Kendallvue Community Newsletter
September 27 - October 3
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
Our Fall Fundraiser is happening now! The Coyote Crawl will be a fun run on Friday, October 4th. There will be fun challenges throughout the course, including a bouncy house! Please make sure you have signed this waiver. We must have this form before Friday: waiver google form. Scan the QR codes on the Coyote Crawl flier to register and donate and to sign up to volunteer. We kick off next week with our Dress for your favorite Decades day on Monday. Our goal is to raise $25,000 or more to support projects that include more free after-school activities for students, an outdoor classroom, shade structures, and more.
Next week is also October Count. October 1st is important for schools because our enrollment numbers are counted on that day to determine our school funding. As we have been stressing this month, attendance is key to student academic success. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest and is able to attend school. Plus they get all the excitement that will come with our Fundraising Spirit Week!
Kendallvue participates in the Jeffco Healthy School Initiative. As a result, we would like to avoid celebrating student birthdays with food. Our classroom parties will also offer a variety of healthy snacks and of course the fun stuff we would expect at holiday parties. Please make sure to read the flier in this newsletter.
Finally, a quick reminder about end of the day pick up. Please do not park along the "hug & go" lane in the afternoon. This makes it difficult for other parents to get into the parking lot. If you need to park, please use the parking lot or park along Cole Street. The yellow painted curb indicates a "no parking" area. If you use the hug and go lane to pick up your student, please always remain with your vehicle. Thanks for your understanding.
As always, we greatly appreciate your partnership and support of our school. Thank you in advance for your donations that help us provide each and every student with the extraordinary experiences they all deserve.
Have a great weekend!
Bruce Lindsey
Fundraiser/Spirit Week
Monday- Decades Day
Tuesday: Dress Like Your Hero
Wednesday: Coyote Colors/Kendallvue Gear
Thursday- PJ and Stuffy Day
Friday- Crawl Day - Your shirt is at school
October 4
Coyote Crawl Fundraiser/Fun Run (schedule)
Must sign waiver for your student(s): waiver google form
October 11
Lunch with a loved one!
*Come eat lunch with your student!
Upcoming Events
Daily - 100 Mile Club @ 7:20 am
September 30 - Spirit Week- Decades Day
October 1 - Spirit Week- Dress Like Your Hero
October 2 - Spirit Week - Coyote Colors/Kendallvue Gear
Ocotber 3- Spirit Week - Pj and Stuffy Day
October 4- Coyote Crawl - Get your shirt at school- must sign waiver: waiver google form
October 7 - Vision/Hearing screening
October 8 - SAC @ 5pmOctober 9 - SEL Virtual Night at Home @ 5pm
October 11- Lunch with a loved one
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Conferences (3-7pm)
October 16 - Fall Conferences (12-4pm) Students Dismissed at 12pm
October 17-18- No school for students
October 22 - Van Goph Picture Retakes
October 25 - Trunk of Treat Night (5-7pm)
October 31 - Halloween Parties
November 1 - Teacher Work Day- No School for students
November 6 - Orchestra @ BCHS 7pm
November 7- Band @ BCHS 7pm
Nov 11 - Veteran's Day Performance 1:30/6:30
Nov 22 - Report Cards Sent HomeNov 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Office Updates
- Picture day proofs were sent home today!
- Please sign up to help with the fundraiser and other school events - https://www.teamkendallvue.com/volunteer/
- Our fundraiser/spirit days are next week! We are trying to raise $25,000!
SEL Nights
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning at Home
October 9th 5-6pm Virtual
Looking to engage parents and caregivers in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being at home? Participants in this workshop explore a variety of strategies they can integrate into their households with learners of all ages. We review a bank of valuable resources parents and caregivers can access for additional information about supporting students’ SEL in intentional ways to build empathy, kindness, and an inclusion mindset.
ID: 83846330417
Join by phone:
(US) +1 646-931-3860
What does it mean to be a Healthy School?
PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of every month! The October PTA meeting is cancelled.
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs
Free Disc Golf Afterschool Program
Space is limited to 30 students
Wednesdays 9/25-10/16
Kendallvue School Accountability Committee
Kendallvue School Accountability Committee (SAC) is another way to get involved in the school. We will have two more meetings this semester (October 8 and November 12). We meet from 5-6pm in the library. Come and check it out - there is no commitment.