Parent Bulletin #5
October 2, 2020
Good to see you!
If you missed the chance to upload the Wildcat you created, you can still add it to our Padlet at:
Students learn and grow best when they have a sense of belonging and feel welcome, accepted, and connected to others in their lives. Although students can belong to many different groups, emphasizing the classroom community as an important part of their social identity highlights the shared connection they have with each one of their classmates. This nurtures an awareness of others (all others) and a sense of responsibility and caring toward them. When the classroom community joins in celebrating the uniqueness of each individual child, as well as the qualities and accomplishments of the group, students can develop their sense of being “me” while also learning to be a part of a community.
Classes will discuss what a community is and acknowledge that everyone in their class belongs to their classroom community. Students will continue to work with their teachers to promote a sense of connection and community by making a list of all the things that makes their classroom great.
PTA Reflections Program
Reflections is an arts competition that includes photography, dance, music composition, visual arts, etc. Each year we have a few students that compete from all of our school buildings. In years past, we have had several students advance through to the regional contest and then the state competition as well.
This contest is open to all students in District 153. The theme this year is "I Matter Because..."- October 12: No School- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 16: PreK Screening
- October 23: PreK snack pick up 11-1
- October 30: All grades material pick up ( 12PM-Kindergarten, 1 PM-1st grade, 2PM- 2nd grade) Wear your Halloween costume when you come!
- November 2: No School- remote planning day
- November 3: No School- Election Day- BE SURE TO VOTE
- November 13: PreK snack pick up 11-1
- November 20: End of first trimester
- November 25: early release at 1:35 PM
- November 26-27: No School-Thanksgiving Break
- December 2: PreK snack pick up 11-1
- December 3-4: No School-Parent-Teacher conferences
- December 18: early release at 1:35 PM
Willow School
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708.798.3720