The Ely Happening
August, 2024
Welcome Ely Families,
Welcome back!
Welcome back to what is going to be an AMAZING year at Ely Elementary School Year. We hope you all are enjoying your summer and are ready to start the 2024-2025 school year. We have several new faces that will be joining our Ely Family this year:
Ms. Merriweather - Building Support Associate
Ms. Kamms - Kindergarten Teacher
Ms. Caywood - 2nd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Lymer - Nurse
Ms. Weigl - Building Substitute
Mrs. Campbell - Assistant Principal
Each month I will send a new edition of The Ely Happening. Please make sure to review each month as the newsletters will contain important information each month. We also will have printed copies in the main office, should you need one. Please make sure you have an email listed in PowerSchool that you check regularly- we frequently communicate electronically.
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student, you should have received a letter in the mail about kindergarten screening- it is very important to attend this screening. Kindergarten screening is August 12th and 13th. If you did not receive a letter, please call us as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call @ 440-284-8005.
If you drop off or pick up your student- please make sure you are only doing so in the designated pickup and drop off area where staff are located. We do this to ensure your student is safe and supervised by an adult, thank you for your cooperation. You can see more details below in the drop off and pickup procedures.
Regular attendance at the elementary school level is crucial to each student’s success, as it sets up a good pattern for your child’s entire school career. Please make sure your child is here every day that it is possible.
Please make sure to follow us on all of our social media channels to stay informed of everything that is happening at Ely. With your help and support I am confident that we can make this an AMAZING school year at Ely Elementary.
Facebook: Ely Elementary School (@elyementary)
ClassDojo: https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?s=5171835e027ff68718000112
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Principal Easton
Go Pioneers!
Ely Open House
Open House
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 05:30 PM
Ely Elementary School, Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Power School Information/Student Schedules
Be sure to review the "3 B's" with your child. These are discussed each and every day.
Staggered Start!!
We will have a staggered return schedule that impacts students from kindergarten to ninth grade. The district has successfully used a staggered return for years, and this year, ninth graders will also have a staggered start. This phased approach allows students and staff to connect in smaller groups, creating stronger relationships and providing students with a more immersive introduction to their new schedules, school routines and expectations.
School starts on Monday, Aug. 19. With the staggered return, K-9 students will come back to school for their first day alphabetically by their last name.
The staggered return schedule is as follows:
- Monday, August 19: K-9 students with last names beginning from A to G only
- Tuesday, August 20: K-9 students with last names beginning from H to O only.
- Wednesday, August 21: K-9 students with last names beginning from P to Z only.
- Thursday, August 22: ALL K-9 students will have their first full day together with their classmates.
Elyria High School students in grades 10-12 will resume full-time classes on August 19 without a staggered return.
All preschool students will return to school on August 26.
Parent Involvement
These will be monthly meetings where you can come and talk with Mr. Easton about specific topics and ask questions as well. Our first Coffee & Donuts Event will be Tuesday, August 27 at 9:30 at Ely Elementary School.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Any parent/guardian picking up a student in the car rider line will need to make sure that their car rider tag is visible in the car. Please note that the purpose for this car rider tag is to ensure a safe and smooth dismissal at Ely.
Continuing from last year please continue using the additional smaller parking lot (refer to the map below that says parent parking). Please understand that this parking is to help ensure that we are not blocking traffic. If you park here please do the following:
- Walk to the front of the building with your child's car tag number
- Your child will then exit the front of the building where you can escort them back to your car
We ask for your patience and understanding for the first few weeks as we work out any issues with dismissal.
Building Information
School hours are 9:10am-3:10pm.
Doors do not open until 8:55- please do not drop off early or allow students to walk early.
If you are dropping off, please hold your child in the car with you until 8:55am.
Please call the office to report your child(ren)’s absence at 440-284-8005 before 9:30AM. Our phone has 24-hour voicemail so that you may call and leave a message anytime. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone in the office; voicemails are frequently checked and the office will receive your message.
Please make sure you always have a photo ID with you, when you come to the school, this is for the safety of our students.
The Main Office of any school building is a hub of activity. Students and staff are always on the go, in and out of the space throughout the school day.
It’s an active place for regular check-ins and meetings with students, as well as staff conferences and daily interactions with school principals and counselors. The Main Office is also a confidential space at times for conversations and interactions between school personnel and students.
Parents and caregivers are part of the equation, too. For any number of reasons, parents may be asked to come to their child’s school during the day. When that happens, parents should follow the district’s visitor procedures by using the school’s main entrance buzzer and intercom system to gain entrance to the school, and then signing in at the front desk.
If parents/caregivers do not have a meeting at the school but still need to come to the school during the day to see their child or to speak to a staff member, call-ahead notice or an appointment is required.
This ensures parents will be seen in a timely manner and upholds the safety practices of the school. To contact the Main Office, please call 440-284-8005
Bus Information
For general transportation questions, contact GG&C Bus of Elyria at 440-284-8030.
You can also find more information here:
Follow us on Facebook!!
Find us on Facebook!
Ely Elementary- Elyria City Schools. https://www.facebook.com/elyelementary
Also follow Elyria City School District for district information.
Food Services
Find contact info, menus, and other information on Aramarks page.
Direct Link here: https://www.elyriaschools.org/departments/operations/food_services
Contact Information
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/ely
Location: 312 Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440)284-8005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elyelementary
Twitter: @elyschool