Grades 6-12
September 2019 Newsletter
Jenny Nord
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.us/science
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380)997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools
Welcome, New Teachers!
Lending Library is Up and Running!
Upcoming Conference
Area Conference in Cincinnati: November 14–16, 2019
Science: The Bridge to Endless Possibilities
To help you make the most of the professional development opportunities available at the Cincinnati conference, the Conference Committee has planned the conference around three strands that explore topics of current significance, enabling you to focus on a specific area of interest or need.
Bridging the Three Dimensions of Science Teaching and Learning: Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts
Constructing Bridges: Building Lifelong Appreciation and Passion for Science
Building Strong Bridges: Reinforcing the Connection Between Science and Literacy
Follow the link for more info and to register:
Lab Safety
As you begin the year, make sure you are considering all safety precautions with your labs and activities. Please do NOT use any chemicals or equipment with which you are not familiar or do not have the lab facility to safely use.
Check out the document for Laboratory Safety Guidelines.
Learning Progressions
This month, we are going to add Learning Progressions. Involved in this process is unpacking the standards. Learning Progressions spell out the pathway to proficiency of the standard. They are the intermediate steps students use to reach mastery. It is too broad of a leap to move from the standard to a daily lesson. The Learning Progressions are the essential core concepts and processes that underlie the standard.
As you begin to review the new revised standards, look for steps to break down the standard into learning opportunities. Here is an example as spelled out in The Teacher Clarity Playbook (p. 11):
Conduct an experiment to provide evidence that living things are made of cells-either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
Possible Learning Progressions: I am learning about...
-the differences between living and nonliving things.
-the characteristics of unicellular and multicellular living things.
-using a microscope and related scientific equipment to identify cell types.
-data gathered from a cell investigation and how to extract and analyze data.
-arguments supported by evidence to support or refute the claim that living things are composed of cells.
From here, you would decide the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each Learning Progression.
They're Here!!!
Please note: These standards are for the 2020-2021 school year. They are NOT to be used this school year. There are changes that will be reflected on the 2020-2021 state testing; but those changes will not be addressed on this year's testing.
Content Experts is Back
Articles that May Interest You:
DNA Microscope "Sees through the Eyes of the Cell": A new imaging tool works more like Google Maps than a traditional microscope.
Principles of Instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers should know
NSTA Blog: Scaffolding the Process of Asking Questions and Defining Problems
NIH Director's Blog: The Amazing Brain: Shining a Spot on Individual Neurons (video)
Education Week's Back to School Reading List (32 articles)
Newsela: Scientists Work on Creating their own Fossils
Newsela: Fungi's Role in the Carbon Cycle
Newsela: Humans Are Affecting Species' Biological Carrying Capacity
Resources You Might Find Helpful:
Floating Balloons Video: gravity and air pressure
Teabag Rocket Video: convection
Micropipette Technique: FREE resource
Infographic: Lab Safety Rules
MS Free Download: Constants Exit Ticket
MS: Free Mosa Mack Lesson on C.E.R.
Free Download: Parts of a Cell Trading Cards
Flipping 1.1: Introduction to Flipped Classrooms Video
MS: Free Mystery Game Download: Inferencing, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking
Spruce Run Nature Center
Spruce Run Nature Center is an excellent resource for outdoor education. What a wonderful experience for your students this year! Contact Geri Granger if you are interested in having an experience with your class. Make sure to save your date early in the school year as fall and spring dates fill up quickly.
FeederWatch is a winter-long (November-April) survey of birds that visit feeders at backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America. Participants periodically count the birds they see at their feeders and send their counts to ProjectFeederWatch. https://feederwatch.org
NestWatch is a nationwide monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds, including when nesting occurs, the number of eggs laid, how many eggs hatch, and how many hatchlings survive. Our database is intended to be used to study the current condition of breeding bird populations and how they may be changing over time as a result of climate change, habitat degradation and loss, expansion of urban areas, and the introduction of non-native plants and animals. https://nestwatch.org/
Elm Tree:
Last year the U.S.Forestry Service donated fifty Dutch Elm Resistant trees to Spruce Run Environmental Center.
Ten trees were placed in five different locations on site. Spruce Run will be monitoring the growth of the 50 trees, noting soil types, insect infestation, BHD.
Welcome Back!!! Beginning of Year Ideas
MS 6 First Days Activities: https://mscheska.wordpress.com/2017/08/29/my-5-favorite-first-week-middle-school-science-activities/
The Science Spot MS First Days of School; Classroom Management; Parent Involvement; Class Starters; Words of Wisdom for New Teachers
Steve Spangler MS Back to School Activities
6 Back to School Activities
Learning Library Science Activities
Office of Teaching and Learning
Sandee Donald, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Alyse Clark, Director of Secondary Curriculum Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us