you. Just have the ticket pulled up on your device. Also, we will not accept any screenshots of a digital ticket. See you at the Games!
Please be advised that any violation of the Parton Code of Conduct will result in immediate ejection from the contest. Additionally, violators may lose privileges for attending future games.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final rule, 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Containing Material in schools, commonly referred to as AHERA. This rule requires all Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) in their school buildings and to take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers.
All inspections for LOLHS have been completed and a Management Plan describing the results of the inspection and the action plan to control any asbestos found during the inspection, where applicable, has been submitted to the governor for approval. A copy of this plan is located in the administrative office of this school and at the Pasco County Schools Maintenance & Facility Services Department and is available for review upon request.
Get Involved in District-Level Engagement & School Success
The Pasco Schools Citizens Academy is a group of community members and parents with an interest in schools who, over the course of a school year, meet every month to learn first-hand about the operations of the school district – everything from curriculum to transportation, food service, and safety. Academy members interact directly with district leaders, and sessions include visits to schools and key department offices.
The Pasco Education Foundation provides valuable support to Pasco schools and staff with private funds. Visit the Foundation website to learn how you can donate or get involved.
The Educator Passport Program is a way for local businesses to support school employees by offering deals and discounts that are advertised on the district website.
Career Advisory Council – The Career Advisory Council assists in guiding the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education in its mission of supporting collaborative, innovative learning environments that prepare students for meaningful careers in a diverse and changing world. Select the link to register for the Council and receive more information.
Get Involved! – Explore many other opportunities to get involved and offer support at the school & district level.
Consistently recognized as one of America's best high schools. Rated B by the Florida Department of Education. An International Baccalaureate and Cambridge World School.
Website: lolhs.pasco.k12.fl.us
Location: 20325 Gator Lane, Land O' Lakes, FL
Phone: 813-794-9400
X: @lolhsprincipal