Preparation for COBE on Moodle!
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Dig into Digital COBE Templates
These courses are:
Ladders (Click here to learn about it)
Let's Talk (click here to learn about it)
Cracking the COBE - parts 1 and 2. (Learnabout them in this newsletter)
Preparation for COBE (Learn about it in this newsletter)
The English Department, Israel Ministry of Education Dig into Digital Moodle courses, provide teachers and students with ready made content and tasks that facilitate independent learning.
The courses include automated instant feedback as well as sections that enable teachers to give their feedback.
The Dig into Digital COBE courses provide many opportunities that encourage pupils to improve their oral proficiency.
Following acquisition of relevant vocabulary and modeling of proper pronunciation, the COBE courses include relevant topics that create opportunities for speaking.
Like the Dig into Digital Let'sTalk course, the COBE courses encourage pupils to practice, practice, and practice.
It should not come as a surprise that Dig into Digital COBE courses help pupils stay calm and speak confidently, working at their own pace.
Finally, Dig into Digital COBE courses reward pupils and recognise their achievements.
There is no doubt that they help pupils succeed in the COBE!
Ministry of Education Moodle Platform "הכנה לבגרות בעל פה באנגלית -Preparation for COBE"
Dear English High School Teachers,
Help your learners get ready for the COBE (Computerized Oral Bagrut Exam) both from school and home in a way that is similar to the ITest and free of charge. We are excited to announce that we have developed a single Ministry of Education Moodle Platform "הכנה לבגרות בעל פה באנגלית -Preparation for COBE" that not only allows students to record themselves on all three parts of the exam but also allows you to assess their recordings for evaluation.
Try Moodle for COBE: All in One Platform!
Try it as a student
Would you like to see a sample copy of this Moodle Template and try it out as a student? You can do so by clicking on the link below:
Guidelines for opening a Moodle Platform with content: Practice for COBE
General Guidelines and Recommendations
General Guidelines and Recommendations:
Each Practice exam is divided into three parts:
● (Part A) Personal Response to a Prompt - 25 points,
● (Part B) Project/Bridging Project Presentation Responding to a Prompt - 25 points, and
● (Part C) Response to an Audio-Visual Prompt - 50 points.
Students are asked questions in each part and record their answers to those questions.
You can set the available time for each practice exam and give students 30 minutes to complete and send their exams.
1. COBE Guidelines 2021 - 20222;
2. Directory to answers about the COBE -Winter 2021-Summer 2022
3. Suggested Technological Guidelines COBE Winter 2021-Summer 22
4. 4 points COBE Matkonet Grade
COBE Practice Template: How teachers grade submissions
Student view - Preparation for COBE
How to use the Template for COBE
Both students and teachers should access the course using the Unique Username and Password provided by The Ministry of Education. It is up to you, teachers, to decide when (and for how long) to make each exam available for students. You can also leave exams hidden from the students’ view.
To work on each exam, students should access each part, read, watch and listen to the contents (instructions) and then proceed to record themselves.
To record themselves, students should click on the Microphone icon, click on the recording button, click on it again when they finish their recording, and attach the recording.
When students submit the recording, it will be available for you to check.