ECP Happenings: Fall 2020-21
Career Center
What a different world we are living in yet at the The Early Childhood Program at the Career Center we are making the best of the situation. Students were so glad to return to the classroom live. All students are following Career Center protocol for mask wearing and social distancing. We are so proud of the students who show pride in returning to the classroom.
The Early Childhood Program students are busy preparing art lessons for the Colorado Preschool Program. Some of the preparatory work that has been completed so far includes a brief research on developmental milestones for physical development, how to prepare paint lesson plan prepared by Ms. Deb, and observations of the preschool children. Students will present their lesson virtually to the preschool children sometime mid-September. We are excited to use technology in this way!
In addition to our art lesson plans students have been working on a certificate in “Standard Precautions”. This industry certification is necessary for all students to have in order to go into our preschool setting. We will be prepared for that date when the county allows us to go into the classroom. Currently we can only observe or do things virtually as a matter of COVID protocol.
Parents I look forward to talking with you via “Google Meet” or phone conversations. Know that I am available via email at or you can call me at 970-254-6000 ext. 21111 for any questions or concerns. It has been a pleasure learning about your child this month and I look forward to our future learning experiences together.