Mayo News
February 12, 2024

Hello Mayo Families!
Happy Memorial Day! I hope you were able to enjoy the long weekend!
We have been very busy lately. We had MCAS, Grade 5 Girl’s Night and Boy’s Night, a half day, WooSox Night, and lots of field trips! The full schedule continues…. Tomorrow, Grade 3 has a field trip discovering the local historical buildings, and Wednesday they have a visit from their Senior Center Pen Pals! Thursday we have our Choose to be Nice Celebration for PATIENCE, and Friday (5/31) is the “PTA End of Year Social” from 6:00-8:00 in front of the school. There will be a BOGO Book Fair, a DJ, and Food Trucks, and FUN !
As the events ramp up for the final weeks of school, volunteers are needed more than ever. Please consider signing-up for some of our End of Year Events (Field Day is full but there are others still in need of help!) (SIGN UP HERE)
Monday, June 3rd is our Field Day. Each grade level is assigned a color for Field Day! Wear anything you have in your grade level color!!
Grade 5 will wear their 5th Grade 2024 Green Mayo Shirts
Grade 4 will wear Green
Grade 3 will wear Purple
Grade 2 will wear Blue
Grade 1 will wear Yellow
Kindergarten will wear Red
Thank you to all of the family members who offered to volunteer. We were able to choose all who signed up on Sign-Up Genius. I sent an email to all who will be volunteering and Mr. Wilde will be following up with details and your activity assignment. Remember, all volunteers must have an active CORI. Not all students will know all volunteers, so you must wear your volunteer badge on school grounds.
The Mayo Library Committee will have the Spring Book Swap during your student’s library regular time from 6/4-6/7.
Carolan Kasper
Nursing Notes
IMPORTANT End of Year Info from Nurse Mangum
Allergy season is upon us! If your child experiences seasonal allergies, please ensure they take their allergy medicine at home before school. The health office does not have medicine for seasonal allergies. Eye drops before school can help your child have a better day. Please see "when to keep your child home" on the WRSD website for further guidance.
Please pick up your child’s medications by the last day of school at or before dismissal on Tuesday, June 18th. Parents or guardians must transport medications including prescription and over the counter medications. This includes parents and guardians of summer school students. Children are not allowed to transport medications of any kind including over-the-counter medications to and from school.
Medication paperwork must be renewed each year. Both a physician order and parent consent are required for medication administration at school. Please see the WRSD website for required health forms. Please deliver medications with accompanying physician orders and parent consents to the health office on or 2 days before the first day of school next Fall.
Field Trip Info
Field Trip season is still here!
Please check with your child's teacher for any food allergy restrictions in the class that may effect your child's packed lunch.
All Chaperones must have a valid and active CORI and WRSD volunteer badge. (No exceptions)
Thank you for your understanding.
Be sure to label your child's belongings!
Choose to be Nice
MAY is all about PATIENCE
This is a tough one for students and adults alike! Students are working on activities and read-alouds reinforcing the idea of showing patience and not giving up!
Celebration 5/30/24!
5/28 - Gr 3 Field Trip Holden Landmarks
5/29 - Gr 3 Pen Pal visit
5/30 - CTBN Celebration Patience
5/31 - GOTR 3:30-5:15
5/31 - End of Year PTA Social (and BOGO Book Fair) 6-8
6/2 - GOTR 5K @ Polar Park
6/3 - Field Day (Rain date 6/10)
6/4- Book Swap starts (during regular Library time T-F)
6/4 - KP Author's Tea 2:00
6/5 - KL Author's Celebration 2:00
6/5 - New Kindergarten Parent Orientation (in person) 4-4:30
6/5 - New Kindergarten Parent Orientation (virtual) 5:30-6
6/6 - KM Author's Celebration 2:00
6/7 - Gr 5 Field Trip OSV
6/7 - KD End of Year Celebration 2:00
6/7 - Mayo Family Night at the Bravehearts
6/11 - CTBN Celebration Courage
6/11 - PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30
6/12 - Spring Concert (Gr 3-5) 10:00-11:00
6/12 - Grade 5 End of Year Program for Families 11:30-12:15
6/12 - Last Day of K (full day)
6/13 & 6/14 - Kindergarten Screening (Schedule sign-up sent out)
6/13 - Friendship Bracelet Workshop 3:45-4:45
6/14 - Grade 3 Wax Museum
6/14 - Grade 4 Windows on Wildlife visit
6/16 - Father's Day
6/18 - Moving Up & Last Day of School (1/2 day)
MAY 2024 Lunch Menu
Bus Safety
1. not passing buses at any time on school grounds
2. dropping off students arriving by car in the back of the school.
3. only entering through the Front door or the Carpool door.
4. using caution and judgment at the front of the flagpole “rotary”.