Jackson Jaguars ROAR!
---------------------November 2023-------------------------
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From the Principal...
Every month I wonder what happened to the month before! This year is sure flying by! Students are working so hard learning all they need to learn in order to be successful! Daily, I watch students work through difficult math concepts in a more conceptual manner. They are using new strategies to complete math tasks, thinking through word problems in real-world scenarios, and trying different ways to solve the problem. Jackson students are truly amazing!
Trunk or Treat
Thank you SO much to our community for the support for Trunk or Treat! This has really become a favorite event of ours and we hope yours too! There is absolutely no way for us to host this event without our amazing volunteers who decorated their trunks and sweat off their costume makeup in the sun while handing out candy. And of course we would have had nothing to hand out if it wasn't for your candy donations! Thank you SO much!
Veteran's Day
Our Veterans and Active Duty members of the military are very special to us at Jackson. We know that without you, we wouldn't have the freedoms that we do. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do!
This year, we will be honoring our Veterans during our 5th grade performance on Friday, November 10th at 2:00 and 6:00. If you are interested in joining us, you will be in for a real treat. Mrs. Kisler has sent out a link and a request for photos on Class Dojo. Please send her 1-3 photos to her email at jan.kisler@d11.org. Here is the link to the form to fill out in order for us to honor you at our assembly:
Gym Dedication to Robert K. Morris
On November 30th, we will be dedicating the Jackson Gymnasium to Robert K. Morris, our beloved P.E. teacher who has loved teaching Jackson students for over 20 years. With all of his hard work and dedication, came the love of P.E. for our students. Please join us for a reception on November 30th from 5:00-6:00pm!
I look forward to continuing this school year in the educational manner, we are working on! if you need anything, please call, email, or ClassDojo me, your classroom teacher(s), Social Worker, Counselor, Academic & Behavior Interventionist, etc. Together, we will make a difference!
Thank you,
Sara Miller, Principal
Upcoming Events
- November 5th-Daylight Savings Ends (Set BACK your clock 1 hour)
- November 10th- 5th grade Performance 2:00pm & 6:00pm
- November 13-December 4th-Poppin' Popcorn Fundraiser
- November 15th-PTO at 5:00pm (WebEx link below)
- November 17th-Final day to complete the 5 Essentials Survey
- November 20th-24th-Thanksgiving Break
- November 30th-Gym Dedication for Mr. Morris 5:00pm-6:00pm
Join us in dedicating the Jackson gym to Robert Morris on Nov. 30th at 5:00-6:00
Please complete the 5 Essentials Survey due November 17th
(You don't have to take it if you already complete this survey at Station 3 during Parent/Teacher Conferences.) Click on the "5 Essentials Survey" button below!
Trunk or Treat!
THANK YOU to all of our volunteers & their families!
We definitely could not have had a successful Trunk or Treat without these families who made the night so special:
- Milena Hinojo
- Tanya & Cheyanne McFarland
- Ashley Castleberry
- Katie and Willie Martin
- Kori Ortiz
- Amanda Hall
- Gabby Hemphill
- Madison Shirola & Blake
- Karla LaFontaine
- Amber Turner
- Ashley Adams
- Matthew Beaman
- Breatny Brasmer
- Tay Pierce
- Kelly Fulkerson
- Dayana Hernandez
- Michelle and Steve Thompson-Perrin
- Gisselle Figeroa
- John Marshall
- Autumn Crippen
- Chrissy Gauna
- Andrea Booi
- Adrienne and Charlotte Cooper
- Rhonda and John Sobecki
- Laurie and Aaron Sanchez
- Ashley and Krysten Gardner
- The Hatch Family
- Joanna Holder & Wanda Stark
Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher Conferences!
Thank you for attending your parent/teacher conference. We truly appreciate your partnership in your student's education! Together, we can ensure that students succeed and graduate!
Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)
November 15th at 5:00pm PTO Meeting link
Jackson's PTO Fundraiser-Poppin' Popcorn
November 13-December 4
Musically Speaking with Mr. Miller
Jackson Parents & Guardians,
Music Class is off to a great start this year!
Each grade has learned several new songs including folk songs, songs from other countries, and fun songs. We have played instruments, musical games and moved with the music. We are also learning a lot about what makes music.
5th graders are in the final stages of preparing their musical "Patriotic Partners", 4th graders have been learning about Band and Orchestra instruments, and Pre-School through 3rd grade have been singing, singing, singing in class, as well as learning about high-low (Pitch), fast-slow (Tempo), and loud-soft (Dynamic).
Important Dates:
Friday, November 10th – 5th Grade Musical (Ferguson & Sanchez) at 2:00pm and 6:00pm
Friday, April 19th – 3rd Grade Recorder Concert (Gardner & Morton) Daytime TBD and 6:00pm
Instrumental news:
Both the Band and Orchestra are off to a fabulous beginning. Students have been great about staying after school to attend rehearsals. Please remind your student to practice at home. Students should be practicing at least 90 minutes a week if they want to play better at each rehearsal. The Band/Orchestra winter concert will be Thursday, Dec. 14th at 6:00pm. The spring concert will be Thursday, May 9th.
Thank you all for the encouragement you give your students in appreciating music.
Musically yours,
Mr. Miller
Theater Works with Mrs. Slabach
Tiny Thespians with Mrs. Slabach
Auditions for the third, fourth, and fifth grade musical are coming! In addition, fourth and fifth grade students are welcome to interview for the tech crew (lights, sounds, etc).
Auditions and interviews will take place the week of January 8-12 (more details to come). The show will be Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM and the afternoon of Friday, May 3, 2024.
Announcement of the musical title is coming soon! Any guesses? 😊
All the World's a Stage,
Monica Slabach
Media Moments with Mrs. Sobecki
Book Fair
We had a great time with the Scholastic Book Fair last week! It is always fun to see the excitement the books create with our students. Thanks to our supportive Jackson community, we were able to purchase new books for the Media Center. We hope your students discovered some new books!
Kids Collect
Thank you to Mick in Mrs. Sanchez’s class for sharing his collection in the Display Case. We love seeing our students’ collections!
An Update About Attendance with Ms. Kahrs
Happy November Jackson Jaguars!
We would like to say a big “THANK YOU” to the parents/guardians whose students reached 95% attendance rate or higher for 1st Quarter, from August 16-October 12. These students were on time for school every day. Families are our partners in educating the students of Jackson, so we appreciate all of the work you do at home to get your students ready for school in the morning and to help ensure they are learning the skills they need to succeed now and in the future.
As we get into the holiday season, I want to remind you that your students are required to be in school for a minimum of 90% of the school year. This means that students can only miss a MAXIMUM of 10 days per year. This means that students need to be in school unless they are vomiting, have diarrhea, or have a fever of 100.4.
We truly want to partner with you in your student’s education. If you need help with resources, please contact me at kyla.kahrs@d11.org or 719-328-7175.
My job is to track the attendance of each student for every month, quarter, and semester of the school year. We have had the opportunity to recognize students’ attendance each month this year with varying activities and treats. We look forward to rewarding students with fun activities in the coming months.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you are having trouble getting your students to school each day or on time. We will do our best to help find resources to help you.
We are here to educate your students and help break down the barriers to that education. Please contact me if there may be anything we can do to help. My number is 719-328-7175 or email me at kyla.kahrs@d11.org.
Thank you,
Kyla Kahrs
Academic & Behavior Interventionist
Counseling Corner with Mrs. Kisler
Hello Jackson Families!
My name is Jan Kisler, and I am the school counselor here at Jackson. It has been great getting to reconnect with our students this year as well as meet all of our new Jackson Jaguars. This is my second year at Jackson, and I am thrilled to be here again to support our students, you, and our staff.
Please reach out to me via Class Dojo, my school email (jan.kisler@d11.org), or my office phone (719-328-5806) if you ever need anything. I am here as a resource and will make time to support you and your kids with whatever you might need.
Classroom Counsel
I have had the pleasure of going into all of our kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms multiple times this year. My first lesson was a "Meet the Counselor" lesson where I chatted with the kids about my role as the school counselor. I reminded them I am one of the adults they can talk to about anything -- be it about school, friends, home, emotions, or the good things in life. Every classroom teacher, specials teacher, and small group teacher has a "counselor pass" if a student is in need of some time with me.
Our second lesson was on the topic of "Confidence" and how to grow this in our lives. When we persevere through difficulties or tell ourselves "I can do this" we are strengthening this "muscle" of confidence.
Friendship was the most recent lesson we discussed in kindergarten through fifth grade, and we talked about what things we can do to be a good friend. Being honest, inclusive, curious, empathetic (caring about what others are experiencing), problem solvers and respectful are some of the topics we learned about together.
Wacky Wednesday Lessons
A new opportunity I have had this year is teaching a second grade and third grade class each Wednesday for the first quarter and now the second quarter. We have been learning about the importance of creating a positive school environment by discussing various topics. Some lessons have involved getting to know one another, practicing teamwork, being more inclusive, showing compassion, and practicing coping skills to help us work through anger or other emotions.
Closing Thoughts
Your kids are why I do my job, and I am so grateful I can assist them as they grow and blossom during their elementary years. I am excited for the ways I will be able to support them, you, and our staff again this year.
Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.
Mrs. Jan Kisler
School Counselor
Time with the Social Worker
Parents & Guardians,
The holidays are coming! I am busy working on locating resources for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so please check Dojo frequently. As always, you can always call 2-1-1 for any of your resource needs. They have the most current listings: https://www.211colorado.org/
Turkey give aways:
Pick up your Holiday Meal Kit at Mercy’s Gate.
Nov. 14-Dec. 23.
- Monday 5 pm-7 pm
- Wednesday 10 am-12 pm
- Thursday 10 am-12 pm, 2 pm-4 pm
- Friday 5 pm-7 pm
Some of the Christmas resources are last minute, and some involve lots of planning far in advance. Some of the Christmas events require children to be present others require that NO children be present. So please read all the details and get to your appointment or the event early. Lines can be long.
Salvation Army Angel Tree can be applied for online: https://saangeltree.org/
For the first time, Jackson has been given Christmas Unlimited applications. You must pick up the application in the main office and return it to the main office. (This season is very busy. You may ask your child to pick one up or return it to the main office, but please do not call or Dojo asking us to do this for you.) The Christmas Unlimited application must be COMPLETELY FILLED OUT WITH ALL YOUR CHILDREN'S BIRTHDATES. A CHILD MUST BE BORN AFTER 12/24/2010 TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THEIR PROGRAM. If the application does not have all the information, Jackson has been asked to return it to you. First come, first served. Their application deadline is December 8th (if they do not run out of appointment times before that) and if you do not return the application to the school before that, they will not consider your application. Jackson will submit the application for you, and Christmas Unlimited will contact you via text or email with your appointment time and date. Jackson will not be advised when your appointment is. It is your responsibility to show up on time. It is important that you bring a copy of the email or text with you to the appointment. Only one family member will be allowed in the building. Exceptions to this are if the shopper has a disability or if there are more than 4 children on the application. CHILDREN* ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE DISTRIBUTION CENTER. * The ONLY exceptions will be if a child is infant age (and in a carrier).
Leslie Clinite Ruiz, LCSW, MA
School Social Worker
Jackson Elementary School
Se Habla Español
(719) 328-5836 Desk
(719) 328-5800 Jackson Main office
(719) 328-5813 Attendance
Jackson Elementary School
Email: sara.miller@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Domain/37
Location: 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-5800