HHS Weekly Preview

Friday, September 13, 2024
Weekly Announcements
Great to see everyone at Back to School Night. If you did not make it, ask your student for all their information on their class that they already received from their teachers.
- HHS School Counselors Present…September 18th 6:30-7:30pm in HHS Auditorium
Naviance, Common App & How to Navigate the College Application Process
Join HHS Counselors to discuss the Common Application, Naviance and its integration with Common App, college visits, letters of recommendation and the process of requesting transcripts. This presentation is for senior parents and students.
College and Career Ready
College Visits, School Day PSAT and SAT, Common APP News
HHS School Counselors Present…
Naviance, Common App & How to Navigate the College Application Process
Join HHS Counselors to discuss the Common Application, Naviance and its integration with Common App, college visits, letters of recommendation and the process of requesting transcripts. This presentation is for senior parents and students.
September 18th 6:30-7:30pm in the Auditorium @ Haverford High School
Common APP
COMMON APP FREE PIZZA WRITING SESSIONS during LUNCHES on 9/24 and 10/1 in the HHS library.
Class of 2025-(Seniors)-It is time to start your Common APP! Common App Website
College and Common Application Completion Days
USA News: The Common App: Everything You Need to Know
College Visits @ HHS Begin on 9/16/24
Students can sign up 24 hours in advance through Naviance to visit with college.
Students must get a pass signed by their teacher to visit during that block. Passes are available in the Counseling office with Ms. Schnyder.
PACAC Regional College Fairs
Philadelphia Regional College Fair
Thomas Jefferson University; Philadelphia, PA
Monday, October 7th; 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Montgomery County College Fair
North Penn High School; Lansdale, PA
Thursday, October 17th; 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Neumann University; Aston, PA
Tuesday, October 22nd; 6:00 - 8:00 PM
For students / families / counselors:
All are welcome to attend! Please register for a barcode at www.StriveFair.com.
Show your barcode to colleges who will scan it to send you more information about their schools. The day after the fair, you will receive a report with information about each college with whom you scanned. All PACAC College Fairs are free of charge to students, families and counselors.
Upcoming Financial Aid Webinars from PHEAA
Visit the PHEAA website to view a variety of webinars on various Financial Aid topics.
The School Day SAT will be hosted at Haverford High School on Wednesday, October 9 for interested seniors. The digital-based test will begin at 7:30 am.
To register to take the exam, students are asked to complete the google form below through their gmail accounts by Friday, September 27.
SAT School Day Registration Form
The cost for the SAT is $68. Payment can be made on the day of the test. Cash or check (made payable to Haverford High School) are acceptable payment methods. Students who receive free & reduced lunch services will receive a reduced rate.
Additional information including classroom assignments and test day reminders will be sent out to registered students and parents/guardians by October 7th. If you have any questions, please visit the HHS Counseling Office or contact your school counselor.
Subject: PSAT Registration
9th,10th & 11th Graders:
The PSAT will be hosted at Haverford High School on Wednesday, October 9, for 9th, 10th, & 11th grade students. The digital-based test will begin at 7:30 AM.
To register for the exam, students are asked to complete the Google form below through their Gmail accounts by Friday, September 27.
[PSAT School Day Registration Form]
The cost for the PSAT is $20. Payment can be made on the day of the test. Cash or check (made payable to Haverford High School) are acceptable payment methods. Students who receive free & reduced lunch services will receive a reduced rate.
Additional information, including classroom assignments and test day reminders, will be sent to registered students and parents/guardians by October 7. If you have any questions, please visit the HHS Counseling Office or contact your school counselor.
Make sure your students SIGN UP IN NAVIANCE to visit with
any of the amazing colleges coming to HHS in the next few weeks!
Poll Workers
Club News
Activities Fair
We will do an Activities Fair for every student in early October. Club leaders will present their clubs in a Fair format in the gymnasium. It is a wonderful time to sign up for a club and get involved at HHS!
Nurses' Department
State Medical Requirements
Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
Cell Phones Acceptable Use
Haverford School District supports the use of the computers, Internet and other network resources in the district's instructional and operational programs in order to facilitate learning, teaching and daily operations, and provides students, staff and other authorized individuals with conditional access to the district's computers, electronic communication systems and network, which includes Internet access.
In light of Board Policy 815: Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources, and our district focus on Social/Emotional Wellness, Haverford High School strives to better support students regarding responsible use of personal devices. This includes understanding when and how to appropriately use technology in our ever-evolving, interconnected world, in order to be college and career ready. We understand that personal devices such as cell phones, smart watches, headphones/earbuds, etc., can cause an unnecessary distraction in the school environment and may contribute negatively to the health of our students.
Students are permitted to bring personal electronic devices to school. However, all devices must be silenced or turned off and remain off of a student’s person during classroom instruction as directed by their teachers. Teachers or staff members may require students to store phones in a designated location during class. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, confiscation of the device. Haverford High School is not responsible for lost personal electronic devices.
We understand that many families rely on the use of communication for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, family emergencies. Should students need to contact their parent(s)/guardian(s) during the instructional day, there is a phone available in the main office. Families should contact their students via the main office phone (610-853-5900 x2000) to avoid disruption and maintain an orderly school environment.
During times that students are permitted to use personal electronic devices (i.e. during lunch or in between classes), an orderly school environment, conducive to academic instruction, must be maintained in accordance with Board Policy 815: Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers and Network Resources.
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Students who believe they or others have been bullied as defined by Board Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying and Board Policy 249-AR: Bullying/Cyberbullying should promptly report such incidents to administration. All reports will be promptly investigated, and corrective action/school-based discipline shall be taken/imposed in accordance with Board Policy when allegations are verified.
Our teams are doing well! Tenis Senior Day today! Look for standings in the upcoming weeks!
Haverford High School Athletics Website
Mr. Gregory Decina, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Mrs. Michelle McCloy, Athletics Secretary
(610) 853-5900 x2560
Make sure all Fall student-athletes have FamilyID registration completed.
1) The Football Followers have teamed with Raising Surfers to promote the Haverford necklace! Great gifts for moms, seniors, alumni... anyone who wants to show their love for Haverford High School! Buy right on the website.
2) Soccer Fundraisers-See Below
The HHS Boys Soccer Boosters 14th Annual Mum Sale is underway!
Mums sell for $9 each, and are available in burgundy red, yellow, rust orange, and purple. They always look fantastic! The sale takes place on Saturday, September 14th, between 8-11 a.m. in the HMS Bus Lane. We expect some mums to be available on the day of the sale, but we're also taking pre-orders through September 11th (click here for link). When pre-ordering, please submit each order by who will be responsible for picking it up on 9/14. The order form will ask for a player’s name, but indicating "any player" will suffice. See attached flyer for payment options. Thank you for your support. Go Fords!
3) FBLA Fundraiser - Get Your Haverford Gear
4) Class of 2025 Car Wash-The Class of 2025 is having a car wash at the Oakmont Building on Sunday, September 15 from 9am-1pm! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up HERE. Spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors to get your car washed on September 15 to support the senior class!
5) Fords Fight For Life Night-See Below
6) Dig Pink-See Below