The Weekly Wildcat ROAR
Week of Monday, August 12 thru Friday, August 16
Welcome to BES!!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for an awesome first week! We appreciate your patience and support as we worked out transportation issues, especially with the lovely weather we had on day 1. It is always easier when we all work together to support the students.
As a reminder, car riders should be dropped off using the Pine Street entrance from 7-7:45. After 7:45, car riders will use the Hardin Street entrance. All car riders will be dismissed from the Pine Street entrance. Car riders should be picked up by 2:45 each day. If your child's transportation changes, we must have that in writing. We cannot accept changes via phone calls. Also, students cannot be signed out after 2:00 due to the need to keep the lot on Hardin Street clear for bus traffic.
All visitors to the building must successfully pass through the weapons detection system before being able to access the front office. Visitors should always have their ID on hand for entry or to sign a student out. Only those listed in PowerSchool will be granted access to students.
Thank you for your help in keeping our Wildcats safe!
Upcoming Events:
August 12th- All forms due (includes signed student handbook page)
August 19th-23rd- Fall iReady testing
August 23rd- KONA Ice at BES
August 31st- BHS Band Fish Fry
We're Going Places!
As part of our learninig, we would love to showcase travel and cultures. We have dedicated a bulletin board in our main hallway to showcasing family and staff travels. Please send in photos from your family vacations and experiences this summer!
Connect with us!!
School Website
Go to cherokee1.org and select Blacksburg Elementary on the drop down menu.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook at BES Wildcats ROAR.
Classroom Communication
Connect with your child's teacher and receive school updates using Kinvo.
Be sure to check in with your child's teacher to get signed up for PTO. Our PTO does amazing things for our students and staff. You don't want to miss being a part of this great organization!
Wildcat World Changers
Please use the link below to send a shout out for any BES staff members or students you see making an impact on our school and community!
Student and Parent Handbook
AVID Callback of the Week- Teachers: Wildcats! Students: Roar!
AVID focus for August- Organization
This week we will explore...
3rd Grade:
Math: Place Value
ELA: Point of View/
Making Predictions/Characters/Theme
Upcoming- OG (word knowledge)
Science: Upcoming Unit- Forces and Motion
Social Studies: Mapping Our World
Music: Music Introduction- Rules and Procedures
Library: :Library Introduction
Art: Art Introduction
PE: PE Introduction
4th Grade:
Math:Place Value
ELA: Collaboration & Team Building
Science: What is a scientist?
Social Studies: Continents & Oceans
Music: Music Introduction- Rules and Procedures
Library: Library Introduction
Art: Art Introduction
PE: PE introduction
5th Grade:
Math:Understanding Place Value
ELA: Story Elements, Narrative
Science: Safety and How Scientists work together
Social Studies: Westward Expansion
Music: Music Introduction- Rules and Procedures
Library: Library Introduction
Art: Art Introduction
PE: PE Introduction
GT: GT classes will begin soon!
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: julie.foster@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR