LB Williams Newsletter
November 2024
Thank you for those of you that were able to participate in Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 24th. We appreciate your willingness to be involved with your child's education. Together we all want what is best for your child--again, thank you for taking the time to attend.
This weekend is our LBW Carnival from 11 to 1pm on Saturday, Nov 2nd. We are still in need of volunteers to help work the games throughout the different sessions. Please sign up here to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4CAFAB29A3FF2-52358492-lbwpto volunteer . Also, last week we sent out a list of donations we need for the carnival including cakes, cookies, bars and candy bars. We really want to make this a success for our kids. Please help make this the best carnival ever! We are so proud of our students for selling over 13,000 worth of raffle tickets. A big shout out to Emma Sonne for being our top raffle ticket salesperson this year. Way to go!
From November 18th - 22nd we will be celebrating our teachers during American Education Week. On Tuesday, November 19, the LBW Student Council President Logan Polreis-Sherwood, will be meeting with Mitchell's Mayor, Jordan Hanson, to witness the signing of the Proclamation for American Education Week. During this week special events will be happening for our teachers from our LBW Parent Teacher Organization group. What a special week for all our entire staff!
In the season of being thankful, thank YOU parents for being supportive of our students and staff at LBW. As we approach the holiday season, we want to continue to stress how important quality time is together. Take some time to truly enjoy the amazing relationships and activities you can all enjoy together.
Our staff and students wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Roth
Mitchell School District App Notification System
When school will be closing early or closed the following day due to weather, we have an automated system set up to send out notifications. This is an easy way to stay connected and know about emergency dismissals and school cancelations as early as possible. Go to our school website:
Upcoming Dates
November 2nd - LBW PTO Carnival 11 AM - 1 PM
November 4th - PTO Meeting - 6:00 PM @ Blarney's
November 8th - No School
November 11th - No School
November 12th - School Board Meeting - 5:30 PM @ GBR
November 18th - 22nd - American Education Week
November 18th - 6:30 PM - Concert A
Schroeder, Vermeulen, Toman, & Ripp
7:30 PM - Concert B
Bauder, Brown, Talley, & Hansen
November 27th, 28th, & 29th - No School (Thanksgiving Break)