The Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 20 - June 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Have a Safe & Happy Summer!
On behalf of all the Butler Staff - "Thank You" for a positive and fulfilling year working with your children! The Butler Staff loves teaching in this community - and we are proud to have involved and dedicated families who send their students to us daily. Our PTO helps us to connect throughout the year, celebrating this school and we are so thankful for their support and energy. Together, the students, staff, PTO, and families help to make Butler an incredible place to LEARN.
Have a happy and safe summer break!
Congratulations, Mrs. Hartzell - Strings Teacher
Congratulations on Your Retirement - Mrs. Hartzell!
Butler's longtime Strings teacher, Mrs. Donna Hartzell, will be retiring at the end of the school year - following a rewarding career as a music teacher - of which 24-years were spent at Butler! June 3rd was Mrs. Hartzell's last concert at Butler - and we are so appreciative of her efforts and passion for teaching children how to read, apply, and perform music. For over 24 years, Mrs. Hartzell helped find the music in each of our students! Thank you, Mrs. Hartzell, for your service to our Butler Community - Best wishes to a wonderful retirement!
Important Information
Anticipated Butler Staffing - 2024-2025
First Grade: Miss Bortz, Mrs. Dubinski (1/2-Year), Miss Fagan, Mrs. Rosica, Vacancy (1/2-Year)
Second Grade: Miss Davenport, Mrs. Deschambeau, Miss Patterson, Ms. Rudolph, Mrs. Warner
Third Grade: Miss Bigler, Mrs. Gelb, Mrs. Gilluly, Mrs. Pilla (Van-Houten), Mrs. Swartley, Mrs. Szczypiorski
Fourth Grade: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Charters, Mrs. Dwyer, Mrs. Masciangelo, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Zahustecher
Fifth Grade: Mr. Goodyear, Mr. Guenst, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Schlotter, Vacancy
Sixth Grade: Mrs. Bobrownicki, Mr. Filson, Mr. Harkrader, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Maduzia, Vacancy
Butler Summer Reading Initiative - Happy Reading w/ Community Retailers!
This summer, Butler Elementary is excited to partner (once again) with many of our favorite local retailers to reward our Butler Summer Readers! Please see the Summer Reading Flyer (below) for a full description of the program, as well as a list of participating retailers. We hope you and your child(ren) enjoy exploring many wonderful books this summer! Happy Reading!
Please click here for an electronic copy of our reading log!
Butler Back to School Night Schedule 2024-2025
Please see the below schedule for Back to School Nights in 24-25. With parking always being a "process" at school, and in considering our household neighbors nearby, we will be focusing on individual sessions across the 3-seperate evenings - with a special "Parent Only" NOVA Social Media Awareness presentation for 5th & 6th Grade parents. Please see schedule below and mark your calendars.
NAESP - Report to Parents: Make Summer Learning a Family Affair
The end of school has come, and "summer break" just begun! It is a great opportunity to "recharge those batteries" while enjoying activities, no schedules, and time with friends. Another important element to the summer is to explore with your families, too! In this school year's final National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) "Report to Parents", explore some ideas for the entire family to learn together throughout the summer months! Enjoy the article, Make Summer Learning a Family Affair and gather ideas on how to enjoy time together... while learning!
"School’s out for summer, but that doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Summer break is the perfect time for families to incorporate lessons into daily activities—and even vacations—to keep kids engaged and their minds active. These fun, brain-friendly activities are a great place to start..."
To read the entire article from the NAESP, please click here.
CB Realignment Plan - Community Update/Board Decision
Thank you to those who have provided feedback and helped guide our decision-making processes. The board also approved the Realignment plan to be implemented in fall, 2026. That plan includes:
• Realignment to a K-5, 6-8, 9-12 configuration. (Current grade configuration is K-6, 7-9, 10-12).
• Implement full day kindergarten in all elementary schools in fall, 2026.
• Establish a full day kindergarten pilot for the 2025-26 school year.
• The Administration will prepare a timeline of tasks to be implemented prior to fall, 2026.
To read the most recent press release about realignment, please visit here (3/13). If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, you can share it here.
Dr. Scanlon, Superintendent
CB's E-Friday Folder - Online Location for Community Offerings
To learn about programs, events, clubs, and athletic organizations in our local area, please be sure to check on e-Friday Folder by clicking here.
Central Bucks School District: Portrait of a Graduate
CBSD Portrait of a Graduate
- Balanced Individuals - February Focus
- Responsible Citizens - October Focus
- Resilient Learners - December Focus
- Critical Thinkers - January Focus
- Effective Communicators - November Focus
- Thoughtful Collaborators - March Focus
- Adaptable Innovators - April Focus
To learn more about our monthly Portrait of a Graduate Page, please click here.
Department News
Health Office Reminders
Hello from the Health Office! We wanted to reach out with a few reminders as the year comes to a close.
Health Screenings: All student health screenings have been completed for the year. To see your child’s results, please log onto the Parent Portal.
Reminders About Required Medical Forms for 24-25:
- All students rising into 3rd grade require submission of a dental examination form.
- All students rising into 6th grade require submission of a physical examination form.
- All students rising into 7th grade require submission of a dental examination form. Please email 7th grade dentals to cbunaminurses@cbsd.org.
- IMPORTANT: All forms must be dated on or after September 2023 and are *due by October 15th of the 24-25 school year*. These forms can be found on the Butler Health Office website.
- Butler Health Office
Support for Families - Contact our Student Counselor Department
Butler Elementary School Counselors are her to support students and families who are in need. If you are a family that needs support, please contact your School Counselor.
School Calendar & Building Updates
School Calendar
Have a Wonderful Summer!
School Offices Open Monday - Thursday (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
Aug. 1 - Class Placement 2024-2025 - Opens Parent Portal
Aug. 29 - New Family Tours - (AM)
Aug. 29 - Kindergarten Orientation - (PM)
Sept. 2 - Labor Day Monday (No School)
Sept. 3 - First Day of School (All Students)
*September Back to School Nights - See Schedule Above
CB East Field Hockey Camp - All Students Grades 2-8
June 17, 18, & 19th - Registration Information Below via My Payments Plus
CB South Titans Volleyball Camp - June 24-27
Interested in learning more about Volleyball or enhancing your skills with a new sport? Join the CB South Titan Volleyball Teams - both boys and girls - for a focused and energy-filled experience. Please see details below - registration can be found on MyPaymentsPlus - CB South Volleyball!
CB West Cheer Camp for KIDS - June 24-26
West Cheer Academy
Grades 1-8
June 24, 25, & 26
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
CB South: Mock Trial Camp - July 8-11
Students in PEN or others interested in law - consider participating in CB South's Mock Trial Camp this summer! See below for details and be sure to register in My Payments Plus - only 24-spots available for all students. See contact information below. July 8th-11th from 9:00am-3:00pm
CB South Field Hockey Camp - August 5-8 (Grades 2-9)
Registration Process: Go to www.mypaymentsplus.com. Once registered, click on the Events and Activities Tab on the left and search CB South Girls Youth Field Hockey Camp. Add it to your cart and checkout!
Each camper will receive excellent instruction from coaches and the current field hockey team, attention to detail, and a reversible camp pinnie.
CB South Ice Hockey - 24-25 Registration News
Hatfield Ice - August 27 & 29 (Middle School - Gr. 5-8)
6th Grade Celebrations - Best Wishes in Middle School! Congratulations!
6th Grade Promotion - June 12, 2024
There are few events during a school year that encompass the importance of a child's educational journey through their formative elementary years. That is why our 6th Grade Promotion is not only a significant milestone for the efforts of a school, but one in which we celebrate the student as individual and as a collective class. The ceremony was led by Mr. Funseth - highlighting the 6th Grades "Promotion to Middle School!" Students were not only recognized for academic achievement, but citizenship at Butler - and the values they learned through the partnerships of both home and school. Congratulations to the Butler Class of 2023-24!
Grade 6 Volleyball Tournament - Students vs. Staff - 6/7/24
The 6th Grade Volleyball Tournament was a culminating activity in the students' phys. ed. curriculum - implementing the skills learned across the last several weeks in a game against members from the Butler Staff. The children were divided into classroom teams as each had a friendly competition against our teachers. Younger classrooms from around the school were excellent spectators, cheering on the 6th graders as they worked together to try and score points against their teachers. Thanks to Mrs. Engart for her help and guidance throughout the unit! Great games, staff and students!
6th Grade Yearbook Distributions
Receiving 6th Grade Yearbooks is a pivotal moment in the lives of our 6th Grade Students at Butler. It is an all-encompassing representation, not just of 6th Grade, but their entire time spent learning what it is to be Butler Bears. The children enjoyed their yearbooks and looking through the pages of memories of their elementary years!
Sending Off 6th Grade PEN
On Their Way!
6th Grade Ice Cream Social - EOY Party
Students were able to enjoy their final End of Year Party as Butler Bears - holding their traditional Ice Cream Party with their classmates.
School Happenings
5th & 6th Grade Spring Concert
The Butler 5th & 6th Grade Strings and Band had a wonderful evening of rhythm, tempo, and fun - making music for our Butler families to enjoy. This was Mrs. Hartzell's last time at the string conductor's stand, and the children were at their best! Mr. Robinson and the band played with big sound featuring percussion, flutes and clarinets! It was a wonderful night of music at Butler!
5th & 6th Grade Strings - Mrs. Hartzell
Students performed 4-pieces helping to create a wonderful night of music at Butler!
5th & 6th Grade Band - Mr. Robinson
Our percussion, brass, and woodwinds played well together - pretending to be pirates, chasing dinosaurs and more!
CB South Senior Walk at Butler - June 11
On June 11th, Butler welcomed back CB South's "former" Bears" holding our Senior Walk through the school! The "soon-to-be" graduates saw their former grade school and were celebrated by our students and staff. Each Senior received a special "goodie-bag" to take with them as almost 60 senior class members came back to visit. Congratulations to the Class of 2024 - best wishes on your futures - forever Butler Bears!
Kids Celebrating Kids & Butler Spirit Assembly
Last Day Spirit Assembly - 6/14
Following our "Kids Celebrating Kids" Assembly - we held our last Spirit Assembly of the year - Celebrating our third Trimester of hard work! Thanks to Ms. Griffin for leading the way! We sang our Butler Song, held a relay race, and enjoyed a slide show featuring our school this last trimester. It was a great way to celebrate the year and look ahead to summer! ALOHA!
CB Art Show - CB South HS - May 31-Jun 2
Be sure to visit CB South this weekend to enjoy and celebrate the art program in CB. Many Butler students will be highlighted with pieces on display. Thanks to Mrs. Casey for her work and effort in supporting student creativity and instilling a love for art in our elementary classrooms. See details below for timing!
Butler Volunteer Tea - June 12
Butler Elementary celebrated our parent volunteers on Wednesday, June 12th in the morning. Staff from Butler created a special spread of breakfast foods and beverages to honor all of the individuals who helped our school throughout the year! Our school thrives on the support of our parents - including the Butler PTO and Executive Board - knowing the connection between home and school in the Butler Community is strong! Thank you, parents!
Move Up Day - June 7
On Friday, June 7, Butler students and staff participated in Move-Up Day festivities - where students met next year's teacher teams! Each staff member shared special highlights of the grade level, a little about themselves, and all the great things they will be learning next year! Most students remained in classrooms as teachers rotated, and all current AM/PM Kindergarten students assembled in the gym to learn about 1st Grade. The school-wide activity was great for students and staff introductions to one another for next year!
Kindergarten Move Up - Cafeteria Visit - 6/7/24
With the half-day schedule for a majority of our Kindergarteners, the "cafeteria" remains a big mystery! To capitalize on having our AM & PM students together for Move Up Day, the Butler Kindergarten class of 23-24 were able to have lunch for the first time as an entire class - sitting in table groups and enjoying the opportunity together! We look forward to having them all back in the 1st grade next school year!
3rd Grade Life Cycles - Butterfly Launch!
Third graders at Butler learned about the life cycle of a butterfly as part of their Life Cycles unit in science. At the end of the unit, students had the opportunity to observe and record the growth of caterpillars, then chrysalises, as they developed into butterflies. After several days of observing the butterflies in class, students ventured outside to release their butterflies into their natural habitat during The Great Butterfly Release of 2024, the culminating activity of this fascinating unit!
Kind Like Joey - June 10
Butler Elementary has a working partnership with the Kind Like Joey Foundation - which honors the legacy of, Joey Edwards, a former Butler Bear. In honor of his birthday, the Butler staff wore Joey gear and/or Black and Yellow to celebrate on June 10th.
Butler PTO Dine & Donate - June 4 at Owowcow!
Butler families had a delicious treat - while celebrating our school by attending the PTO's night out at Owowcow in Chalfont! Thanks to the families who participated - we hope it was delicious!
Last Days of School Fun!
Student Showcase
Breakfast with the Principals May & June!
Butler Elementary School prides itself on upholding to the highest standards of conduct and good work. When students demonstrate and promote our Positive Paw Power Attributes and Butler Pledge (Being: Respectful, Responsible, and Kind), it is noticed and acknowledged by all. Student tickets are placed in the collecting bin in hopes of a special selection, which may include a unique Butler t-shirt or Breakfast with the Principals! Mr. Funseth and Mrs. Dowd held breakfast for our May and June winners on Monday June 10th, being honored with a certificate of recognition acknowledging their time being their best at Butler. Students work hard at helping our building rise to the top each and every day!
Paw Power Winners - 6/7
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
6/7 Winners: Liam K. (Kdg), Chase M. (Gr1), Emma G. (Gr2), Deacon M. (Gr3), Thomas L. (Gr4), Carrie R. (Gr5), Celina A. (Gr6), T-Shirt - Jack S. (Gr2)
Congratulations to all students who earned Positive Paw Power awards!
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
District Details
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Administrative Assistant to Principal: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Administrative Assistant to Assistant Principal: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem
Central Bucks School District
Acting Superintendent: James Scanlon, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools