TWIB Notes: 8/26-9/1

This Week In Band
Home Game vs. Midland Legacy
Last week's Q&A's about home game days are below. Please see the links below for more specific information (including the game day itinerary).
What is this week's game day uniform? All students will wear their Allen Escadrille dri-fit shirts, khaki shorts (jeans), and athletic shoes for this week's home game vs. Midland Legacy. Colorguard will receive instructions from Mr. Camp regarding their uniform this week.
How long are game days? We still have morning rehearsals at 7am, have an entire day of school, and then we start the game day process as soon as school gets out. Home games usually conclude by 10:15pm. We will get back from away games by 11pm.
What do I have to bring to school on game days? Based on whatever uniform is assigned for the game (dri-fit, traditional, or contest show), students are required to bring required items for inspection. If a student doesn't bring their required items, they will not participate in the game (call home and receive an unexcused absence). Students will be required to bring their required uniform shirt, black athletic shorts (khaki shorts for dri-fit uniform), long black socks (short socks are okay for dri-fit uniform), black band shoes (athletic shoes for dri-fit uniform), gloves, all music in flip folder/lyre (with a strap), cold weather/raingear (if necessary), water jug (with a strap). You may need a bag (with your name clearly on the bag) to store all of your items - this is not to bring to the game, however. See checklist link below for a complete checklist of items.
What do I do for dinner on game days? Away games are easy. The band will provide dinner to all students on the way to buses. Home games are tricky. There is enough time to get food after school gets out. Many students get rides and get food off campus or have parents drop food off. There is not enough time to take your regular school bus home and get back to school. If you cannnot get off campus and a meal cannot get dropped off, the easiest thing to do is to order a meal through the Allen Band Boosters (CLICK HERE to order home game meals).
What do I do if I have long hair? All students must put their hair up so it all fits under our band hats (shakos) by inspection time. The intent is to make sure everybody looks the same. Different hair types require different methods to put hair up. See the checklist link below for a few videos on how to put your hair up. We will send students home if hair is incorrect for performances. Hair video 1. Hair Video 2.
How do I get my band shoes, dri-fit shirt, traditional/contest show shirts?
- Dri-Fit Shirt: Pick up your Dri-Fit Shirt after school on Friday, Aug. 30 (game day) from the AHS band office.
- Band Shoes, Traditional/Contest Show Shirts: Pick up your band shoes, blue traditional show shirt, and/or contest show shirt after school on Thursday, Aug 29 from the uniform room at AHS.
If I am a parent, can I be with my son/daughter during the game? The short answer is no. All students are responsibility of Allen ISD from call time before the game through dismissal after the game. Because of the sheer size of the band program, we cannot vouch for parents, friends, and neighbors during the game. Only approved wrist-banded volunteers working the game and badged Allen ISD staff are allowed to be with the students. The band seating area in Eagle Stadium is roped off to all guests. Only approved and credentialed volunteers and staff are allowed to cross into the band section.
Pep Rally on Friday (8/30) at AHS
AHS band and guard students will be a part of our first pep rally of the season this Friday, Aug 30th during 1st period. Students will be dismissed from morning rehearsal at 8:15am (after the LFC students are dismissed) to get ready for the pep rally. Attire for the pep rally will be the Escadrille Dri-Fit shirt, khaki shorts/jeans, and athletic shoes. There will not be a pep rally for LFC students.
Musicianship Class Begins on Wednesday
Musicianship class is offered on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm in the AHS Band Hall. Mr. Blankenship & Dr. Obado will go through various topics from how to practice, what to listen for in music, how to overcome performance anxiety, and more through the lens of the All-Region music.
This class is required for the AHS and LFC Wind Ensembles, however is open for any AHS/LFC band student.
Spring Trip Contract and Deposit Due Friday (8/30)
Our Spring Trip this year will be a weekend in Austin and San Antonio (Friday, April 11-Sunday, April 13). If you are interested in signing up for this trip, you will need to pay the non-refundable deposit and submit the signed trip contract to the AHS Band Office safe by Friday, August 30, 2024. Click the button below for the 2024 Spring Trip. Here are trip highlights:
- Rehearsals, workshops, clinics, and campus tours at the University of Texas at Austin
- Spend the day at Six Flags Fiesta Texas
- Dinner and shopping at the San Antonio Riverwalk
- Natural Bridge Caverns Tours
- Accommodations: Two nights Marriott Northwest (or similar)
- All transportation and meals provided
- Students are responsible for any souvenirs and snacks/meals not included
We hope everyone in the band and guard can join us on our optional spring trip.
Vertical Raise Fundraiser
For more information visit or email Debbie at with questions.
CONGRATULATIONS to our $500 Best Buy gift card winners:
- $30,000 drawing Jake Zaino
- $40,000 drawing Henry Souliman
Allen Band Booster Association
Volunteer Opportunities
Lots of opportunities available. Log into to sign up. This week:
- Prop Evening
Football Games
- Chick-Fil-A Bagging
- Home Game Meals
- Uniform Dry Cleaning Return
- Tailgate
Log-in into to signup. Email Denise at with questions.
Game Day Meals
Last day to order a meal for the 8.30 game is Tuesday! To order for the first home game and every other home game visit Questions about the meals, ask Joe at
Tailgate 2024
Tailgate is Monday, September 9, at 7pm (AHS Track Stadium)!
Come see over 1000 students play together!! Middle school bands get a taste of high school marching playing with the Biggest Band in the Land!
​Get a hamburger or hot dog meal with chips and a bottle of water for $5.00. Part of the proceeds from this meal will be donated back to the school of your choice: Allen HS, Curtis MS, Ereckson MS, or Ford MS.
Please note: Meals are limited to 300 people and available on a first-come, first-served basis. No pre-event orders. Questions? Email
ABBA Spirit Wear
Spirit wear is back up on the store for you to purchase. Items are limited, don't delay. Just visit to get your marching season must haves. Questions? Email Debbie at
Next opportunity to pick up merchandise is Monday, September 9, at our annual Tailgate Concert.
After-Dinner Mint Concert (10/22)
Mark your calendars for the After Dinner MInt Concert. This free concert will take place in the PAC Commons on Tuesday, October 22, from 6-8pm. This event is open to the community, please invite friends, family and neighbors. We will have coffee, water and desserts on hand. For more information and to RSVP please visit Questions about the event, email Joe at
The Next Three Weeks
August 26 -September 1
- Mon 8/26: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Tues 8/27: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Wed 8/28: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); Musicianship Class (4:30-5:30; AHS Band Hall)
- Thurs 8/29: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); Pick up band shoes & performance shirts after school (AHS Uniform Room)
- Fri 8/30: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); AHS Pep Rally, Pick-up Dri-Fit shirts after school (AHS Band office); Spring Trip Deposit/Contracts Due, Home Game vs. Midland Legacy (5:30pm Call Time)
September 2-8
- Mon 9/2: No School; No Rehearsal
- Tues 9/3: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); ABBA Membership Meeting (7pm; AHS Band Hall)
- Wed 9/4: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Thurs 9/5: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Fri 9/6: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); Home Game vs. Cedar Hill (5:30pm Call Time)
September 9-15
- Mon 9/9: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); Tailgate (Call Time: 6:45pm)
- Tues 9/10: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Wed 9/11: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Thurs 9/12: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am)
- Fri 9/13: Rehearsal (7am-8:30am); Away Game vs. Rock Hill (4:40pm Call Time)
2023-2024 AHS/LFC Band Staff
- Dr. Philip Obado, Director of Bands, Allen ISD
- Dr. Steven Knight, Associate Director of Bands & Marching Band Director
- Joshua Blankenship, Director of Bands, Lowery Freshman Center
- Alex Baczewski, Assistant Band Director & Jazz Studies Director
- Andrew Camp, Colorguard Director & Assistant Band Director
- Miles Locke, Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Jeremy Rohr, Assistant Band Director, Lowery Freshman Center
- Jesse Vela, Assistant Percussion Director & Assistant Band Director
- Susan Fulk, Performing Arts Administrative Assistant