TWIB Notes: 2/10-2/16

This Week In Band
Mid-Winter Concerts Next Week (Feb 10-11)
Monday, Feb 10
- Selected Percussion Ensembles: 5:45
- AHS Symphonic 3: 6:30 (Call Time 6:00 in Band Hall)
- AHS Symphonic 1: 6:50 (Call Time 6:20 in Ensemble Room)
- LFC Wind Ensemble: 7:15 (Call Time 6:45 in Band Hall)
- AHS Wind Ensemble: 7:45 (Call Tiime 7:15 in Ensemble Room)
Tuesday, Feb 11
- Selected Percussion Ensembles: 5:45
- LFC Concert Band: 6:30 (Call Time 6:00 in Ensemble Room)
- AHS Symphonic 2: 6:50 (Call Time 6:20 in Band Hall)
- Saxophone Ensemble: 7:15 (Call Time: 6:45 in Ensemble Room)
- LFC Symphonic: 7:30 (Call time: 7:00 in Band Hall)
- AHS Wind Symphony: 7:55 (Call Time 7:25 in Ensemble Room)
All students will be required to watch two bands (with their class) at their concert night. Your director will tell you what two bands you will be watching as a class. Some bands may watch two bands after their performance, watch two bands before their call time, or one band before their call time/one band after their performance.
Earn service hours and Minga Points: We will need help on stage between bands at the concerts on Monday, February 10 and Tuesday February 11. You can only volunteer on the day your band is not performing. Please meet the directors on the PAC stage at the beginning 6:00pm and wear your Allen Escadrille shirt and jeans if you would like to help. You will be moving chairs and stands between band performances. Email Dr. Obado the hours on X2Vol and scan in with Dr. Obado or Dr Knight at the end of the concert for 5 Minga points. CLICK HERE TO EARN SERVICE HOURS (and Minga Points).
Medications for San Antonio Trip
There has been a change to the medication policy this school year. ALL over-the-counter medications must have a medication form signed by the doctor to be administered on the trip. Each medication needs to be on a separate form. Prescription meds do not have to have the signed form as the medication prescription label acts as the authorization. If students are cleared by their school to self-carry an inhaler, Epi-Pen or Insulin, they are allowed to carry it on the trip as well. Please let me know if your student falls into this category. You can contact me at with any questions.
Tournament of Roses Updates
Tournament of Roses Theme
On Feb 4, 2025, the Pasadena Tournament of Roses newly installed President Mark Leavens, announced the 2026 theme, “The Magic in Teamwork.” The theme celebrates the sense of accomplishment in knowing that by working together, we can collectively achieve outcomes so much richer than we can ever experience as individuals.
The 2026 theme poster honors the organizations, agencies and community partners that make America’s New Year Celebration possible. Embroidered team patches from public safety partners, service organizations, and other parade participants reflect the teamwork demonstrated in working toward a common goal, to overcome challenges and produce amazing results. The poster embodies “The Magic in Teamwork”—not just in grand achievements, but in everyday moments of support, encouragement and shared success.
You can read more about the 2026 Theme here:
Winter Update Meeting
If you missed the Winter TOR Update Meeting last week, please see the NEW February newsletter below. Here are a few highlights from the meeting:
- Itinerary discussed with Dr. Obado and Perform America Texas
- Hotel and supervision systems discussed
- Chaperones have not been selected. The goal to select chaperones will be this week.
- Fundraising and sponsorships
- Friends & Family Q&A
Percussion & Colorguard Announcements
Percussion Announcements
You can access the latest calendar, announcements, and rehearsal schedules here.
This Week In Guard (TWIG Notes)
You can access all of the latest colorguard information, events, and communication here! Please see links below.
CONGRATULATIONS to our JV and Varsity Winter Guards at WGI Mansfield. Kudos to Varsity for making finals in an early contest!
How To Make Payments
Payments can be submitted through the following ways:
- Drop a check or cash in the AHS Band safe. (Checks made payable to Allen ISD, driver's license # in the memo)
- Mail a payment to: Allen High School Band; 300 Rivercrest Blvd, Allen, TX 75002 (attn: Susan Fulk)
- Credit Card or Debit Card payment through SchoolPay - link below (a fee will be included in the final payment)
Allen Band Booster Association
Tournament of Roses Fundraising
100% of proceeds from fundraising for the Tournament of Roses trip will go to help offset the costs of the trip for students. We have 3 great options, but it will take effort from everyone:
- Corporate Sponsors: Visit for information and to access the sponsor letter. Our goal is for every student to get at least one sponsor.
- Donations: Share our donation link that can be found at with friends, family, neighbors and other supporters. Our goal is $200 for every student.
- Spirit Wear: Show of you TOR pride with spirit wear. Anyone can purchase and we will ship. This makes a great keepsake.
Volunteer Opportunities
Sign up to help with uniform needs at the concerts. Visit Remember to log in to sign up. Contact Denise with questions at
2025 Leadership & Marching Band Events
The band staff is already preparing for the 2025 marching season. There will be one required movement camp and a required incoming freshman marching camp.
If you are interested in trying out for drum major or SLT, we will begin our training/workshops the week before Spring Break. They will be held on Mondays from 4:30pm-6pm in the AHS Band Hall or AHS Ensemble Room. The first 45 minutes will be general leadership/SLT training and the second 45 minutes will be specific training for drum majors. AHS & LFC Wind Ensembles (including seniors) will be required to attend the first 45 minutes of the SLT workshops as part of their Musicianship Class.
Required Movement Camp for all LFC/AHS Returning Students and Incoming Freshmen
- Wednesday, April 16 (5:00-6:30pm)
Incoming Freshman Marching Camp (Not Required for current LFC/AHS students)
- Thursday, April 24 (5:00-6:30pm)
SLT/Drum Major Workshops
- Mon, March 10: 4:30-6pm
- Mon, March 24: 4:30-6pm
- Mon, March 31: 4:30-6pm
- Mon, April 7 4:30-6pm
- Mon, April 14: 4:30-6pm
Drum Major Tryouts
- Mon, April 21 (Phase 1 - After School)
- Wed, April 23 (Phase 2 - After School)
SLT Tryouts
- Tues, April 29 (Woodwinds - After School)
- Wed, April 30 (Brass - After School)
- Guard & Percussion Tryouts will be scheduled by Mr. Camp/Mr. Locke
2025-2026 Spring/Summer Required Events
All incoming and returning band students for the 2025-2026 School Year will be required to attend various events this Spring and Summer. These events are designed to help train our students for the next marching band season. Attendance will be used to help us assign marching band spots for our 2025 Contest Show. Please see the dates below to put in your calendars!
The Next Three Weeks
February 10-16
Mon, Feb 10: Mid-Winter Concert 1
Tues, Feb 11: Mid-Winter Concert 2
Wed, Feb 12-Sat, Feb 15: TMEA All-State (San Antonio, TX)
February 17-23
Mon, Feb 17: No School - President's Day
Tues, Feb 18: No School for students
Sat, Feb 22: UIL S&E; Percussion Contest
February 24-March 2
Tues, Feb 25: LFC Symphony Orchestra Pre-UIL (8:15 Performance)
Wed, Feb 26: AHS Philharmonic Orchestra Pre-UIL (8:15 Performance)
Thurs, Feb 27: AHS Symphony Orchestra Pre-UIL (8:15 Performance)
Sat, March 1: TCU Jazz Festival, Winterguard @ Wylie Contest
2024-2025 AHS/LFC Band Staff
- Dr. Philip Obado, Director of Bands, Allen ISD
- Dr. Steven Knight, Associate Director of Bands & Marching Band Director
- Joshua Blankenship, Director of Bands, Lowery Freshman Center
- Alex Baczewski, Assistant Band Director & Jazz Studies Director
- Andrew Camp, Colorguard Director & Assistant Band Director
- Miles Locke, Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Jeremy Rohr, Assistant Band Director, Lowery Freshman Center
- Jesse Vela, Assistant Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Susan Fulk, Performing Arts Administrative Assistant