SJG Weekly Update
9/25/2020 Edition
This was a good but trying week! We had some technical difficulties with the internet and iReady but as we always do, we worked together and made it work for the benefit of our students. We continue to learn from each day of hybrid instruction and to modify our practices. We thank you for your patience, the time you are dedicating to your children's academics at home, and for always supporting our school.
Use of School Google Accounts (Important)
This is a reminder that School Google Accounts should not be used by students for personal conversations in Google Hangouts or for any other personal reasons. The Pequannock Schools Student Google Accounts are for school work only. We actively monitor our students usage and I have noticed that this is an issue. The use of the Google Account is on the permission slip that all parents signed prior to the start of the school year. If a student continuously misuses their google account, it will be disconnected. Thank you.
Students Who Are Late For In-Person School
Students who are late for in-person school need to be walked to the front door by an adult. The other doors around the school are locked after 8:30 and we do not want a student to be accidently locked outside. Thank you for adhering to this procedure.
Masks During Drop Off and Pick Up
Just a reminder that students and parents have to wear masks during drop off and pick up as part of our reopening plan. Please adhere to these safety guidelines. Thank you.
Virtual HSA MEETING Wednesday, September 30th, 7pm
The first HSA Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 30th at 7pm on Zoom. The Zoom link is:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 7174 1971
Passcode: 3WR0!#
Make-Up Picture Day
A make up picture day is currently being scheduled. We will advise everyone as soon as the date is set in stone.
HSA Cornhole Tournament, October 24th
The HSA is hosting it’s 4th annual cornhole. This is a big fundraiser for SJG and a nice night out for parents. If you are interested, click here!
October 5th-8th- Week of Respect
The week of October 5th is the Week of Respect. Our activities are below.
Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School
Location: 59 Boulevard, Pequannock Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 9733055615
Twitter: @SJGPride