Aspen High School
Student and Family Weekly Update
February 12th
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Dear Students & Families,
We are gearing up for Spring sports, so make sure you have your physicals ready and registrations complete. Practice begins February 24th. We hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend! This is a lengthy newsletter, but we have a lot to celebrate and share with everyone.
No School Monday, Presidents' Day, February 17th
Annual Ski Day, March 5th
Ski Day is a chance for us all to go out as a school and celebrate winter. Ski Day is scheduled for March 5th. Please complete the Student Ski Day survey to help us create the best experience possible for all AHS students. The survey lets us know how students would like to participate (ski, snowboard, hike, activities at the ARC, etc), any needed equipment rentals, and tickets.
Please complete the Student Ski Day survey by February 17th.
IB DP Important Information
Parents & Students - Reserve April 25-May 21 for IB Exams for concluding/testing IB DP courses! This is for all seniors and many juniors! Students are required to attend all of their IB exams as the final exams for their IB classes. Students and parents should put these dates in their calendar. Specific starting times and specific subjects are identified in the Aspen Google Calendar. Students will also be reminded of these dates from their IB DP teachers.
Current sophomores are enrolling in their IB Diploma courses. Please review the IB Diploma one-pager for information about the completing the full IB Diploma.
IB MYP Personal Project Exhibition!
Congratulations to our 10th grade students! This was our second year doing the MYP Personal Project, but the first year that we have had an exhibition. This morning parents and classes visited the exhibition; this afternoon teachers PreK to 12th grade assessed the projects and met with students to view their products. What a great opportunity for everyone at ASD to celebrate student learning and the IB!
(Click on the photos below to enlarge.)
What is the Work-Based Learning Program?
It’s Aspen High School students working in the community for business credit for one class period each week. AHS has more than 60 students enrolled in the Work-Based Learning (WBL) Program for 2024-25. This Program offers students experiential opportunities to explore work and careers at school and in the community. Students learn about work through career fairs, community speakers, and career exploration. Students engage in work through employment, internships and apprenticeships throughout the community. As our Career & Technical Education Program grows, we are creating courses to support building skills in career pathways where students learn at school, and at work and gain essential skills for future careers. The AHS career pathways include: Aviation, Business, Construction/Woodshop, Culinary, Engineering, Multimedia, and Outdoor Leadership.
Diane Godfrey is the AHS Work-Based Learning Coordinator. Please reach out to her if you have work opportunities for students, could be a guest speaker, or have any great ideas for the program. Contact Diane at: dgodfrey@aspenk12.net or (970) 300-2144.
In addition, Aspen High School will be hosting the annual Summer Jobs Fair on Friday, April 18. Please contact Susanne at smorrison@aspenk12.net if you are interested in hiring any students this summer and would like to participate.
Here is a list of the AHS WBL Employers for 2024-2025:
Food Service: Cache Cache, Clark’s Market, Free Range Kitchen, Gorsuch Ski Cafe, Hickory House, Home Team BBQ, JUS, Mi Chola, Paradise Bakery, Silver Peak Grill, Unravel, Venga Venga
Real Estate: Andrade Property Services, Aspen Properties Management, The Collective SM, Connected Concierge
Recreation: Aspen Art Museum, Aspen Recreation Center, Aspen Youth Center, Basalt Bike & Ski, Cozy Point, Lumadrop, O2 Aspen, Pink Monkey Studio, Snowmass Recreation Center, Summit Studios, The Tree House, TACAW
Retail/Clothing: Alo, Lululemon, Misstyx, Outpost, PE101
Transportation:Aspen Total Automotive
(Click on the photos below to enlarge).
Anna Dangler at O2 Aspen
Devon Assalone at Summit Dance Studios
Connor Moffroid at Free Range Restaurant
2025-2026 Course Request Meeting Info
Aspen High School will host four virtual Course Request Informational Meetings. An interpreter will be present, and we will record the meetings. These recordings will be posted on our website for parents and families who can't attend.
These meetings are informational only, and attendance isn't required or mandatory. Students will have an opportunity to meet with their counselors before Spring Break to request courses for the following school year. Schedules will not be created during those meetings; students will simply inform counselors which classes to select.
Click here to view the dates for the Virtual Course Selection Parent Meetings
Reminder: No phones, earbuds/airpods, or personal devices/laptops
AHS Cell Phone & Air Pods/Earbuds Policy
NO PHONES or AIR PODS/EARBUDS should be visible at school until after 3:25. That means: not in socks, not in pockets, earbuds out of ears and put away BEFORE walking into the building, etc. Do not let your phones “fall out” of your backpacks. Keep your personal laptops at home.
The school issued Chromebooks are the only laptops students should be bringing to school. If it’s broken, not charged, forgotten at home, etc. ChromeZone can help you get a loaner while you wait for it to charge or sent out for repairs.
Reminders from Yearbook! Deadline Tomorrow!!
Class of 2025! Senior Recognition Ads are due Feb 13th!
These ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones.
Please CLICK HERE for more information and to order.
🧡Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special $20 discount on your yearbook!
From February 14th to the 21st, you can purchase your yearbook for just $65 instead of $85. Don’t miss this limited-time deal to capture the best memories of the year!
Celebrate Our AHS Teachers! Shower Them with Appreciation Treats!
From Post-Secondary Counseling
Bell Ringing Some seniors are beginning to solidify their plans for life after high school, and we are continuing the bell-ringing tradition! The idea is to celebrate all students as they finalize their post-secondary plans—whether that means college, trade school, entering the workforce, or another path. Students who have committed to a college, or another path after high school, may ring the bell in the Mezzanine during lunch. Just be sure to check-in check in with one of the Post-Secondary staff first. Otherwise, on May 1st we will host a National Decision Day photo op on the front stairs with plenty of bell ringing!
Local Scholarship applications are open. Students and parents should refer to the Local Scholarship webpage for more information including the timeline, scholarship descriptions, and application links as well as to schedule a “Local Scholarship Help Session” with Susanne. Next deadline is February 21st for the Aspen Community Foundation Scholarships.
2025/26 FAFSA application is open. Seniors hoping to receive need-based financial aid should submit ASAP. Click here for FAFSA and Financial Aid Tips. IMPORTANT: We’d like to remind seniors (and parents of seniors) who have submitted/are submitting FAFSA to download your FAFSA submission summary report as a PDF and also save your login information. It is not only a good practice to have your FAFSA summary and login info on file, but doing so may safeguard your information if there are any changes to the Department of Education. Please also double check that all of your colleges/universities list are indicated in FAFSA so that they will receive your Submission Summary. To download your FAFSA submission summary: Log in to your StudentAid.gov account, navigate to the "My Activity" section, select your processed 2025/26 FAFSA submission, and then click "View FAFSA Submission Summary"; you can then download the document as a PDF by using the print option in your browser and selecting "Save as PDF".
Click here for more tips and info for seniors.
Individual Meetings
The second semester of junior year is when things really get going in terms of post-secondary planning, and all juniors are encouraged to schedule an Individual Meeting with their Post-Secondary Counselor ASAP. Students with last names beginning A-K will work with Karen Hawkes, L-Z with Brennan Dignan. Parents are welcome (but not required) to join the meeting either in person or virtually. Please note, meetings may not be scheduled during class time, but rather during SET, lunch or a free period. Before the 1st Individual Meeting, both students and parents are asked to complete short intake surveys. Intake for Students|Intake for Parents.
Test Prep
All juniors will take the school day SAT on Monday, April 21st. This will be a digital test, and students will use their school-issued Chromebooks.
In advance of the school day SAT, AHS will offer special sessions with a professional test-prep tutor.
Week of March 3rd: General testing strategy & tips - during SET
March 12th: English subject area prep - during lunch
March 13th: Math subject area prep - during lunch
In the meantime, there is lots of free test-prep support that students can access on their own via Khan Academy and/or CollegeBoard's Bluebook App (which is installed on each student's school issued Chromebook). Some students will choose to take additional SAT or ACT tests. Please talk with your Post-Secondary counselor about a personalized testing plan.
SAVE THE DATE! College Application Case Study Program - April 16th
More than 35 college admissions reps are coming to Aspen High School's College Application Case Study on Wednesday, April 16th, from 6-8pm. Juniors and their parents will learn how admissions committees review applications and make decisons. The Case Study Program is followed by a college mini fair where juniors can meet 1:1 with the admissions reps. Stay tuned for more information.
While our office is primarily focused on juniors and seniors this time of year, sophomores are encouraged to schedule an initial meeting with their Post-Secondary Counselor beginning the first week of March. Students with last names A-K will work with Karen Hawkes (khawkes@aspenk12.net), L-Z with Brennan Dignan (bdignan@aspenk12.net). Click here to schedule your appointment, scroll to the bottom and select "Underclassmen Optional Meeting." We'll go over the results of the Indigo Career Interest Survey that sophomores took last week during SET, talk about academic and extra-curricular interests and discuss any initial thoughts students may have about the future. Please, before your 1st Individual Meeting, both students and parents are asked to complete short intake surveys. Intake for Students | Intake for Parents.
Click here for additional information and dates for sophomores including test prep opportunities in advance of the April 21st PSAT.
Virtual Parent Coffee
Join us February 21st for the next Virtual Parent Coffee with Sarah Strassburger.
The meeting will be recorded, and posted to our website, for those who cannot join.
Project Graduation, Class of 2025!
Project Graduation Fundraising Links
The tradition of Project Graduation began in 1989 to provide a safe and fun experience on the evening of graduation. This event is only possible with your help.
Project Graduation is largely funded by the senior class parents. As always, our objective is to keep this a free event for our seniors. To do this, we need to raise $44,000. Our goal is for 100% participation and support from our senior class parents. No donation of money or time is too small or too big. We thank you in advance for your donations and know our students will also be extremely appreciative, when they arrive at the ARC on May 31st.
You can donate online: https://www.successfund.com/AHS2025projectgraduation
You may also donate by logging into your AHS E-funds account or bring a check, payable to Aspen High School Project Graduation, to the High School front office. Checks can also be mailed to: Aspen High School Project Graduation, 0235 High School Road, Aspen, CO 81611.
If you would like more information about specific underwriting opportunities or would like to join one of our planning committees, please email aspenprojectgraduation@aspenk12.net.
Safe2Tell Update
Please use Safe2Tell to anonymously report any concerns! These reports go directly to law enforcement and school administration. Please be sure to say on the report so that the intake operator can ask more questions; there is no way for any of this information to be traced back to you!
Colorado Youth Climate Summit
State and national climate action leaders will be presenting workshops and activities at the first annual Colorado Youth Climate Summit May 2-3 in Carbondale. All interested high school youth (and adult volunteers) are encouraged to apply by March 1st. Youth will leave with their own unique Climate Action Plan to implement in their home communities and will learn how they can earn the Seal of Climate Literacy. www.COYouthClimateSummit.org
Sarah Strassburger
Principal, Aspen High School
School Phone #: (970) 315-3516
Email: sstrassburger@aspenk12.net
Website: https://ahs.aspenk12.net/en-US
Location: 235 High School Road, Aspen, CO, USA
Aspen School District Main Phone #: (970) 925-3760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AspenHighSchool