Dolphin Digest
September 2022

Dear Winter Park Families:
It is my pleasure to officially welcome all new and returning families to the 2024-2025 school year at Winter Park. My hope is that you have enjoyed a safe, happy, and healthy summer, while taking time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate in preparation for a new year.
As your principal and our school’s instructional leader, I think it’s important you know my background in education. I started my teaching career in Columbus County schools before transitioning to NHCS at Eaton Elementary. Over the course of my ten years in the elementary classroom, I taught first, fifth, and mostly third grade, before transitioning to be the assistant principal at Eaton for three years. In April 2021, I had the privilege of taking over as principal at Winter Park, and haven’t looked back since.
Winter Park is truly a special place to learn and grow, and I know that this coming year will be no exception. We will continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for each child, in which we strategically focus on the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of each Winter Park Dolphin that we serve. Our goal is always to maintain a high level of academic excellence, while helping all students see the importance in making a SPLASH each and every day:
Spreading Kindness
Promoting Safety
Listening to Others
Aiming for Excellence
SHowing Respect
Throughout the year, I will share our Dolphin Digest at the start of the month, which will always contain lots of information, including updates and reminders about major events happening in the coming month. Additionally, you might see photos and/or videos highlighting celebrations from the previous month, or even opportunities for you to get involved and/or provide feedback. These newsletters can always be translated into multiple languages using the translate option at the top. In between our monthly newsletter, I will also share a weekly message via email (typically on Sunday evenings) that contains a few reminders about the week ahead.
We are excited to partner with you all to create the ideal environment for each Winter Park student to be successful this year. While it might seem like the first day is still far away, our staff returns next Friday, August 16th, so I felt this final full week of summer might be the perfect time to begin priming your brain for things to come! Check out the many resources below for some back to school items that should be helpful with the upcoming transition. In the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. Looking forward to a fantastic year!
School Improvement Team Representatives
We are in need of parents willing to serve on our school improvement team, which meets once per month; typically on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00pm. This is a great opportunity for anyone to make their voice heard and provide parent/family input as important decisions are made affecting our school community. In addition to parents/family members, the team is made up of a representative from each grade level and department within the school, so it's also a great way to increase connectedness and get to know other school community members. We offer the option to attend in person or virtually, whichever is easiest for your schedule. Also, if a certain part of the year would be easier because of extracurricular schedules, that works too!
If you are interested in serving, please email Mr. Hall ( for more details. Our first meeting of the year is Friday, August 16th from 9:00-11:00am, where we will review data from last year and discuss goals for the new year. Would love to see you there!
Parents' Bill of Rights
On August 15th, 2023, Senate Bill 49 (also known as Parents' Bill of Rights) went into effect. In an effort to assist all families in understanding this legislation, as well as ensure compliance with state policy, NHCS has created the resources below for you to access:
- Parent Guide to Student Achievement
- Parent Involvement in Student Health
- Parent Guide to Submitting Student Concerns & Request for Information
Additionally, click HERE to access additional resources on parent involvement, student surveys, and more. For more information or if you have questions, reach out to Mr. Hall.
Beginning of Year Paperwork
Beginning of Year renewal paperwork for the 2024-2025 school year is now available to complete for all returning families (does not apply to kindergarten families and anyone that is new to NHCS). All families of students who completed the school year with us last year are required to submit the beginning of year renewal forms using the Scribbles online platform from your laptop, mobile device, or desktop computer. If your family has moved, please update the new address on your profile as well as the application and upload a new proof of domicile. Please visit and click the blue “Begin Online Applications” button to log on. We encourage you to complete this online paperwork as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the second week of school. Families that have newly enrolled to NHCS for the 2024-2025 school year are not required to complete renewal applications. If you have any questions or need in-person assistance, please contact our data manager, Jennifer Sumner ( Click HERE for a step-by-step tutorial with images to assist you in completing this process. Thank you for your time and attention in completing this paperwork.
Title 1
Winter Park is a proud Title 1 School. Title 1 is part of a federal education grant meant to provide all children significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. Title I, (part A) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging academic standards. More information will be provided in the coming weeks/months about how we utilize Title 1 funding to support our students.
Other Resources
Bus Transportation
PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a place for parents/guardians to monitor student progress and attendance. Apps are available through google and apple for access via smartphones.
Dates to Know:
Saturday, August 10th:
- School Supplies Giveaway at Long Leaf Baptist Church
(community event)
Friday, August 16th:
- Teachers return to school
Tuesday, August 20th:
- Kindergarten Kick-off Orientation Tours
- 9:00-9:30am
- 4:00-4:30pm
- 5:00-5:30pm
- PTA Kick-off Event (5:30pm)
**More details coming soon!
Thursday, August 22nd:
- Meet the Teacher Open House
- 4:00-6:00pm
Monday, August 26th:
- Opening School Improvement Team meeting (9:00-11:00am)
Tuesday, August 27th:
- First Day for Students!
- Kindergarten Staggered Start: Day 1
Wednesday, August 28th:
- Kindergarten Staggered Start: Day 2
Thursday, August 29th:
- Kindergarten Staggered Start: Day 3
Monday, September 2nd:
- Labor Day Holiday: No school for staff or students
Wednesday, September 4th:
- First PTA Meeting