The Olive Branch 10.21.22
What's Up At The Nest...
In this Branch
Total Read Time - Always less than 5 minutes!
Principal's Message
Happy Diwali
Veterans Day - RSVP for OMS Family Veterans
Pack the Piggies - Starts Monday!
Halloween Permission Slips
Important Dates
Principal's Message
Happy Diwali
We would like to wish our families and students that will be celebrating Diwali beginning on Oct. 24th a VERY HAPPY DIWALI! If you and your family would like to learn more about Diwali, please click the link to read a National Geographic Article for Kids!
Veterans Day - Assembly and Hallway Walk of Recognition
On Veterans Day, November 11th, we invite our OMS family veterans to OMS to honor them. Only complete this form on behalf of your veteran if they are able to attend the assembly and hallway "Walk of Recognition".
- Assembly in the Commons will begin at 2:30 pm. Veterans will need to arrive at 2:15 pm to get their badges and sign-in.
- Veterans will need to have a Driver's License to scan through our system. If possible please have them stop by the office before 11/11 to scan their ID.
- Due to space limitations, we can only allow the first 30 veterans who RSVP to attend this event. We are only able to welcome veterans, and not additional family members, at this time.
- Please complete this worksheet recognizing your hero. You may turn this into your child's classroom teacher.
- Please fill-out this form to RSVP for this event. The deadline to RSVP is Friday, November 4th. We will send a confirmation email indicating approval for the veteran to attend or if we will add the name to a wait list.
We thank our Veterans not only this day, but every day, for their service!
Pack the Piggies Starts Monday, Oct. 24th
This October, the AHC-PTA will be initiating it’s second annual “Pack the Piggies” FUN-raiser across the district to raise money for these scholarships.
The contest begins October 24th and goes through October 28th, five days to pack our piggy and reach our goal! OMS's school goal is to raise $1k, with a district goal of $9k. To help reach our goal, you can bring in coins, cash, or checks (made out to the AHC-PTA) and pack Olive's piggy! Let’s have some fun for a great cause!
STUDENTS WILL BE VOTING ON MONDAY TO DETERMINE WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MS. DAVIS AND MRS. PEMBERTON IF THE $1,000 GOAL IS MET! Will it be dying their hair a crazy color for the day, wearing inflatable dinosaur costumes for the day, or breaking eggs over their heads....
Halloween A to Z and Permission Slips
To help you get ready for this fun-filled day on Monday, 10/31, we offer the following:
PLEASE READ - Halloween A to Z 2022
ALL students must have a permission slip indicating their participation in the Halloween festivities. Please complete a form for EACH child.
Halloween Permission Slip for AM Kindergarteners
Halloween Permission Slip for PM Kindergarteners
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 26th
Monday, October 24th
Monday, October 31st
Halloween Parties & Parade (weather permitting)
Tuesday, November 1st
First Day of American Indian Heritage Month
Dia De Los Muertos
Friday, November 4th
PTA Family Bingo Night
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive