Bison Stampede
09/06/2024 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Week at a Glance
Monday 09/09:
- Regular School Day
Tuesday 09/10:
- Suicide Prevention Day
Wednesday 09/11:
- Attendance Awareness Month: Wear Stripes or Polka Dots
5:00pm Parent Compact Meeting + VOLY Registration (Lower Campus)
Thursday 09/12:
- 6:30pm PTA Meeting in LC Auditorium
Friday 09/13:
- Jeans and Spirit Shirt
- GT Nomination Window Closes
- VOLY registration closes for the Fall Semester
Saturday 09/14:
- Rosemont Dads Club: Soccer goals assembly get together at Soccer Field
Principals' Messages
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus
Next week, we will begin our Level Up Initiative where all PreK-3rd grade students will have opportunities to showcase our campus wide Pillars of Character. The Pillars of Character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Each student will receive a punch card that they will keep with them at all times to wear with their lunch badge. Teachers and staff members that see students exhibiting the pillars of character will punch a hole in one of the boxes on the students card. Once a student has 10 punches in their card, they will come to the front office and switch out their card for the next level. Once the student “Levels Up” they will earn responsibilities or rewards in the classroom. Each grade level will have different responsibilities or rewards for leveling up and at the end of each 9 weeks, there will be a special celebration for students who have Leveled Up 3 levels. We are beginning with the Character Pillar of Trustworthiness. You can support your bison by talking through examples of what trustworthiness looks like at home and at school and encouraging them to try their best each day. We’re excited to Level Up our character together!
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus
It was great to connect with so many of our families at Coffee with the Principals and SBDM this week. I look forward to seeing some of you at our first PTA meeting this upcoming Thursday, September 12. This week, Upper Campus teachers and administrators spent intentional time planning to support students’ social and emotional development. I encourage each of you to ask your Bison about their experiences in morning meeting (for elementary students) and advisory (for middle school students) in the coming weeks. This is an impactful part of our day that is focused on relationship building and development of the whole student. Please see a few strategies below for how to support your students at home:
Ensure your child arrives to school on time and attends school daily (unless ill).
Ask open-ended questions that require your child to elaborate with examples and details.
Create opportunities for your child to read, write, listen (actively) and speak in 1 or both languages.
Community Events
Campus Specific Information
Lower Campus (PreK - 3rd Grade) Information
Meet Our School Nurse
My name is Samantha, and I am the school nurse at Rosemont Lower. My goal is to ensure that every student maintains optimal health to support their academic and personal success. To achieve this, I provide a range of essential services to our students:
1. Health Services: Deliver first aid, manage chronic conditions, and administer medications as needed, ensuring students' health needs are met promptly.
2. Health Records Management: Maintain accurate health records, manage immunization requirements, and track students' health progress.
3. Support: Provide not only physical but emotional support, using a holistic care approach.
4. Consultation and Collaboration: Work closely with teachers, parents, and healthcare providers to create a coordinated approach to student health and well-being. Facilitate referrals to outside agencies when additional support is needed.
Through these services, I aim to create a supportive and healthy environment where every student can thrive academically and personally.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, my mission is to foster a safe and supportive environment that enhances student well-being and academic success. By addressing both immediate health needs and long-term wellness goals, I am committed to ensuring that each student at Rosemont Lower has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Together with the school community, we strive to create a nurturing atmosphere where health and education go hand in hand, paving the way for a brighter, healthier future for all our students.
Instructions To Create a Parent Portal Account
Parent Portal provides parents/guardians with the following benefits:
* Secure on-line access to their children's grades, assignments and attendance
* Email alerts of absences and grad average changes
* A two-way communication tool for parents and teachers
Please contact the school's CRC to obtain your Student's Access ID code and Access Password.
To create a Power School Parent Portal account please follow these instructions.
Attendance Reminders
Parent Survey
Please complete a survey for each campus if you have a student at Lower Campus and another student at Upper Campus.
Rosemont Runners
Upper Campus (4 - 8) Information
School Clubs
Parent Survey
Please complete a survey for each campus if you have a student at Lower Campus and another student at Upper Campus.